Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Power of Love by Sharon Marquart

If I were to ask you to point to yourself, you would most likely point to the center of your chest, to the area of your heart charka. If I were to ask you close your eyes and place your attention on love, again, you would most likely place your focus on your heart charka. Why is this? At our core we all know that we are the presence of love and the energy of love is based in our heart charka.

This painting is titled, "The Power of Love." When I created it I was thinking of a teaching from A Course in Miracles that talks about how we gather various trinkets to make us feel fulfilled when what we are searching for is right here inside of us. The word "LOVE" is written in the center of this heart. The heart is covered with a shield of metal mesh.

We all have LOVE at the core of our being but over our lifetime the losses, betrayals, and disappointments have made us feel unsure about LOVE. We may have given our love to another and experienced that love being rejected, misused, and misunderstood. We have learned to place a covering over LOVE in order to protect it and keep it safe. With our love safe and secure inside of us, we expect to feel great, very satisfied, fulfilled. But, we usually feel empty.

When we keep LOVE protected for safekeeping, we also make it unavailable to our self. Feeling empty and unloved, we begin to search for trinkets - for people, titles, roles, labels, houses, awards, food, and all sorts of trinkets to help us feel full and satisfied. We shop till we drop, getting the latest new digital toy on the market. We watch reality shows of others failing at the presented challenges, making us feel stronger. There is an empty hunger that can never be fully satisfied because what we really want to feel is LOVE.

This is a Divine paradox. We are looking for the LOVE that lives right there inside of us, behind the mesh shield. The love that we are seeking lives and breaths right here in the center of our own heart presence. We can be very thankful because the power of LOVE is so potent that it has the power to tear apart that mesh shield. Once a tiny crack of love escapes, love can keep pouring out.

I look at this painting often to remind myself that LOVE is right here inside of me. LOVE lives right in the center of my heart. LOVE is my identity. LOVE is my power. LOVE is my presence. My healing journey, my spiritual journey, has been about releasing my attachment to the trinkets, to cut away the shield of protection, to allow myself to know the power of LOVE. I ask LOVE to show itself to me as I sit and breath in its essence. I ask LOVE to show me the way. Now that is the Power of LOVE. Download these e-books for free: "9 Steps To A Happier Healthier You" http://www.livingatyes.com/free-ebook/9StepsToAHappierHealthierYou.php

"7 Easy Ways To Change Your Life Forever" http://www.livingatyes.com/freee-book/7easywaystochangeyourlifeforever.php

About the Author

Sharon Marquart is the founder and Director of Living at YES! She is a Certified Holistic Life Coach and teacher of metaphysics. Sharon has been teaching for more than 12 years. As a dynamic teacher, motivational speaker, life coach and successful author Sharon inspires hundreds of men and women to live their best lives and achieve their objectives. Sharon has been able to accomplish this by applying the methods and philosophies of metaphys

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