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Tuesday, July 1, 2008
The Power of Love by Sharon Marquart
This painting is titled, "The Power of Love." When I created it I was thinking of a teaching from A Course in Miracles that talks about how we gather various trinkets to make us feel fulfilled when what we are searching for is right here inside of us. The word "LOVE" is written in the center of this heart. The heart is covered with a shield of metal mesh.
We all have LOVE at the core of our being but over our lifetime the losses, betrayals, and disappointments have made us feel unsure about LOVE. We may have given our love to another and experienced that love being rejected, misused, and misunderstood. We have learned to place a covering over LOVE in order to protect it and keep it safe. With our love safe and secure inside of us, we expect to feel great, very satisfied, fulfilled. But, we usually feel empty.
When we keep LOVE protected for safekeeping, we also make it unavailable to our self. Feeling empty and unloved, we begin to search for trinkets - for people, titles, roles, labels, houses, awards, food, and all sorts of trinkets to help us feel full and satisfied. We shop till we drop, getting the latest new digital toy on the market. We watch reality shows of others failing at the presented challenges, making us feel stronger. There is an empty hunger that can never be fully satisfied because what we really want to feel is LOVE.
This is a Divine paradox. We are looking for the LOVE that lives right there inside of us, behind the mesh shield. The love that we are seeking lives and breaths right here in the center of our own heart presence. We can be very thankful because the power of LOVE is so potent that it has the power to tear apart that mesh shield. Once a tiny crack of love escapes, love can keep pouring out.
I look at this painting often to remind myself that LOVE is right here inside of me. LOVE lives right in the center of my heart. LOVE is my identity. LOVE is my power. LOVE is my presence. My healing journey, my spiritual journey, has been about releasing my attachment to the trinkets, to cut away the shield of protection, to allow myself to know the power of LOVE. I ask LOVE to show itself to me as I sit and breath in its essence. I ask LOVE to show me the way. Now that is the Power of LOVE. Download these e-books for free: "9 Steps To A Happier Healthier You"
"7 Easy Ways To Change Your Life Forever"
About the Author
Sharon Marquart is the founder and Director of Living at YES! She is a Certified Holistic Life Coach and teacher of metaphysics. Sharon has been teaching for more than 12 years. As a dynamic teacher, motivational speaker, life coach and successful author Sharon inspires hundreds of men and women to live their best lives and achieve their objectives. Sharon has been able to accomplish this by applying the methods and philosophies of metaphys
Pregnancy and Bikram Yoga by Chris Boundikas
Bikram Yoga is a Yoga Routine developed by Calcutta born Bikram Choudhury that utilizes heat to promote greater flexibility and bodily detoxification. Bikram, or, Hot Yoga is known to have many beneficial properties for those who practice it including weight loss and the promotion of healing of past injuries. Heat is a primary factor in the practice of Bikram Yoga, and those who first start the routine that involves 26 poses (hanthas) and 2 pranayama exercises, have experience feelings of nausea and dizziness due to dehydration. These symptoms eventually subside as the beginners eventually learn to drink more water and their bodies start to adapt to the heat. Pregnant women, however, are discouraged from taking up a Bikram Yoga routine.
According to some, pregnancy and Bikram Yoga do not mix. Many experts express concern that engaging in Yoga practices in such a high heat could lead to complications during a pregnancy, especially for women whose body�s are not adapted to such temperatures. Practicing Bikram Yoga raises your core body temperature just like sitting in a hot tub would and most doctors would recommend pregnant women to stay away from such activities. Also, when your body heats up, your blood tends to flow to the skin in an attempt to cool off diverting blood away from the heart and the baby.
Advocates of Bikram Yoga however, recommend those pregnant women who have been practicing hot yoga for a while to continue with it until up to the third trimester or until you are no longer to lie down on your abdomen. If you are a longtime Bikram Yoga participant, then your body has become used to the heat and you will have a less likely chance of overheating. They also claim that practicing Bikram Yoga while pregnant can have many useful benefits including the reduction of lower back pain.
The best thing a pregnant woman can do when making a decision about whether or not to continue to practice an a routine in such an intense heat is to listen to your own body and to make a decision that is best for you and your baby. If you have any doubts whatsoever about continuing with your Bikram Yoga routine while pregnant, than you should probably stop. Continuing and then stressing about it, will only lead to more complications. There are many other, gentler yoga practices out there that are perfectly safe for a pregnant woman to engage in that will not overheat the body. It is important to avoid postures that cause compression of the diaphragm or heart and to separate your feet slightly in standing positions. After the pregnancy you can always go back to Bikram Yoga.
About the Author
yoga lover
Hermeticism, Black Sun And Other Secrets by Juraj Sipos
Clerics have always held a robust sway on all emperors, starting with pharaohs. Hermeticism is a predecessor of alchemy; alchemy is a predecessor of freemasonry. Science of the occult comes from the Sun - it is the explosion of Light. Hermeticism is an ancient collection of occult knowledge and its tradition is based upon a bizarre concept of two suns, which also penetrated into alchemy. Alchemy, albeit partially a deceptive tool of certain (occult) groups to gain a control of medieval emperors, was apart from its physical experimentation with matter also a spiritual path with arcane philosophy. Some adepts believed that they could find the Philosophers' Stone. The progress of success in one's work was termed as Black Sun - or Sol Niger - an old alchemic term. Hermes Trismegistos (ancient Egypt), who is supposed to be the author of various ancient scripts about hermeticism, had been an Egyptian.
Black Sun
When he opened the sixth seal, I looked, and behold: there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth…“ Revelation 6: 12
The symbol of Black Sun had been used in ancient China more than 3000 years before Christ - the nephrite disc is found in archeological excavations in graves of higher Chinese caste. It is a disc with a circle aperture. The aperture most probably signifies blackness of the sun during sun eclipse; the term “black†comes from this wonder of nature. You can see pictures of such a nephrite disc and Black Sun on my website:
This symbol also personifies the Egyptian god Ra - a small dot in the middle of a circle is a symbol for Ra in hieroglyph writing. Does this mean that eclipse has always been considered a gateway to secrets and expectations of significant changes? Nazis used this symbol too. Why?
Prima Matra and Vril
Prima Matra is an ancient term. The Matter, according to this concept, had had its purest fundamental nature at the very beginning of Creation. It is Prima Matra. Alchemists perceive Prima Matra as the most mystic energy - it can be also termed as Vril known in mystic waters under various names such as Holy Spirit, Mana, Prana, Philosophers' Stone, Chi, Kundalini, Ilu or Orgone…
Edward Bulwer-Lytton - a playwright, poet and politician (1803-1873) - brought to light the term Vril. He wrote a book (a kind of a utopia similar to Francis Bacon's New Atlantis) entitled The Coming Race where he describes a very advanced master race living in the underground, which the author had allegedly visited while exploring mines with his friend. The book is written so persuasively that many readers started to believe it had really happened. In addition, it also became a basis for establishment of a few secret societies.
The name of the Nazi military organization SS could simultaneously hide from view another message - a secret SS part - an organization in the organization, as can be assumed by German abbreviation for Black Sun, which is Schwartze Sonne. An interesting argument that may support this notion is the factual existence of Black Sun in the Nazi heraldry (two flashes of lightning in the shape of S inside a dark circle).
In the beginning of the 20th century, a secret Vril society was formed in Germany, as Bergier and Pauwels claim in their book entitled Le Matin des Magiciens (1960). A very strong medium of this society was Maria Orsitsch or Orsic (written differently, as it is a Croatian name). She was first mentioned in books of the above authors.
The Vril society was purely a female group and Maria had allegedly contacts with extraterrestrials. But this was not the only secret group mentioned in reference to history of Germanic and Nazi secret movements. DHvSS (in German: Die Herren vom Schwarzen Stein) is a group of “men of black stone†the origin of which goes back to medieval Europe when Templars first visited the Orient. Of a few other similar groups we may also mention the Thule Society, which started in 1911.
Vril as a group of secret enthusiastic members slithered to life again from its black habitats and it is presently known as Causa Nostra. Their website has also some reference to German admiral Canaris, who participated in anti-Nazi opposition. Wilhelm Canaris was the head of Abwehr - German intelligence; he also stood behind attempts to assassinate Hitler. Canaris also saved lives of a number of Jews. Nazis executed him at the end of World War II. Canaris could be involved in many other secret activities of the Nazi Germany.
This is an enigmatic German goddess, but only a modicum of information is available about her. Isais is very similar to the Egyptian goddess Isis. Templars had allegedly imported her to Europe from the Orient in the year 1220 and thus the group DHvSS had been formed with Ilu as their Holy Grail. The source of this information comes from the Thule temple's website.
Holy Grail
It is not any beautiful cup as most people might think, but rather a black dish or stone Jesus had allegedly drunk wine from; those who believe in the existence of this stone think that it has robust miraculous powers. The first reference about the Holy Grail made Chrétien de Troyes in a poem in about 1180-1191.
The bigger the secret comes into our hands, the more we are drawn by the magnetic possession and blackness of it into the overt oddities of the universe.
About the Author
Juraj is actually George - it is an old name, a Slavic adaptation of the Greek name Georgus. Georgus lives in Europe, but some time in the past he had luck to travel around the world and look a little at India and Australian aborigines, and see few glimpses of the utmost secrets. Juraj's hobbies are computers, mostly Unix, but also spirituality.