KEEP YOUR WOMEN SILENT IN CHURCH! This little statement is made in the bible by Paul. A little statement it may be but because it is in the bible and because many people still believe that that book is the undisputed word of God, every single word of it, women have been unfairly discriminated against and excluded for nearly 2000years. We know that Paul did not particularly like women due to the high regard in which Jesus held Mary Magdalene. We know that she was not, as the bible will tell you, a penitent whore. We know that she was a High Priestess and that furthermore, she was the wife of Jesus. We know that there were many female disciples although they were totally ignored by the composers of the bible. When Paul asked Jesus why he let Mary Magdalene speak about God and Spirit he said; "Whosoever speaks the word of God is divinely ordained to speak". That is as clear as it can be, isn't it? In conversation with a church elder recently, I asked why some churches objected so vehemently to female priests or vicars. I was told that the church did not object to visiting female vicars but that a female should never be allowed to be the vicar in charge. When I asked why not he said that Paul had said that the leader of your church must be a man of good character. The most important part of the statement, to me would be the `good character' piece. That was the essence of the statement after all. The male dominated Christian church has latched onto the `man' word and applied that as the letter of the law rather than the `good character. So where does this regarding females as some kind of inferior being, come from? Well it started with Paul, was adopted by Constantine and his emerging church of Rome and was incorporated into the works chosen to make up the bible. And for nearly 2000 years it has made the position of the spiritual female just that much harder. The situation was made entirely worse by Pope Gregory 1st in the relatively early days of the Roman Catholic Church, who declared that, as the Gospel of Luke had declared that Mary had `had seven demons cast out of her' that she must have `perfumed her flesh with forbidden acts.' Since that time the church has wrongly portrayed Mary Magdalene as a prostitute - may the Angels forgive them. As Lynn Picknett says in her excellent book, `Mary Magdalene - Christianity's Hidden Goddess': Only in 1969 did the Roman Catholic Church repeal Gregory's labelling of Mary Magdalene as a whore, thereby admitting their error. Though the image of Mary Magdalene as a penitent whore has remained in the public teachings of all Christian denominations. Like a small erratum buried in the back pages of a newspaper, the church's correction goes unnoticed while the initial defamatory article continues to influence readers. In `The Templar Revelation' by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince the authors, when talking of Mary Magdalene state that: It is clear from the way that she is mentioned that she was the most important of all Jesus' female disciples, almost all of whom have been almost totally ignored by the church. First century Jews may have had sociological and religious problems with the concept of important women, simply because of their culture, more recent critics have no excuse. During the never-ending arguments about women priests, extraordinary misrepresentations of Jesus' followers were cited as proof that women were not meant to be members of the clergy. Right from the start and the Garden of Eden the bible portrays the female as the villain. She is the corrupter of man!! Make no mistake, our patriarchal churches have quite deliberately demeaned and blamed the female. And does it not seem strange that we have an all-male Holy Trinity? God the father, God the son, God the Holy Ghost. A clear agenda is evident to all readers that women are unworthy. But this is clearly wrong. It is just another part of the dogma that is doomed to fail. Love is within all of us. Love is in all of nature. The Earth is your mother. She gives you all you need to exist and live, much as your biological mother does. The love of the mother knows no bounds and is unconditional. This love and at this level, is only found in the female. Through the female the male finds the experience of true divine love, and through making love, he connects with Great Spirit at the ultimate level for this earthly plane. So it is quite clear that the female on earth is love. The church preaches love but tries to exclude the female, declaring that she is unworthy to preach!! Folly indeed. Until it can learn to warm its cold and unfeeling heart towards the female it is far from spirit. Everyone is of equal importance to spirit, for each of you are sparks from the light, but the female you should revere. Females, through love, carry new life in their bodies and bring that new life into the world. Their cycle of life and egg producing itself coincides with the cycle of the Moon, itself long held as a symbol of femininity and love. Spiritual females should always allow Moonlight to fall upon them while they sleep. Females nurture the children, love them, teach them and show them right from wrong. At this time all of this comes from a female living in a world that is far from being deeply spiritual, a world that struggles to comprehend true spirituality. Can you imagine the heights of understanding and love that can be imparted by a female living a deeply spiritual life. Before the bible writers, where were the enlightened ones most prevalent in the preceding centuries? Why, Egypt of course! Pythagoras, Pluto and many other early scholars and thinkers studied with the priests at Heliopolis in Egypt. Over the preceding millennia those priests numbered many females among them. There was always a woman in the Temple Of Thoth holding the title, `Mistress of the House of Books' which included the Egyptian Book Of The Dead. And it is worthy of note that women in ancient Egypt were the freest in the world both legally and morally. It is a far cry from our so-called Christian churches whose bible teaches, `Keep your women silent in church' who fought the ordination of women, and still do! A church built to control the people through imparting fear of what may await them after death, and in suppressing the female, can only implode, for it does not teach the truth.
About the Author
Editor of the website and psychic investigator
Get More Information Spirituality, inner guidance meditation, Your Expanded Aura is Infinite Why Friday the 13th is a Very Lucky Day, Indeed DEATH AND THE GREETERS Train your Sixth Sense: 4 powerful methods to boost your psychic sensory with assimilation

Friday, June 13, 2008
Kabbalah Says: There Is No Coercion in Spirituality by Bnei Baruch
What's it like to be a Kabbalist? Can you see through walls? Do you live in seclusion, meditating all day and using just the barest necessities? Can you manipulate other people's thoughts and feelings? Can you stop a train with just your thoughts?
The fact is that a Kabbalist's only concern is to be in harmony with the force that enlivens the whole of reality, called "Upper Light." When one gains contact with this Upper Light, one changes from within and begins to feel new sensations. Actually, what one feels are the qualities that are present in the Upper Light - qualities of love, bestowal, perfection, and eternity. The Kabbalist's relationship with the Upper Light is called the "Upper World," a realm beyond time and space.
As a result of the Kabbalist's internal changes, his relation toward others also changes. He naturally begins to feel love toward other people, as if they were his kin. This is because he is occupied with his relationship with the Upper Light, and since the Upper Light is all love and bestowal, the Kabbalist naturally adopts these qualities as well.
However, this isn't something that you will necessarily be able to discern on the outside. A Kabbalist doesn't change because someone teaches him how to behave and preaches moral principles to him, or because he reads about "proper behavior." Any changes in his attitude occur naturally, without any coercion or external instruction.
Kabbalah maintains that any teaching or activity that restrains a person is faulty. We cannot enforce any kind of behavior on people, since this is simply ineffective. Therefore, Kabbalistic education does not try to suppress any of our habits or preferences. Rather, Kabbalah guides a person on how to achieve balance and harmony with Nature from within, and only if the person desires this. Through Kabbalah, one learns about the qualities of the Upper Light, how to gain contact with it, and how to become similar to it.
Therefore, there is no coercion in teaching people the wisdom of Kabbalah. When Rav Kook, the great 20th century Kabbalist, was asked who could study Kabbalah, his answer was: "Anyone who wants to." And in fact, it also works the other way around: You can't really study Kabbalah if you don't desire it; because what you study - the connection with the Upper Light - is felt specifically through your desire. So it would be incorrect to urge anyone to study, since it can't bear any fruit.
Today, Kabbalah is available to all, and anyone who wishes is able to learn about the Upper Light, its qualities, and how to achieve harmony with it.
About the Author
Bnei Baruch is the largest group of Kabbalists in Israel, sharing the wisdom of Kabbalah with the entire world. Study materials in over 25 languages are based on authentic Kabbalah texts that were passed down from generation to generation.
The fact is that a Kabbalist's only concern is to be in harmony with the force that enlivens the whole of reality, called "Upper Light." When one gains contact with this Upper Light, one changes from within and begins to feel new sensations. Actually, what one feels are the qualities that are present in the Upper Light - qualities of love, bestowal, perfection, and eternity. The Kabbalist's relationship with the Upper Light is called the "Upper World," a realm beyond time and space.
As a result of the Kabbalist's internal changes, his relation toward others also changes. He naturally begins to feel love toward other people, as if they were his kin. This is because he is occupied with his relationship with the Upper Light, and since the Upper Light is all love and bestowal, the Kabbalist naturally adopts these qualities as well.
However, this isn't something that you will necessarily be able to discern on the outside. A Kabbalist doesn't change because someone teaches him how to behave and preaches moral principles to him, or because he reads about "proper behavior." Any changes in his attitude occur naturally, without any coercion or external instruction.
Kabbalah maintains that any teaching or activity that restrains a person is faulty. We cannot enforce any kind of behavior on people, since this is simply ineffective. Therefore, Kabbalistic education does not try to suppress any of our habits or preferences. Rather, Kabbalah guides a person on how to achieve balance and harmony with Nature from within, and only if the person desires this. Through Kabbalah, one learns about the qualities of the Upper Light, how to gain contact with it, and how to become similar to it.
Therefore, there is no coercion in teaching people the wisdom of Kabbalah. When Rav Kook, the great 20th century Kabbalist, was asked who could study Kabbalah, his answer was: "Anyone who wants to." And in fact, it also works the other way around: You can't really study Kabbalah if you don't desire it; because what you study - the connection with the Upper Light - is felt specifically through your desire. So it would be incorrect to urge anyone to study, since it can't bear any fruit.
Today, Kabbalah is available to all, and anyone who wishes is able to learn about the Upper Light, its qualities, and how to achieve harmony with it.
About the Author
Bnei Baruch is the largest group of Kabbalists in Israel, sharing the wisdom of Kabbalah with the entire world. Study materials in over 25 languages are based on authentic Kabbalah texts that were passed down from generation to generation.
inner guidance meditation by Jack chua
There are many ways to meditate. Some of the most popular ways of meditation include chanting a mantra while sitting and eyes closed. The mantra should be a word that has no meaning to you so that you do not get distracted by the meaning. For example if you chant "car' or "Toyota', you probably be thinking about what your next car going to be, although this might help you to manifest a new car quickly in the near future. If you have watch Ronda bryne's 'The Secret", you will know what I mean.
Another popular way of meditation is to focus on one object in your mind's eye, for example you can visualize a candle in front of your mind's eye. Keep your focus on the candle and gently let go of any intrusive thoughts like have I paid my parking fines.
Also another way of meditation is to visualize a clock on the wall in your mind's eye, and watch it tick second by second or minute by minute. This can help you focus your mind.
If you are looking for any insight into a problem or an issue, Mentally say to your self that you wish to know this or that. And continue doing the meditation. Sometimes after awhile, your subconscious mind you show you something. It will show you in the form of a image or feeling. When you are relaxed, you should be able to know that an insight is given.
I sometimes like to use a pendulum when doing meditation. A pendulum can be a ring with a string tied to it, or you can buy one from new age stores.
Before I start, I will test the response. You should already have calibrated it. You should already know the position for YES and position for NO. Most common position for YES is swing in front of you and side to side is NO.
Sit in a comfortable chair and hold the pendulum in one hand. It is preferable to have a chair that can support the elbow holding the pendulum.
There are too many things to ask your inner guidance, but after 5 minutes querying you inner guidance, you would naturally fall into a meditative state, you brain wave would have slowed down and you now feel relaxed.
I once ask my inner guidance using dowsing if a certain area on my physical body has a past life problem, In the meditative stage, it show me a warrior who was impale from behind. It may be possible to query your inner guidance as to how to heal the problem. But you need to ask the right question.
About the Author
Jack chua is a meditation student and has interest in hypnosis
Another popular way of meditation is to focus on one object in your mind's eye, for example you can visualize a candle in front of your mind's eye. Keep your focus on the candle and gently let go of any intrusive thoughts like have I paid my parking fines.
Also another way of meditation is to visualize a clock on the wall in your mind's eye, and watch it tick second by second or minute by minute. This can help you focus your mind.
If you are looking for any insight into a problem or an issue, Mentally say to your self that you wish to know this or that. And continue doing the meditation. Sometimes after awhile, your subconscious mind you show you something. It will show you in the form of a image or feeling. When you are relaxed, you should be able to know that an insight is given.
I sometimes like to use a pendulum when doing meditation. A pendulum can be a ring with a string tied to it, or you can buy one from new age stores.
Before I start, I will test the response. You should already have calibrated it. You should already know the position for YES and position for NO. Most common position for YES is swing in front of you and side to side is NO.
Sit in a comfortable chair and hold the pendulum in one hand. It is preferable to have a chair that can support the elbow holding the pendulum.
There are too many things to ask your inner guidance, but after 5 minutes querying you inner guidance, you would naturally fall into a meditative state, you brain wave would have slowed down and you now feel relaxed.
I once ask my inner guidance using dowsing if a certain area on my physical body has a past life problem, In the meditative stage, it show me a warrior who was impale from behind. It may be possible to query your inner guidance as to how to heal the problem. But you need to ask the right question.
About the Author
Jack chua is a meditation student and has interest in hypnosis
It is difficult isn't it, telling people that there is no heaven and no hell, that these places were an invention of the church, many, many years ago. The affect of all this is that many people live in fear of death. Even the devout are never really sure which way they are going and so the fear is there even for them. The words we use to define this perfectly natural time of our continuing existence only serves to remove all hope! Death, Die & Dead. It all sounds so very final! If something dies, it is the end. Churches even teach you that you stay dead until the `terrible day of judgement' and then we have the crazy idea of purgatory! How terrifying is that? Talk about subservience through fear. So let's have an end to all this stupidity now. Let me tell you what really happens when you pass back intro spirit from whence you came. Then you can go and lead your life and forget the attempts by the church to make you afraid, and you can be assured by the knowledge that love and light await you, no matter what. Many people who have NDEs or a Near Death Experience, report seeing a bright light and people, figures on the other side of it. This tunnel of light is a huge energy barrier that separates the physical experience from the spiritual realm. Once we do pass over and through this barrier the silver cord is severed and the spirit's link to the earthly body is lost. The body begins to deteriorate almost immediately as it is no longer occupied by the energy force that kept it `alive'. When you do pass over there are always one or two or even more on hand to greet you and help you with any confusion that you may be feeling at that time. You will recognise the greeters as you will have known them in previous existences and in between. With them you will feel at ease and an incredible sense of love and peace will envelop you. Obviously all bodily malfunctions through age or injury that held you back will cease to be and you will feel whole again. To assist with the passing over and the acceptance of it, to a large extent you will see what you always believed that you would. Therefore if a person believed that they were going to hell, that is what they would see, but the images would soon fade and they would be greeted by loved ones. If a person has failed in their life's mission and succumbed to the love of the world's wealth or did not achieve what they wanted to achieve in that lifetime, there is no judgement, no wrath. There will be major disappointment in your spirit for you will have failed to achieve what you chose to live that life to do. Your spirit or karma may have been damaged and you will spend a time healing, where you can review your failures and see the error in the love of the world's wealth rather than real love and compassion, before deciding to perhaps return again. There is no judgement. There is only help and love. In leading a life of greed, materialism or hatred, you only damage yourself and your spirit, you damage and hinder your own soul's progression towards perfection. And perfection is total and all embracing love and eventual oneness with the creator/god this massive positive energy force that surges through the universe. For remember: we are energy. Every soul can lead many lives. It seems a little naïve to me that people can believe that a spirit can be bon into a body once, but that it is not capable of doing it twice, three times or many times in order to achieve perfection. Surely it is a rather sadistic God who would say, “ Just one shot at it, then into the lake of fire with you!†Churches do not want you to believe in many lives and prior existences because it loosens their grip of fear and they no longer have control. The leaders of all the great ancient schools of wisdom knew of pre vious and successive existence, but it has been closed off to general knowledge by the rise in religion over the last 2000 years. A religion steeped in dogma and control that bears little resemblance to the real lives of Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalene and the many, many disciples, many of whom were women. But that is another truth and it is dealt with in the book Buried By The Church. Even the Hindu school of thought uses control though in a different manner because they say that: “This man has done something in a previous existence to make him suffer now. Therefore why should I help him? He has done something to deserve this.†In this way they are using the same tactics as Christianity. ---------------------------- There are many levels of existence. This earthly level of incarnation is hopefully allowing you to improve your spirit, soul or karma. It is all about your learning experiences, your spiritual development and improvement. Above our level is the guides and the higher evolved ones who re-incarnate to help, but that is another topic for another day! Suffice it to say that they are here now! Below us are the earth bound negative spirits, then the animal spirits, most of which are herd spirits similarly the birds (have you ever wondered by a flock of thousands of birds all change direction in a nano-second?) Animals that are shown great love during their time on earth have the opportunity to progress upon their return to spirit. A much-loved dog or other pet experiences such love that it is allowed to progress. Then there are the elementals or nature spirits. The guardians of nature, these are what you might call faeries, elves, and the like. These are only names given to nature spirits when they have been spotted on the rare occasions that they manifest themselves. There is a whole folklore surrounding these creatures now, most of it untrue! Talk to someone about faeries and elves and ask them if they believe and they will tell you “NO!†It is the folklore that they don't believe in. Take that same person to the forest on a warm sunny day and enjoy the quiet. They will confess that they feel a certain magic about the forest. It is these nature spirits, these elementals that will be busy in the time leading up to the earth shift and immediately following it.
About the Author
A Editor of and psychic investigator
About the Author
A Editor of and psychic investigator
Be the Difference by Neal Sutton
BE THE DIFFERENCE! For the last two thousand years (and probably before that) religious intolerance has been one of the primary reasons why peoples across the planet have not been able to `get on' together. I forget who it was who said, "For good men to do evil it takes religion" but it certainly appears to be true. Is there a religion anywhere that does not preach love, compassion and understanding at its heart? I cannot think of one. So please explain to me someone, why it is that there is so much hatred across the world in the name of religion. Muslims hold placards aloft demanding that someone should die because of something they might have said. And it is not just today that the problem has been with us. The Roman Catholics were extremely intolerant of anyone who did not accept Catholicism as the orthodox religion; indeed, anyone daring to differ in any way were immediately branded as heretics and hunted, tortured to confess all manner of heresy and then burned at the stake, if they survived the interrogation! Who can forget the shocking pictures of protestant school children having to face a barrage of spitting, shouting and verbal abuse from Catholic adults because their route to school took them down a Catholic street? The children were as young as seven and eight and were crying hysterically for fear of what these `adults' may do. What kind of God would anyone be following that would condone such shockingly infantile and cowardly behaviour towards children? What kind of God is happy to see his representatives on earth torturing and burning his `children'? What kind of god wants any kind of negative activity from anyone? What kind of God wants any negative thoughts from anyone?
Just as love, compassion and happiness are positive emotions and the epitome of everything that spirit requires of us in order to grow, so too are hatred, greed and anger very negative emotions that can and do damage your spirit or karma.
It does not matter to me what religion you follow. I don't care whether you feel that you must pray every half hour, or whether you feel it is wrong to eat pork on a Friday. I don't care if you feel you have to cover your body in tattoos and run naked up the Blackpool tower if you feel it makes you closer to God, whoever you perceive him or her to be. All these things are the rules of your particular `religion' and they do not come direct from spirit. They are rules made by people sometime in the past. If your religion requires you to hate and murder, then you do your spirit untold harm. The only thing that spirit requires of you, that your spirituality may grow, your karma positively affected, is that you love more people, love the people you meet, be tolerant of the differences you perceive. Be compassionate to everyone. Help everyone who needs your help. Freely give it for it is a gift for you to pass on. In a world of hatred and intolerance you must be the difference. There will never be a massive change for the better unless we all become part of its creation. YOU can be a big part of it! BE the difference you wish to see in the world. You should do this above all else in your life.
"One hundred years from now it will not matter the sort of house I lived in, what my bank account was, or the car that I drove. But the world may be a better place because I was important in the life of a child or any one of God's creatures on Earth"
About the Author
Author of the spirituality Matters website and articles relating to spirituality
Just as love, compassion and happiness are positive emotions and the epitome of everything that spirit requires of us in order to grow, so too are hatred, greed and anger very negative emotions that can and do damage your spirit or karma.
It does not matter to me what religion you follow. I don't care whether you feel that you must pray every half hour, or whether you feel it is wrong to eat pork on a Friday. I don't care if you feel you have to cover your body in tattoos and run naked up the Blackpool tower if you feel it makes you closer to God, whoever you perceive him or her to be. All these things are the rules of your particular `religion' and they do not come direct from spirit. They are rules made by people sometime in the past. If your religion requires you to hate and murder, then you do your spirit untold harm. The only thing that spirit requires of you, that your spirituality may grow, your karma positively affected, is that you love more people, love the people you meet, be tolerant of the differences you perceive. Be compassionate to everyone. Help everyone who needs your help. Freely give it for it is a gift for you to pass on. In a world of hatred and intolerance you must be the difference. There will never be a massive change for the better unless we all become part of its creation. YOU can be a big part of it! BE the difference you wish to see in the world. You should do this above all else in your life.
"One hundred years from now it will not matter the sort of house I lived in, what my bank account was, or the car that I drove. But the world may be a better place because I was important in the life of a child or any one of God's creatures on Earth"
About the Author
Author of the spirituality Matters website and articles relating to spirituality
Train your Sixth Sense: 4 powerful methods to boost your psychic sensory with assimilation by Higher Balance Institute
In this tutorial, I'm going to show you a tool that will lead you to remarkable levels of understanding that few have ever reached.
The advantages to this are that you will have rich and productive conversations with people because you'll truly understand them. I'll also show you how to use this tool to observe the world around you in a completely new way!
This mental skill is called Assimilation, and various schools around the world have been teaching it for a very long time.
Assimilation is to 'experience a thing as it experiences', and you're ability to truly experience will grow rapidly. So get ready to unearth many extraordinary and exciting things that are far out of reach with typical perception!
It's Easy! So let's get started! The most important things to remember are:
1. Using Visualization. 2. And paying attention to how you Feel.
You can Assimilate pretty much anything, but let's start with what we know: People.
People are good to start with because you have a good idea what its like, right? When you Assimilate someone, imagine yourself in their body.
Start off with the basic things like clothes and accessories. Feel their clothing on your body. How does the clothing feel? Do you feel like the clothes affect their disposition or comfort level in some way? How do their watches, rings, and chains make you feel?
Next, consider their physical attributes, like height, weight, and age. How do these things affect their state of mind and actions? Don't over-analyze it, just try to feel or imagine it, and trust whatever you get.
By feeling all these things and imagining it all, it is like putting pieces of a puzzle together; it begins to form an overall experience. The more pieces you can add the more complete the picture becomes!
Now here's a great key! Copy the face, exaggerate it. This really tunes you in to their feelings and often times more!
The eyes are the window to the soul. But don't over-think what you find; just focus on the feeling and trust it. 90% of the time you'll be right!
Note: It's important to have the subject you are Assimilating within visual range. Because of this, places like a coffee house, the train, or the gym are good places to practice.
Assimilating animals is really fun. I encourage everyone I teach to go to the zoo to do it. With animals, you really want to strive to use 'non-human' ways of sensing and thinking. Here's a hint: Animals don't have the mental chatter that humans do, and rely more on instinct for the choices they make.
Different animals have different sense abilities. For example, some see from the front and some the sides, some can see well in the dark, or have telescopic vision. Dogs see greens and yellows better than reds and blues, and birds can see ultraviolet light.
Here are some things to consider: Have you ever seen how entertained a cat can be while smelling the various scents of an open window? What about the point of habitat? Do they live lower to the ground, on trees? Think how worms always feel walls around them.
Be careful not to inject human thinking or human emotions into your subject. An ant probably doesn't feel sad about living as a nectar dispenser, and a blind animal may not have a sense for 'darkness'.
Objective observation is key when Assimilating animals.
Assimilate a plant in pretty much the same way as you would any other biological life-form. Some areas to pay attention to are veins, roots, thorns, the micro-structure of the plant, and buds.
As a human, you have a lot of sense abilities. So if you were to Assimilate a tree, you may have to minimize your senses down to simple forms of sensation and intent. Think about what that means.
Also consider that trees have deep roots, insects live in them, eat them, and why is it that older trees sometimes seem 'wise'?
Do plants think? Some plants can anticipate night and day. Through your practice, you will discover new ways to view intelligence, the senses, and the definition of life.
Non-Biological Objects
Non-Biological Objects are things like a cup, a cell phone, or a building. They are the ultimate in 'outside-the-box' thinking because you really have to slow down the mind and experiment with just 'being'.
When you begin with objects, try to start with the structure. This will give you a good overall feeling to get you started. Then, try to see the micro-structure, like as if through a microscope. Move through the fibers of the different parts.
Consider the actions of the object: a hammer vibrates when used, a cell phone is an active participant in many conversations, couch bows to the sitter. If you assimilate a couch, and someone was to sit on it, you may in some way, experience the pressure, structure change, and the effort to support their body weight.
Think about the senses: Senses allow something to interpret a world. Without eyes, ears, and nerve cells, how much of this world would you be able to interpret? Objects don't have any of these. However, just because a thing doesn't have human sensory, doesn't mean it cannot have other means of interpreting this dimension.
You can Assimilate More?!
What else can you use this technique on? If you can grasp it, you can experience it!
* Ideas * Planets/Stars * Relationships * Water * Potential Situations * Future Events/Past Events * Light
Final Note Sometimes while Assimilating you'll discover things that almost seem psychic, like seeing the exact contents of your mailbox before opening it. Call it a Sixth Sense if you want, but know the body is capable of compiling a lot more information than we are aware of, and that by simply trusting what you get, you'll be astonished by how accurate you can be!
Assimilation has a lot to teach. Just by practicing, it will quickly become a part how you observe your world.
About the Author
Hey :)
I have been a student of the Higher Balance Institute for just over 1.5 years now, and my articles are an honest attempt at trying to spread some of the knowledge and techniques that this revolutionary team of people are offering. They offer advanced programs for spiritual growth and development of the sixth sense through complex knowledge, meditation and real personal paranormal experiences.
The advantages to this are that you will have rich and productive conversations with people because you'll truly understand them. I'll also show you how to use this tool to observe the world around you in a completely new way!
This mental skill is called Assimilation, and various schools around the world have been teaching it for a very long time.
Assimilation is to 'experience a thing as it experiences', and you're ability to truly experience will grow rapidly. So get ready to unearth many extraordinary and exciting things that are far out of reach with typical perception!
It's Easy! So let's get started! The most important things to remember are:
1. Using Visualization. 2. And paying attention to how you Feel.
You can Assimilate pretty much anything, but let's start with what we know: People.
People are good to start with because you have a good idea what its like, right? When you Assimilate someone, imagine yourself in their body.
Start off with the basic things like clothes and accessories. Feel their clothing on your body. How does the clothing feel? Do you feel like the clothes affect their disposition or comfort level in some way? How do their watches, rings, and chains make you feel?
Next, consider their physical attributes, like height, weight, and age. How do these things affect their state of mind and actions? Don't over-analyze it, just try to feel or imagine it, and trust whatever you get.
By feeling all these things and imagining it all, it is like putting pieces of a puzzle together; it begins to form an overall experience. The more pieces you can add the more complete the picture becomes!
Now here's a great key! Copy the face, exaggerate it. This really tunes you in to their feelings and often times more!
The eyes are the window to the soul. But don't over-think what you find; just focus on the feeling and trust it. 90% of the time you'll be right!
Note: It's important to have the subject you are Assimilating within visual range. Because of this, places like a coffee house, the train, or the gym are good places to practice.
Assimilating animals is really fun. I encourage everyone I teach to go to the zoo to do it. With animals, you really want to strive to use 'non-human' ways of sensing and thinking. Here's a hint: Animals don't have the mental chatter that humans do, and rely more on instinct for the choices they make.
Different animals have different sense abilities. For example, some see from the front and some the sides, some can see well in the dark, or have telescopic vision. Dogs see greens and yellows better than reds and blues, and birds can see ultraviolet light.
Here are some things to consider: Have you ever seen how entertained a cat can be while smelling the various scents of an open window? What about the point of habitat? Do they live lower to the ground, on trees? Think how worms always feel walls around them.
Be careful not to inject human thinking or human emotions into your subject. An ant probably doesn't feel sad about living as a nectar dispenser, and a blind animal may not have a sense for 'darkness'.
Objective observation is key when Assimilating animals.
Assimilate a plant in pretty much the same way as you would any other biological life-form. Some areas to pay attention to are veins, roots, thorns, the micro-structure of the plant, and buds.
As a human, you have a lot of sense abilities. So if you were to Assimilate a tree, you may have to minimize your senses down to simple forms of sensation and intent. Think about what that means.
Also consider that trees have deep roots, insects live in them, eat them, and why is it that older trees sometimes seem 'wise'?
Do plants think? Some plants can anticipate night and day. Through your practice, you will discover new ways to view intelligence, the senses, and the definition of life.
Non-Biological Objects
Non-Biological Objects are things like a cup, a cell phone, or a building. They are the ultimate in 'outside-the-box' thinking because you really have to slow down the mind and experiment with just 'being'.
When you begin with objects, try to start with the structure. This will give you a good overall feeling to get you started. Then, try to see the micro-structure, like as if through a microscope. Move through the fibers of the different parts.
Consider the actions of the object: a hammer vibrates when used, a cell phone is an active participant in many conversations, couch bows to the sitter. If you assimilate a couch, and someone was to sit on it, you may in some way, experience the pressure, structure change, and the effort to support their body weight.
Think about the senses: Senses allow something to interpret a world. Without eyes, ears, and nerve cells, how much of this world would you be able to interpret? Objects don't have any of these. However, just because a thing doesn't have human sensory, doesn't mean it cannot have other means of interpreting this dimension.
You can Assimilate More?!
What else can you use this technique on? If you can grasp it, you can experience it!
* Ideas * Planets/Stars * Relationships * Water * Potential Situations * Future Events/Past Events * Light
Final Note Sometimes while Assimilating you'll discover things that almost seem psychic, like seeing the exact contents of your mailbox before opening it. Call it a Sixth Sense if you want, but know the body is capable of compiling a lot more information than we are aware of, and that by simply trusting what you get, you'll be astonished by how accurate you can be!
Assimilation has a lot to teach. Just by practicing, it will quickly become a part how you observe your world.
About the Author
Hey :)
I have been a student of the Higher Balance Institute for just over 1.5 years now, and my articles are an honest attempt at trying to spread some of the knowledge and techniques that this revolutionary team of people are offering. They offer advanced programs for spiritual growth and development of the sixth sense through complex knowledge, meditation and real personal paranormal experiences.
The Fastest Way to Develop the Sixth Sense by Higher Balance Institure
95% of the people who I've seen attempt this technique had overwhelming success in just two sessions! You too will be forced to come to terms with your own Amazing Sixth Sense as the simple proof on the sheet of paper stares back at you!
The Problem that keeps most from becoming Great
Of all the ways to develop your Sixth Sense, the absolute best way is still to give live readings on strangers. The great dynamics of it just can't be imitated.
The problem is that for most beginners this sounds a little scary. No one wants to look like a fool in front of a complete stranger.
Well, here's a tool that gives nearly all the benefits of practice with live strangers without the potential embarrassment and pressure that comes with first introducing yourself and sitting down with a complete stranger!
The 'Taking Off List' below will build up confidence quickly. It is a great tool for beginners and will show you how a Reading starts with basic observation and leads into full trust of the intuition.
It will also teach you what to look for and the different ways you can sense data in a person.
Once you have a few good sessions with the sheet you may find you're ready for the Verbal Reading which is more fluid and intuitive - make this your goal.
The Technique that will make you Great
Go to a local coffee house, bookstore, train, or any other semi-social place where people are stationary for five minutes. Select a person who you can see fairly well and get started using 'Taking Off List' below.
Hey hey! Don't stare...just look and take a visual snapshot...better yet, a 'feeling snapshot'...and work from that. Write your answers quickly, even if they seem like sheer guesswork.
When you're done, go up to your victim and say this: "Hi there, I'm Jason. I'm actually doing some research on the existence of the Sixth Sense. I'm not a psychic, I just thought it would be fun to see if any of the stuff I wrote down was anywhere close to accurate. What do you think?" And hand them your sheet.
The thing to remember is this: they are hanging out in the coffee shop - why? Because they're boooooooard! Now you're their savior - you're entertainment! They more than likely will be stoked to play along. But you're already done with the reading, so there's no pressure! And you already said you're not a psychic so who cares if you're wrong?
Make sure you write 'hit' on each accurate guess. If you are partially right or reasonably close mark it a hit. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt - you're just learning.
Rinse, Repeat...
Things to Remember!
Write in your interpretations. The more detail the better; if you keep getting info, keep going even if it's unrelated.
Draw from the initial sensation or feeling. The faster and less hesitant your answers the more accurate you will be.
Readings should feel light and fun, if you feel grinding difficulty, remember to stop and reset yourself with a deep breath and try again. Don't drain yourself - keep it fun!
The Taking Off List
1. How would you describe their disposition or personality?
2. Would you say they are Introverted or Extroverted?
3. Are they more organized or free-flowing?
4. How do you feel their political ideology is inclined? (e.g. liberal, socialist, moderate, conservative, authoritative, radical)
5. What hobbies do you see them taking part in?
6. What kinds of careers do you suppose they have had?
7. Do you feel they are an artist? If so, what kind?
8. How do you feel about their physical health?
9. What kind of living space do you see them in?
10. What kinds of foods do you think they enjoy?
11. Describe where are they from or where have they lived?
12. Rate the closeness they have with each of their parents?
13. . What is their favorite color?
14. Do they have children? If so, how many? Male or female?
15. Do you feel they have ever had a near-death experience?
16. What fears do you feel they may have?
17. What kinds of things do they desire?
18. What do you think lies ahead of them in life?
About the Author
Hey :)
I have been a student of the Higher Balance Institute for just over 1.5 years now, and my articles are an honest attempt at trying to spread some of the knowledge and techniques that this revolutionary team of people are offering. They offer advanced programs for spiritual growth and development of the sixth sense through complex knowledge, meditation and real personal paranormal experiences.
The Problem that keeps most from becoming Great
Of all the ways to develop your Sixth Sense, the absolute best way is still to give live readings on strangers. The great dynamics of it just can't be imitated.
The problem is that for most beginners this sounds a little scary. No one wants to look like a fool in front of a complete stranger.
Well, here's a tool that gives nearly all the benefits of practice with live strangers without the potential embarrassment and pressure that comes with first introducing yourself and sitting down with a complete stranger!
The 'Taking Off List' below will build up confidence quickly. It is a great tool for beginners and will show you how a Reading starts with basic observation and leads into full trust of the intuition.
It will also teach you what to look for and the different ways you can sense data in a person.
Once you have a few good sessions with the sheet you may find you're ready for the Verbal Reading which is more fluid and intuitive - make this your goal.
The Technique that will make you Great
Go to a local coffee house, bookstore, train, or any other semi-social place where people are stationary for five minutes. Select a person who you can see fairly well and get started using 'Taking Off List' below.
Hey hey! Don't stare...just look and take a visual snapshot...better yet, a 'feeling snapshot'...and work from that. Write your answers quickly, even if they seem like sheer guesswork.
When you're done, go up to your victim and say this: "Hi there, I'm Jason. I'm actually doing some research on the existence of the Sixth Sense. I'm not a psychic, I just thought it would be fun to see if any of the stuff I wrote down was anywhere close to accurate. What do you think?" And hand them your sheet.
The thing to remember is this: they are hanging out in the coffee shop - why? Because they're boooooooard! Now you're their savior - you're entertainment! They more than likely will be stoked to play along. But you're already done with the reading, so there's no pressure! And you already said you're not a psychic so who cares if you're wrong?
Make sure you write 'hit' on each accurate guess. If you are partially right or reasonably close mark it a hit. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt - you're just learning.
Rinse, Repeat...
Things to Remember!
Write in your interpretations. The more detail the better; if you keep getting info, keep going even if it's unrelated.
Draw from the initial sensation or feeling. The faster and less hesitant your answers the more accurate you will be.
Readings should feel light and fun, if you feel grinding difficulty, remember to stop and reset yourself with a deep breath and try again. Don't drain yourself - keep it fun!
The Taking Off List
1. How would you describe their disposition or personality?
2. Would you say they are Introverted or Extroverted?
3. Are they more organized or free-flowing?
4. How do you feel their political ideology is inclined? (e.g. liberal, socialist, moderate, conservative, authoritative, radical)
5. What hobbies do you see them taking part in?
6. What kinds of careers do you suppose they have had?
7. Do you feel they are an artist? If so, what kind?
8. How do you feel about their physical health?
9. What kind of living space do you see them in?
10. What kinds of foods do you think they enjoy?
11. Describe where are they from or where have they lived?
12. Rate the closeness they have with each of their parents?
13. . What is their favorite color?
14. Do they have children? If so, how many? Male or female?
15. Do you feel they have ever had a near-death experience?
16. What fears do you feel they may have?
17. What kinds of things do they desire?
18. What do you think lies ahead of them in life?
About the Author
Hey :)
I have been a student of the Higher Balance Institute for just over 1.5 years now, and my articles are an honest attempt at trying to spread some of the knowledge and techniques that this revolutionary team of people are offering. They offer advanced programs for spiritual growth and development of the sixth sense through complex knowledge, meditation and real personal paranormal experiences.
Perspectives on Perspective: Experiential Liberation by Rick Hallett
* Perspectives on Perspective: Part 1" Coming up for air
Its all about perspective, Rick
My coaches words echo round my head. Little seeds planted in my sub-conscious mind that keep appearing in different situations and, not surprisingly, perspectives. But why is it that it doesnt always deliver the same effect? Why am I holding onto a particular outcome of such a fluidic suggestion? The answer, ironically, is again within perspective.
I sat there watching the TV, my coffee is yet to kick in and my morning sluggishness is much more intense than usual. Negativity pervades my mind as I watch the news. Comparison, comparison, comparison to everyone except myself. Magnifying the good in others and reducing the good in myself. Sound familiar? Spiritual seekers have a tendency to be such perfectionists and yet it is usually the thing holding us back the most. Perfection in humanistic terms, the terms drummed into us by the media on overt and subliminal levels daily is a disease rife on this planet, particularly in the modern age. On one hand, it gives us the impetus and drive to push forward into further possibility, but on the other it stifles and suffocates the human spirit. True perfection, the perfection viewed by an enlightened being, is that of absolute fluidity. Ever heard anyone say the real perfection is in the non-perfection?
As my ever regular coffee started to kick in and my biochemical patterns started to re-align to something more familiar, I started moving more towards non-thought. I started to question my own self-doubt. Why am I feeling this way? What is the root of the problem? Am I really not good at anything or is there something incredibly obvious that is eluding my current frame of mind? Without further frustration at my further inadequacy in not getting my perspective right (again, sound familiar? The oh-so familiar Nazi "I" that anyone in Higher Balance will have developed to some extent), I became critical of my criticality.
Its all about perspective, Rick
A mandela of knowledge softly exploded almost violently within my consciousness. Like a sponge of compressed knowledge that inflates on contact with water. Applied knowledge. The news presenter on TV, who had only moments before appeared a professional, well-rounded and confident individual was laid bare within my imagination. Suddenly I saw her in all potential aspects, good and bad. That she wasnt like this by nature, but had learned every last movement, down to the subtle communications in her facial muscles. She had become this by necessity. Survival within the mechanism. She may be successively portraying the desired image, but this image was but a snapshot within her life viewed from the snapshot lives of those watching her. But how many of those people are aware of this level of truth? I suspect hardly any. Fast food media.
It really does all come down to perspective. In our post-modern era, academics continually pout that perspective and truth is relative in their familiar mechanical way. And to large extent, they are right. At least, from that perspective :P
What is your perspective as you read these words? Are you even aware of it? If so, then you must ask yourself what that perspective is and if you are satisfied with the first answer that your conditioned mind gives you then you have but entirely missed the point my friend.
* Perspectives on Perspective: Part 2" Tasting the air
Life is nothing more than a conglomeration of living, dynamic perspectives that move within and without one another in a constant moving dance. The problem is that we never realise this is the case and see a still reality, it may be moving but only within our vision. A play on a set stage of generally unquestioned assumptions, and when we question, it is normally questioned in an unquestioned way. And as we move slowly from one perspective to another we forget that we ever viewed it from a perspective at all.
These are the "I"'s, identities within the mind. Separate, but appearing seamlessly connected by the presence of your ego.
These are the collective consciousness bubbles of society. Each identify and perspective looks out through its bubble that distorts the view outside it. Yet the bubble is absolutely transparent to those inside it unless they look very hard indeed.
But they do not only exist within your organic mind but at every level of the cosmic continuum. What is the perspective of a cell within your forefinger? For sure, it is as alien as you can possibly imagine and if you can imagine it at all then you are probably not imagining it. But if you can feel it with your sixth-sense (this can be trained through spiritual work, such as the Higher Balance Meditation, link available in this article) then you are probably coming somewhere close as your dimensional consciousness (a.k.a - spiritual mind, universal mind, higher consciousness etc) is not so limited by the constructs and perspectives of our own organic brain. It is energy with a perspective and form of consciousness of its own, but it does not resemble our own so throw anthropomorphism out of the window once you have a useful concept.
These perspectives of reality build and form the larger structures they are a part of, forming the perspective of your larger macro organs and the body that these too make up. Note, when I say perspective I do not only mean as in what can that individual embodiment perceive. I also mean how does that formation of energy fit within the larger system, what is its role, what are its functions and limitations and in what way do these contribute to the cosmic order of our universe.
How are these levels of micro systems affecting you even as you read this right now. Maybe you are hungry, tired, bored…or maybe even quietly interested :P
How does it fit within your larger social identity? Become conscious of how limited your self perception is within the larger body of the Gaia mind (or collective consciousness) and all its possibilities of consciousness. Dont despair though, your organic limitation is what makes the larger possibility, possible. Your finger is allowed the privilege of its existence through the limitation of the cells it consists of. If each cell was granted absolute freedom of movement and consciousness your finger would have never even come to be. And your brain and organic consciousness is allowed its freedom and control over the finger by its own dichotomy of exploration and limitation. Would you even be reading these words if you could fly and view the different cultures from a real-time birds eye view. The system works imperfectly from the bottom up to create perfection from the bottom down. But the perfection is nothing like the humanistic perfection of desires, needs and wants.
Are you aware of how this social identity is combines with the particular life cycle of your body right now? Perhaps you are young and naive like myself. Or perhaps you are old and wise, yet in your wisdom you have forgotten the naivety of youth and have become naive in your own way yet again. What use is wisdom if you use it like a teenager would? Just a thought.
And how would the collective consciousness, from cell to country, look from 1000 light years away? If we frame ourselves from that perspective, we can see our bodies as sub-cellular processes within the cytoplasmic air of our rooms and immediate environment. The walls of your room as cell walls providing you with the protection from the external environment so that your body can live out the function of its one-hundred year life-cycle on this planet. A blink of an eye from the galactic frame of perspective. Size is only relative. Time is only the movement of size. We exist within space that only seems the size it does from the conditioning of our mind to believe that this particular snapshot of the cosmos is the real one and all we should be concerned with. To an atom, you are already a universe in itself. Did someone say close minded?
The planet is an organism.
It brings to mind a phrase…the more we realise we don’t know the more we do know. We just have to apply that pattern of unknowing to the universe in front of us.
* Perspectives on Perspective: Part 3" Breathing and living within the new air
Liberation is awareness of this continuum of micro/macro identities, perspectives and understandings beyond your own. This requires mindfulness, but also knowledge gained through the experience of observing reality and the patterns within it. Ironically, you have to condition your mind in a new way in order to un-condition the old one. This is the work. The only difference is that this new conditioning allows the possibility for further self-critical conditioning.
You begin to create a momentum that pushes you upstream through the resistance of the functional collective consciousness. The more you understand these bubbles of consciousness, and the more familiar you become with your own patterns, the more you can walk "Inbetween" the bubbles and become conscious of their source. The collective consciousness of the planet is observable only from this place and this is where an someone of awakened consciousness walks. Rather than remaining stuck within the particular frame of consciousness that their current mood, situation and life-cycle dictates, they become fluidic to the movements of the micro/macro ocean of the cosmos.
On one level, you are the summation of the micro bodily turbulence that your particular biochemistry creates in reaction to its external environment. Become fluidic and let it move within you.
On another level, you are nothing but a speck of dust within a larger cosmic ocean. Let yourself move within it, and let it move you.
The more impartial you can become to you own life the more fluidic you can become. Your structure becomes the movement of the structure you are a part of as opposed to the structuralisation of the ego. The ego always breaks. It has no choice.
So let it.
You can intellectualise and philosophise until you and those that have to listen are blue in the face. But until you step down from the thrown of your ego you will never truly see anything the way it really is.
Between the structure of the atomic nucleus and the electron cloud surrounding it there is huge space. Between the cell and organ there is huge space. Between the structure of individual human bodies, there is space, and there is space between the larger societies of our planet. Between our planet and the solar system, there is again huge space. Constantly, the continuum of the cosmos is patterned in repetitions of structure that gives way to a more macro space.
The universe is fundamentally empty, yet there is structure within it.
Look for the space in everything, nothing is as it seems.
About the Author
Hey :)
I have been a student of the Higher Balance Institute for just over 1.5 years now, and my articles are an honest attempt at trying to spread some of the knowledge and techniques that this revolutionary team of people are offering. They offer advanced programs for spiritual growth and development of the sixth sense through complex knowledge, meditation and real personal paranormal experiences.
Its all about perspective, Rick
My coaches words echo round my head. Little seeds planted in my sub-conscious mind that keep appearing in different situations and, not surprisingly, perspectives. But why is it that it doesnt always deliver the same effect? Why am I holding onto a particular outcome of such a fluidic suggestion? The answer, ironically, is again within perspective.
I sat there watching the TV, my coffee is yet to kick in and my morning sluggishness is much more intense than usual. Negativity pervades my mind as I watch the news. Comparison, comparison, comparison to everyone except myself. Magnifying the good in others and reducing the good in myself. Sound familiar? Spiritual seekers have a tendency to be such perfectionists and yet it is usually the thing holding us back the most. Perfection in humanistic terms, the terms drummed into us by the media on overt and subliminal levels daily is a disease rife on this planet, particularly in the modern age. On one hand, it gives us the impetus and drive to push forward into further possibility, but on the other it stifles and suffocates the human spirit. True perfection, the perfection viewed by an enlightened being, is that of absolute fluidity. Ever heard anyone say the real perfection is in the non-perfection?
As my ever regular coffee started to kick in and my biochemical patterns started to re-align to something more familiar, I started moving more towards non-thought. I started to question my own self-doubt. Why am I feeling this way? What is the root of the problem? Am I really not good at anything or is there something incredibly obvious that is eluding my current frame of mind? Without further frustration at my further inadequacy in not getting my perspective right (again, sound familiar? The oh-so familiar Nazi "I" that anyone in Higher Balance will have developed to some extent), I became critical of my criticality.
Its all about perspective, Rick
A mandela of knowledge softly exploded almost violently within my consciousness. Like a sponge of compressed knowledge that inflates on contact with water. Applied knowledge. The news presenter on TV, who had only moments before appeared a professional, well-rounded and confident individual was laid bare within my imagination. Suddenly I saw her in all potential aspects, good and bad. That she wasnt like this by nature, but had learned every last movement, down to the subtle communications in her facial muscles. She had become this by necessity. Survival within the mechanism. She may be successively portraying the desired image, but this image was but a snapshot within her life viewed from the snapshot lives of those watching her. But how many of those people are aware of this level of truth? I suspect hardly any. Fast food media.
It really does all come down to perspective. In our post-modern era, academics continually pout that perspective and truth is relative in their familiar mechanical way. And to large extent, they are right. At least, from that perspective :P
What is your perspective as you read these words? Are you even aware of it? If so, then you must ask yourself what that perspective is and if you are satisfied with the first answer that your conditioned mind gives you then you have but entirely missed the point my friend.
* Perspectives on Perspective: Part 2" Tasting the air
Life is nothing more than a conglomeration of living, dynamic perspectives that move within and without one another in a constant moving dance. The problem is that we never realise this is the case and see a still reality, it may be moving but only within our vision. A play on a set stage of generally unquestioned assumptions, and when we question, it is normally questioned in an unquestioned way. And as we move slowly from one perspective to another we forget that we ever viewed it from a perspective at all.
These are the "I"'s, identities within the mind. Separate, but appearing seamlessly connected by the presence of your ego.
These are the collective consciousness bubbles of society. Each identify and perspective looks out through its bubble that distorts the view outside it. Yet the bubble is absolutely transparent to those inside it unless they look very hard indeed.
But they do not only exist within your organic mind but at every level of the cosmic continuum. What is the perspective of a cell within your forefinger? For sure, it is as alien as you can possibly imagine and if you can imagine it at all then you are probably not imagining it. But if you can feel it with your sixth-sense (this can be trained through spiritual work, such as the Higher Balance Meditation, link available in this article) then you are probably coming somewhere close as your dimensional consciousness (a.k.a - spiritual mind, universal mind, higher consciousness etc) is not so limited by the constructs and perspectives of our own organic brain. It is energy with a perspective and form of consciousness of its own, but it does not resemble our own so throw anthropomorphism out of the window once you have a useful concept.
These perspectives of reality build and form the larger structures they are a part of, forming the perspective of your larger macro organs and the body that these too make up. Note, when I say perspective I do not only mean as in what can that individual embodiment perceive. I also mean how does that formation of energy fit within the larger system, what is its role, what are its functions and limitations and in what way do these contribute to the cosmic order of our universe.
How are these levels of micro systems affecting you even as you read this right now. Maybe you are hungry, tired, bored…or maybe even quietly interested :P
How does it fit within your larger social identity? Become conscious of how limited your self perception is within the larger body of the Gaia mind (or collective consciousness) and all its possibilities of consciousness. Dont despair though, your organic limitation is what makes the larger possibility, possible. Your finger is allowed the privilege of its existence through the limitation of the cells it consists of. If each cell was granted absolute freedom of movement and consciousness your finger would have never even come to be. And your brain and organic consciousness is allowed its freedom and control over the finger by its own dichotomy of exploration and limitation. Would you even be reading these words if you could fly and view the different cultures from a real-time birds eye view. The system works imperfectly from the bottom up to create perfection from the bottom down. But the perfection is nothing like the humanistic perfection of desires, needs and wants.
Are you aware of how this social identity is combines with the particular life cycle of your body right now? Perhaps you are young and naive like myself. Or perhaps you are old and wise, yet in your wisdom you have forgotten the naivety of youth and have become naive in your own way yet again. What use is wisdom if you use it like a teenager would? Just a thought.
And how would the collective consciousness, from cell to country, look from 1000 light years away? If we frame ourselves from that perspective, we can see our bodies as sub-cellular processes within the cytoplasmic air of our rooms and immediate environment. The walls of your room as cell walls providing you with the protection from the external environment so that your body can live out the function of its one-hundred year life-cycle on this planet. A blink of an eye from the galactic frame of perspective. Size is only relative. Time is only the movement of size. We exist within space that only seems the size it does from the conditioning of our mind to believe that this particular snapshot of the cosmos is the real one and all we should be concerned with. To an atom, you are already a universe in itself. Did someone say close minded?
The planet is an organism.
It brings to mind a phrase…the more we realise we don’t know the more we do know. We just have to apply that pattern of unknowing to the universe in front of us.
* Perspectives on Perspective: Part 3" Breathing and living within the new air
Liberation is awareness of this continuum of micro/macro identities, perspectives and understandings beyond your own. This requires mindfulness, but also knowledge gained through the experience of observing reality and the patterns within it. Ironically, you have to condition your mind in a new way in order to un-condition the old one. This is the work. The only difference is that this new conditioning allows the possibility for further self-critical conditioning.
You begin to create a momentum that pushes you upstream through the resistance of the functional collective consciousness. The more you understand these bubbles of consciousness, and the more familiar you become with your own patterns, the more you can walk "Inbetween" the bubbles and become conscious of their source. The collective consciousness of the planet is observable only from this place and this is where an someone of awakened consciousness walks. Rather than remaining stuck within the particular frame of consciousness that their current mood, situation and life-cycle dictates, they become fluidic to the movements of the micro/macro ocean of the cosmos.
On one level, you are the summation of the micro bodily turbulence that your particular biochemistry creates in reaction to its external environment. Become fluidic and let it move within you.
On another level, you are nothing but a speck of dust within a larger cosmic ocean. Let yourself move within it, and let it move you.
The more impartial you can become to you own life the more fluidic you can become. Your structure becomes the movement of the structure you are a part of as opposed to the structuralisation of the ego. The ego always breaks. It has no choice.
So let it.
You can intellectualise and philosophise until you and those that have to listen are blue in the face. But until you step down from the thrown of your ego you will never truly see anything the way it really is.
Between the structure of the atomic nucleus and the electron cloud surrounding it there is huge space. Between the cell and organ there is huge space. Between the structure of individual human bodies, there is space, and there is space between the larger societies of our planet. Between our planet and the solar system, there is again huge space. Constantly, the continuum of the cosmos is patterned in repetitions of structure that gives way to a more macro space.
The universe is fundamentally empty, yet there is structure within it.
Look for the space in everything, nothing is as it seems.
About the Author
Hey :)
I have been a student of the Higher Balance Institute for just over 1.5 years now, and my articles are an honest attempt at trying to spread some of the knowledge and techniques that this revolutionary team of people are offering. They offer advanced programs for spiritual growth and development of the sixth sense through complex knowledge, meditation and real personal paranormal experiences.
Your Expanded Aura is Infinite by Richard Blackstone
We live in a universe of dualities. Spirituality information tells us that we are all one but our physical senses tell us that we are all separate. The secret is in knowing these are both part of our life experience. Use the secret to expand your spiritual growth. This pervasive preponderance of living in this realm of dualities has skewed our interpretation of ourselves into thinking that we are also a two-part entity, mainly a mind and a body. The reality is, of course, that we are a three-part being made up of mind, body and spirit. It is in the knowing and acknowledging of this ultimate totality of who we really are that is the key to understanding the true nature of how things work. The spirit part of our beingness is the metaphysical aspect of ourselves that ties us together physically. While the physical parts of our body seem to end at the most external portions of our skin, the nonphysical and metaphysical aspects of our beingness continue beyond the physical limitations of skin. This extension of our ethereal body is most widely known as our "aura." This is the zone of energy that is often physically visible to the trained eye or the lens of a camera that is designed to capture these vibrations on film. We think of this "aura" as extending out from our bodies but in reality it is our bodies that are encased within the parameters of the "aura." Now here is the ultimate truth of your aura: Your aura is the one aura that is all auras. The aura that surrounds you is the continuation of the aura of the person that is next to you, that is a continuation of the aura of your neighbor, that is a continuation of the aura of the people in the next town, that is the continuation of the aura of the people in the next state, that is the continuation of the aura of the people in the next country, that is the continuation of the aura of the people in the next planet, that is the continuation of the aura of the people in the next universe, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. It is all the same aura. It just reflects different vibratory tones when it is next to any particular body. We are all connected to everything: physical, nonphysical and metaphysical. We are all one. Let's go one step further. We live in this realm of dualities thinking that we are mostly a two part being made up of mind and body. The body functions according to what the mind is telling it to do. This is only partly correct. A more accurate description is that we are using the brain, which is a physical part of the body, to interpret the incoming data from our physical and nonphysical senses. The mind is not the brain. The brain is part of our physical body that is a command and control center. When we speak of the mind we usually say "my mind." Once again we are subject to the power of words and their limitations. When we say "my mind" we immediately think that each of us has their own mind that funnels information to the brain, according to the particular experiences and memories that "our mind" has. The ultimate truth is that the mind, much like the aura, is the one mind that is all minds. The mind that we believe to be our own is merely a part of the "universal mind" that is part of all things. It is the mind of God and therefore the one mind that is all minds. Once again, we are vibrating at a unique frequency that allows us to retain and draw to us that part of the universal mind that we know of as our memories and our knowledge. The memories and the knowledge that we claim to possess are all part of the bigger field of memories and knowledge that makes up the totality of the universal mind. If you want to know something that you think you don't know, just put your attention on it. The universal mind, which is all knowing, has no other recourse but to bring forth the knowledge that you seek.
It is then a matter of discernment for you to be aware that this knowledge has come to you. It can reveal itself in an infinite variety of forms and it is up to us to be awake and aware when it shows up in our reality.
This demonstrates another reason to accept what shows up in your life and quit judging things as right or wrong or good or bad. What shows up is just "what is." The discerning question you need to ask yourself is, "Does this serve me?" When you answer that question you will be able to make a choice as to whether you want to use it or drop it from your consciousness and choose again.
About the Author
Richard Blackstone is an author and international speaker on Life, Love and The True Nature of How Things Work. He won the prestigious "America's Next Top Author" award from for his book, "Nuts & Bolts Spirituality." Read his FREE report, "The 3 Simple Immutable Laws of the Universe"at
It is then a matter of discernment for you to be aware that this knowledge has come to you. It can reveal itself in an infinite variety of forms and it is up to us to be awake and aware when it shows up in our reality.
This demonstrates another reason to accept what shows up in your life and quit judging things as right or wrong or good or bad. What shows up is just "what is." The discerning question you need to ask yourself is, "Does this serve me?" When you answer that question you will be able to make a choice as to whether you want to use it or drop it from your consciousness and choose again.
About the Author
Richard Blackstone is an author and international speaker on Life, Love and The True Nature of How Things Work. He won the prestigious "America's Next Top Author" award from for his book, "Nuts & Bolts Spirituality." Read his FREE report, "The 3 Simple Immutable Laws of the Universe"at
The Multi-Faceted World of Tarot Cards by arcel
Tarot cards have an inseparable reputation of being used in fortune-telling. But did you know that the original use of tarot cards was for games and recreation?
Tarot cards have had a crucial and inseparable influence in mysticism and the occult. They first arrived sometime in fifteenth century Italy, but it was not until late 17th or 18th century that tarot cards began to be used in divination. The tarot cards that we know today have gone through a long and evolution, from the pictures, symbolisms, procedures, purposes, and meanings. It is interesting to note that tarot cards were originally used in a game, with 21 trump cards, four queens, and a fool added to a normal deck, which totals to 78 cards in all. But it is unclear exactly how tarot branched out from a simple mind-diverting game into the fragile business of looking back into past lives, foretelling the future, and answering questions.
Tarot cards however shouldn't be equated solely with fortune-telling as they have many other valuable uses.
Self-interrogation Through tarot cards, we become honest with ourselves as we try to pose questions. In a typical tarot reading, we ask questions that help you understand the past or a current situation. Tarot cards offer an alternative language system through which we can access our Unconscious. Therefore, we do not just randomly pick tarot cards, or blindly entrust our lives to them. Every moment of our lives, we lay ourselves bare with the choices we make, even for something as papery as tarot cards.
Philosophy and Spirituality Tarot cards can be used to support or develop a philosophy of life and spirituality. Tarot cards are not just a group of loosely unconnected cards. It represents the journey of the Fool (or each one of us) through life and all the things that are learned along with way, all the challenges faced and ways in overcoming them. Learning the subtle art o tarot cards helps you understand the way of life and combat your demons.
Tarot as Counselor Tarot cards can be used for counseling. What we see in a card that is rich in archetypal and meaningful content reflects in large part how we are responding to a situation that is on our minds. The highly-respected psychologist Carl Jung has always considered tarot as an alternative psychotherapy. For him, the rich imagery inherent in every tarot card represents archetypes of human personality and situations. Tarot cards help draw out these ideas and understand how they reflect inner thoughts and feelings. Tarot cards are especially useful in helping children tell difficult stories in a language they may have not yet acquired.
Positivity Tarot can be used for meditation. You meditate on a card that represents a quality you want to acquire and imbibe for your life. Perhaps, it could be Strength, Justice, or the Star (which represents acceptance and trust in the universe). Place it where you can see it and meditate on the image all day. It will help you boost positive thoughts within yourself, and thus help you behave in a way you want.
Tarot as Inspiration The rich symbolism and characters in tarot cards can be used to develop inspiration and plotlines in stories, poems, songs, artwork.
Tarot for Games Originally known as tarocchi or tarock, tarot cards was born in Europe and started its days there as a recreational game. Tarock is a trick-taking game with a permanent trump suit. Aside from being a parlour game, tarot cards were also used in inspiring poems or amusing refrains about popular or public figures.
About the Author
The Author used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer email readings, free tarot reading, mothly horoscope and more.
Tarot cards have had a crucial and inseparable influence in mysticism and the occult. They first arrived sometime in fifteenth century Italy, but it was not until late 17th or 18th century that tarot cards began to be used in divination. The tarot cards that we know today have gone through a long and evolution, from the pictures, symbolisms, procedures, purposes, and meanings. It is interesting to note that tarot cards were originally used in a game, with 21 trump cards, four queens, and a fool added to a normal deck, which totals to 78 cards in all. But it is unclear exactly how tarot branched out from a simple mind-diverting game into the fragile business of looking back into past lives, foretelling the future, and answering questions.
Tarot cards however shouldn't be equated solely with fortune-telling as they have many other valuable uses.
Self-interrogation Through tarot cards, we become honest with ourselves as we try to pose questions. In a typical tarot reading, we ask questions that help you understand the past or a current situation. Tarot cards offer an alternative language system through which we can access our Unconscious. Therefore, we do not just randomly pick tarot cards, or blindly entrust our lives to them. Every moment of our lives, we lay ourselves bare with the choices we make, even for something as papery as tarot cards.
Philosophy and Spirituality Tarot cards can be used to support or develop a philosophy of life and spirituality. Tarot cards are not just a group of loosely unconnected cards. It represents the journey of the Fool (or each one of us) through life and all the things that are learned along with way, all the challenges faced and ways in overcoming them. Learning the subtle art o tarot cards helps you understand the way of life and combat your demons.
Tarot as Counselor Tarot cards can be used for counseling. What we see in a card that is rich in archetypal and meaningful content reflects in large part how we are responding to a situation that is on our minds. The highly-respected psychologist Carl Jung has always considered tarot as an alternative psychotherapy. For him, the rich imagery inherent in every tarot card represents archetypes of human personality and situations. Tarot cards help draw out these ideas and understand how they reflect inner thoughts and feelings. Tarot cards are especially useful in helping children tell difficult stories in a language they may have not yet acquired.
Positivity Tarot can be used for meditation. You meditate on a card that represents a quality you want to acquire and imbibe for your life. Perhaps, it could be Strength, Justice, or the Star (which represents acceptance and trust in the universe). Place it where you can see it and meditate on the image all day. It will help you boost positive thoughts within yourself, and thus help you behave in a way you want.
Tarot as Inspiration The rich symbolism and characters in tarot cards can be used to develop inspiration and plotlines in stories, poems, songs, artwork.
Tarot for Games Originally known as tarocchi or tarock, tarot cards was born in Europe and started its days there as a recreational game. Tarock is a trick-taking game with a permanent trump suit. Aside from being a parlour game, tarot cards were also used in inspiring poems or amusing refrains about popular or public figures.
About the Author
The Author used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer email readings, free tarot reading, mothly horoscope and more.
Reiki Symbols - Secret or Sacred? by Elmarie
The word Reiki means Universal Life Force Energy.
It is defined as being that power which acts and lives in all created matter.
The word consists of two parts. The first syllable "REI" pronounced "ray" describes the universal, limitless aspect of this energy, the wisdom and knowledge of "All that Is".The second syllable "KI" pronounced "kee" describes the vital life force energy which flows through all living beings and is in itself very much part of part one, "REI".
Throughout the history of mankind diverse healing methods have always existed which were based on the transference of universal, interpenetrating life force energy, the same energy which brings forth all life in the universe and nourishes it.
As humans beings we are all born with Reiki ability as it is a God given right. By that I mean that the "Universal Life Force" which comes directly from "Source" is present within all of us.
The Ancients knew this as they lived closer to Source and this knowledge was part of their everyday reality. As humans evolved this innate knowledge was forgotten and we started depending more and more on tangible manmade remedies and cures.
Power, fear and control became part of daily life and the selected few that still had access to this knowledge surrounded same in a shroud of secrecy and exclusivity resulting in the general perception that this God given gift was the property these select few therefore perpetuating the myth of separateness.
Today we know this to be untrue as at this momentous time in the history of Humanity and the Earth, so much knowledge and information that had roots deep in the past is surfacing giving everyone the opportunity of understanding our unique and important role as creators of our own realities and therefore the "All That Is, Is One".
The knowledge of Reiki would have remained lost forever had Dr. Mikao Usui not rediscovered the key which led to the recovery of a thousand-year old tradition of healing.
As I said previously, Reiki energy is within all of us, all of the time. IT IS AS IT SAYS; Universal Life Force Energy.
Because of this, anyone can transfer magnetic energy (Life Force Energy) to another and help speed the healing process.
A person who has received the attunements has simply had this natural ability very greatly enhanced. The person's physical and etheric bodies have been tuned to a higher vibratory level and certain energy centres, chakras, have been opened to "channel" higher amounts of Universal Life Force Energy.
This focused and concentrated life force energy will flow through his or her hands of its own accord and this ability will be retained for the rest of his or her life.
According to the Webster's Online Dictionary:
The word SECRET means:
1. Something that should remain hidden from others (especially information that is not to be passed on); "the combination to the safe was a secret"; "he tried to keep his drinking a secret".
2. Information known only to a special group; "the secret of Cajun cooking".
The word SACRED means:
1. Concerned with religion or religious purposes; "sacred texts"; "sacred rites"; "sacred music".
2. Worthy of respect or dedication; "saw motherhood as woman's sacred calling"
It is my understanding that the power of the sacred (not secret) Reiki symbols lie within the knowledge and understanding of how to activate them and use them after having been attuned to them by a certified Reiki Master Teacher. Therefore by itself, without the attunement, the symbol as such is just a symbol.
"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." ~ H.P. LOVECRAFT, Supernatural Horror in Literature
Therefore by removing the unknown and lifting the veil of secrecy everyone will have the opportunity to rediscover their divinity and re-membering - WE ARE ONE!
About the Author
This article was lovingly penned by Elmarie Swartz, an accomplished Reiki Master and Crystal Healing practitioner who can be contacted via her website a place where you will find a lot more information on healing, other articles by Elmarie as well as a unique opportunity for you create your own web page one her site.
It is defined as being that power which acts and lives in all created matter.
The word consists of two parts. The first syllable "REI" pronounced "ray" describes the universal, limitless aspect of this energy, the wisdom and knowledge of "All that Is".The second syllable "KI" pronounced "kee" describes the vital life force energy which flows through all living beings and is in itself very much part of part one, "REI".
Throughout the history of mankind diverse healing methods have always existed which were based on the transference of universal, interpenetrating life force energy, the same energy which brings forth all life in the universe and nourishes it.
As humans beings we are all born with Reiki ability as it is a God given right. By that I mean that the "Universal Life Force" which comes directly from "Source" is present within all of us.
The Ancients knew this as they lived closer to Source and this knowledge was part of their everyday reality. As humans evolved this innate knowledge was forgotten and we started depending more and more on tangible manmade remedies and cures.
Power, fear and control became part of daily life and the selected few that still had access to this knowledge surrounded same in a shroud of secrecy and exclusivity resulting in the general perception that this God given gift was the property these select few therefore perpetuating the myth of separateness.
Today we know this to be untrue as at this momentous time in the history of Humanity and the Earth, so much knowledge and information that had roots deep in the past is surfacing giving everyone the opportunity of understanding our unique and important role as creators of our own realities and therefore the "All That Is, Is One".
The knowledge of Reiki would have remained lost forever had Dr. Mikao Usui not rediscovered the key which led to the recovery of a thousand-year old tradition of healing.
As I said previously, Reiki energy is within all of us, all of the time. IT IS AS IT SAYS; Universal Life Force Energy.
Because of this, anyone can transfer magnetic energy (Life Force Energy) to another and help speed the healing process.
A person who has received the attunements has simply had this natural ability very greatly enhanced. The person's physical and etheric bodies have been tuned to a higher vibratory level and certain energy centres, chakras, have been opened to "channel" higher amounts of Universal Life Force Energy.
This focused and concentrated life force energy will flow through his or her hands of its own accord and this ability will be retained for the rest of his or her life.
According to the Webster's Online Dictionary:
The word SECRET means:
1. Something that should remain hidden from others (especially information that is not to be passed on); "the combination to the safe was a secret"; "he tried to keep his drinking a secret".
2. Information known only to a special group; "the secret of Cajun cooking".
The word SACRED means:
1. Concerned with religion or religious purposes; "sacred texts"; "sacred rites"; "sacred music".
2. Worthy of respect or dedication; "saw motherhood as woman's sacred calling"
It is my understanding that the power of the sacred (not secret) Reiki symbols lie within the knowledge and understanding of how to activate them and use them after having been attuned to them by a certified Reiki Master Teacher. Therefore by itself, without the attunement, the symbol as such is just a symbol.
"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." ~ H.P. LOVECRAFT, Supernatural Horror in Literature
Therefore by removing the unknown and lifting the veil of secrecy everyone will have the opportunity to rediscover their divinity and re-membering - WE ARE ONE!
About the Author
This article was lovingly penned by Elmarie Swartz, an accomplished Reiki Master and Crystal Healing practitioner who can be contacted via her website a place where you will find a lot more information on healing, other articles by Elmarie as well as a unique opportunity for you create your own web page one her site.
Kabbalah: Growing Our Spiritual Spark by Bnei Baruch
Kabbalah explains that the whole of Creation, including us, constitutes a single desire - the will to enjoy. This desire was created by what the Kabbalists call "Light," or "the Creator." As the Light continued to influence the desire it created, the desire went through several stages of development, until it broke into tiny, particular desires called "souls." And this is the origin of the people in this world - us. The particular desires or souls were clothed in physical bodies in this world, and this is how we now feel our existence.
But even while we exist in the body and identify ourselves with it, there remains a spiritual particle, a spark of Light, within each of us. This spark is an aspiration to return to our root, the Creator.
However, since we live in the physical bodies, we also feel other aspirations, desires for things that we know from the physical level of existence. Kabbalah divides these desires into bodily desires and human desires, where the bodily desires are desires for all the things that our body wants, such as food, shelter and sex. The human desires are the desires we have towards things we can acquire in society, like wealth, fame, power, honor and knowledge.
When we start paying more attention to our spiritual spark, the aspiration to the Creator, then we nourish that spark and enable it to grow. We thereby begin to identify ourselves with our spiritual existence, above the bounds of time and space, where we exist as souls.
This is exactly what Kabbalah helps us to do: nourish and increase our spiritual component, the spark of Light that connects us to our root. Through Kabbalah books we are able to gain contact with our spiritual existence, since the Kabbalists write to us from their own attainment of the spiritual existence. It is as if they are throwing us a rope, and all we have to do is catch it, that is, read their books properly.
The first step in learning how to read Kabbalah books properly is to realize that you're reading about things that are happening on a higher, spiritual level. In other words, the text has nothing to do with this world or anything you already know. The fact is: There is no way for you to understand anything in the text and to grasp it intellectually, because you have no existing premises for this. The only thing you can do while reading is desire to understand, desire to develop the inner discernments that match the text in order to grasp it. And when you do this, what actually takes place is the creation of a fundamentally new, spiritual sensation within you.
Depending in how strongly one desires for this change to happen within him while reading a Kabbalah book, one grabs onto the rope that the Kabbalists are extending to him, and "pulls" himself up to the higher spiritual level that the text is describing. One exposes himself to that level's influence and connects to it, thereby beginning to sense eternity and perfection, just like he did when he was first created by the Light.
About the Author
Bnei Baruch is the largest group of Kabbalists in Israel, sharing the wisdom of Kabbalah with the entire world. Study materials in over 25 languages are based on authentic Kabbalah texts that were passed down from generation to generation.
But even while we exist in the body and identify ourselves with it, there remains a spiritual particle, a spark of Light, within each of us. This spark is an aspiration to return to our root, the Creator.
However, since we live in the physical bodies, we also feel other aspirations, desires for things that we know from the physical level of existence. Kabbalah divides these desires into bodily desires and human desires, where the bodily desires are desires for all the things that our body wants, such as food, shelter and sex. The human desires are the desires we have towards things we can acquire in society, like wealth, fame, power, honor and knowledge.
When we start paying more attention to our spiritual spark, the aspiration to the Creator, then we nourish that spark and enable it to grow. We thereby begin to identify ourselves with our spiritual existence, above the bounds of time and space, where we exist as souls.
This is exactly what Kabbalah helps us to do: nourish and increase our spiritual component, the spark of Light that connects us to our root. Through Kabbalah books we are able to gain contact with our spiritual existence, since the Kabbalists write to us from their own attainment of the spiritual existence. It is as if they are throwing us a rope, and all we have to do is catch it, that is, read their books properly.
The first step in learning how to read Kabbalah books properly is to realize that you're reading about things that are happening on a higher, spiritual level. In other words, the text has nothing to do with this world or anything you already know. The fact is: There is no way for you to understand anything in the text and to grasp it intellectually, because you have no existing premises for this. The only thing you can do while reading is desire to understand, desire to develop the inner discernments that match the text in order to grasp it. And when you do this, what actually takes place is the creation of a fundamentally new, spiritual sensation within you.
Depending in how strongly one desires for this change to happen within him while reading a Kabbalah book, one grabs onto the rope that the Kabbalists are extending to him, and "pulls" himself up to the higher spiritual level that the text is describing. One exposes himself to that level's influence and connects to it, thereby beginning to sense eternity and perfection, just like he did when he was first created by the Light.
About the Author
Bnei Baruch is the largest group of Kabbalists in Israel, sharing the wisdom of Kabbalah with the entire world. Study materials in over 25 languages are based on authentic Kabbalah texts that were passed down from generation to generation.
So You Want To Meditate... by John Dean Williamsen
So you want to meditate... Piece of cake! After all, how hard can it be? All you need to do is sit down and close your eyes and relax. Right? Wrong! If this were true, everyone who ever attempted meditation would have mastered it, and you know that is just not the case. The old axiom about there being no such thing as a free lunch is something you might want to remember when you begin the process of learning to meditate.
When you go through the following, realize that your body is like a spoiled child and will resist every attempt you make to discipline it.
In meditation, consistency is one of the keys for becoming proficient. So, make a commitment to practice daily for at least 21 days, which is the time necessary to initiate change.
FIRST STEP: Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed for 20 or 30 minutes. Shut the phone off so that the ring will not disturb you while you practice. In these beginning days, make sure that you are not in an environment where electrical fans, radios, or machines are running. Later, when you have a degree of mastery, you will learn to use background noise as a means of deepening your meditative experience.
SECOND STEP: Find a comfortable place to sit down or lie down. Be aware that in the initial stages, you may have a tendency to fall asleep. Therefore, sitting upright may be more practical than lying down. When you sit, place both feet flat on the floor. It will make you feel more composed and determined about your efforts. As a side note, if you should fall asleep, you probably needed the rest. When you wake up, try again. There are no penalties for “do overs.â€
THIRD STEP: After being seated, decide how to position your body, that is, where you want to place your hands and arms. This could be in your lap or on the arms of your chair. You may need to experiment a little to find out just where they feel most comfortable. At first it may seem awkward no matter where you put them.
FOURTH STEP: Now that you are seated, close your eyes. Because your attention is still behind your eyelids, you may see tiny points of light, squiggles, or variations of light. After you move through the rest of the steps, you will find that your awareness will automatically shift to a place on your forehead just above and between your eyes. This place is called the third eye or the seat of the imagination.
FIFTH STEP: Slowly and easily take full breaths. As you do, feel the flow of air as it goes down into your lungs and back out again. If you are breathing properly, your stomach should seem to swell and your chest will move very little because you are using your diaphragm. The most efficient muscle of breathing, the diaphragm is located at the base of the lungs. Your abdominal muscles help move the diaphragm and give you more power to empty your lungs. Practice this at least 10 times.
SIXTH STEP: Relax the body.
1) Press the toes of your right foot firmly down against the floor until you feel tension in the entire foot. Do this for the count of 10. Then relax. You may feel an increase in warmth, a slight tingle, or the foot may just seem to feel larger.
2) Do the same exercise with the right foot again. Now the difference in feeling between the right foot and the left foot gives you the contrast you need to tell the difference between a body part that is experiencing a degree of relaxation and one that is still in a state of tension.
3) Perform the same exercise with the left foot. Now both feet are in a state of relaxation.
4) Your challenge now is to allow this feeling of relaxation to flow upward into the rest of your body. You do this by tensing each body part, holding the tension for a few seconds, and then letting go. Allow this feeling of warmth (relaxation) to flow slowly up through your ankles, lower legs, knees, thighs, lower body, chest, arms, neck, face and scalp. Any place you especially feel tension, tense that body part again and then let go.
Pay close attention to the muscles in your face. Relax the lips. Allow the tongue to lie loosely in the floor of the mouth. Keep the jaw relaxed. Do not let your teeth close tightly. A good approach for relaxing all the face muscles is to make the most ferocious monster face you can muster and then relax.
SEVENTH STEP: Quiet the brain. Your random patterns of thought are one of the greatest enemies of meditation, and it takes a heroic effort to bring them under control. The good news is that your focus on the process required in relaxation has already given you some degree of control.
However, to fully benefit from meditation, you have to bore your brain into submission! You do this by taking a word or phrase, called a mantra, and saying it over and over. A mantra can be a word such as “Love†or a phrase such as “God and I are One.†If you catch your thoughts wandering to the obligations you have or the grocery list, bring them back to your mantra. Getting your brain under control is also like retraining a spoiled child. It resists your efforts, but eventually, your consistency and commitment to the process will bring it under control.
EIGHTH STEP: Listen. This is not about hearing words. It is more about the feelings you experience.You may suddenly experience a knowing about questions you were struggling with earlier or the direction you need to take becomes clearer.
NINTH STEP: Self-remember. This step comes with practice. You find yourself connecting with the oneness that exists between you and God, between you and others, between you and the Universe. The illusions that are governing your life start to break down.
About the Author
John Dean Williamsen is co-author of "It's Your Move! Transform Your Dreams from Wishful Thinking to Reality," a finalist in the 2004 Book of the Year Awards. He hosts the blog For more information, visit
When you go through the following, realize that your body is like a spoiled child and will resist every attempt you make to discipline it.
In meditation, consistency is one of the keys for becoming proficient. So, make a commitment to practice daily for at least 21 days, which is the time necessary to initiate change.
FIRST STEP: Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed for 20 or 30 minutes. Shut the phone off so that the ring will not disturb you while you practice. In these beginning days, make sure that you are not in an environment where electrical fans, radios, or machines are running. Later, when you have a degree of mastery, you will learn to use background noise as a means of deepening your meditative experience.
SECOND STEP: Find a comfortable place to sit down or lie down. Be aware that in the initial stages, you may have a tendency to fall asleep. Therefore, sitting upright may be more practical than lying down. When you sit, place both feet flat on the floor. It will make you feel more composed and determined about your efforts. As a side note, if you should fall asleep, you probably needed the rest. When you wake up, try again. There are no penalties for “do overs.â€
THIRD STEP: After being seated, decide how to position your body, that is, where you want to place your hands and arms. This could be in your lap or on the arms of your chair. You may need to experiment a little to find out just where they feel most comfortable. At first it may seem awkward no matter where you put them.
FOURTH STEP: Now that you are seated, close your eyes. Because your attention is still behind your eyelids, you may see tiny points of light, squiggles, or variations of light. After you move through the rest of the steps, you will find that your awareness will automatically shift to a place on your forehead just above and between your eyes. This place is called the third eye or the seat of the imagination.
FIFTH STEP: Slowly and easily take full breaths. As you do, feel the flow of air as it goes down into your lungs and back out again. If you are breathing properly, your stomach should seem to swell and your chest will move very little because you are using your diaphragm. The most efficient muscle of breathing, the diaphragm is located at the base of the lungs. Your abdominal muscles help move the diaphragm and give you more power to empty your lungs. Practice this at least 10 times.
SIXTH STEP: Relax the body.
1) Press the toes of your right foot firmly down against the floor until you feel tension in the entire foot. Do this for the count of 10. Then relax. You may feel an increase in warmth, a slight tingle, or the foot may just seem to feel larger.
2) Do the same exercise with the right foot again. Now the difference in feeling between the right foot and the left foot gives you the contrast you need to tell the difference between a body part that is experiencing a degree of relaxation and one that is still in a state of tension.
3) Perform the same exercise with the left foot. Now both feet are in a state of relaxation.
4) Your challenge now is to allow this feeling of relaxation to flow upward into the rest of your body. You do this by tensing each body part, holding the tension for a few seconds, and then letting go. Allow this feeling of warmth (relaxation) to flow slowly up through your ankles, lower legs, knees, thighs, lower body, chest, arms, neck, face and scalp. Any place you especially feel tension, tense that body part again and then let go.
Pay close attention to the muscles in your face. Relax the lips. Allow the tongue to lie loosely in the floor of the mouth. Keep the jaw relaxed. Do not let your teeth close tightly. A good approach for relaxing all the face muscles is to make the most ferocious monster face you can muster and then relax.
SEVENTH STEP: Quiet the brain. Your random patterns of thought are one of the greatest enemies of meditation, and it takes a heroic effort to bring them under control. The good news is that your focus on the process required in relaxation has already given you some degree of control.
However, to fully benefit from meditation, you have to bore your brain into submission! You do this by taking a word or phrase, called a mantra, and saying it over and over. A mantra can be a word such as “Love†or a phrase such as “God and I are One.†If you catch your thoughts wandering to the obligations you have or the grocery list, bring them back to your mantra. Getting your brain under control is also like retraining a spoiled child. It resists your efforts, but eventually, your consistency and commitment to the process will bring it under control.
EIGHTH STEP: Listen. This is not about hearing words. It is more about the feelings you experience.You may suddenly experience a knowing about questions you were struggling with earlier or the direction you need to take becomes clearer.
NINTH STEP: Self-remember. This step comes with practice. You find yourself connecting with the oneness that exists between you and God, between you and others, between you and the Universe. The illusions that are governing your life start to break down.
About the Author
John Dean Williamsen is co-author of "It's Your Move! Transform Your Dreams from Wishful Thinking to Reality," a finalist in the 2004 Book of the Year Awards. He hosts the blog For more information, visit
Conscious Capitalism by Steven S. Sadleir
For the world to enlighten we must first enlighten, and bring this higher awareness into every facet of our lives including business. Capitalism affords the opportunity to aspire to achieve a better life, liberty and happiness, but all too often also breeds greed and corruption. At a lower state of consciousness the ends justifies the means, at a higher state it benefits society. In a "materialistic" culture money becomes the God, that we seek and humans become devalued.I have spent a lifetime studying God and money, and from my perspective when serving others is the goal, greater good and profit result. I have a plan, a way that brings out the best in capitalism and it is simply this:
Rather than trying to make money, our goal as individuals and businesses should be to make a difference. If we can make a real contribution, that contribution is valued and we become valued and money comes. This is the key to the Law of Attraction: it's not trying to get what you want, but helping others with what THEY need or want. If we only seek to benefit ourselves, or a select few, then we miss the greater value of making a difference. Making a difference, making a contribution to other's lives, is what life is all about; and it's good for business too. We find greater purpose and meaning when we make a contribution. Just making money will not fulfill you, making a difference will.
If we really do care and want to make a difference, then we think green, we think sustainable, renewable and what is in the best interest of others including the generations to come. To seek to make money and not account for the costs in terms of its long term affects on our society, our natural resources, and our environment is a short term gain (financial) at a long term cost, which is bad for business and our society. To promote products and services that benefit the well being of all, through your purchases and investments, adds value to the world, to spend and consume for pure self interest is short sighted and costly to society. The more conscious we are the happier we are both individually and collectively.
To improve the world we must first intend to. As we think prosperity, happiness and peace, we create it. The world around you is a reflection of your state of consciousness. When you care about the welfare of your employees, they provide greater productively and loyalty to your company. When you care about your customers, they support your business. This has been tested again and again and proven to be true. Think in terms of what you can do for others and watch your business grow... and your heart; profit as a prophet.
From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir
About the Author
Steven S. Sadleir is the Director of the Self Awareness Institute and is recognized as a Shaktipat Master in two lineages. He has developed powerful distance learning programs for people of all cultures and faiths, trained thousands of people from all over the world, and welcomes all of you who are ready for full Self-Realization.
Visit for FREE guided meditation mp3s and ebook!
Rather than trying to make money, our goal as individuals and businesses should be to make a difference. If we can make a real contribution, that contribution is valued and we become valued and money comes. This is the key to the Law of Attraction: it's not trying to get what you want, but helping others with what THEY need or want. If we only seek to benefit ourselves, or a select few, then we miss the greater value of making a difference. Making a difference, making a contribution to other's lives, is what life is all about; and it's good for business too. We find greater purpose and meaning when we make a contribution. Just making money will not fulfill you, making a difference will.
If we really do care and want to make a difference, then we think green, we think sustainable, renewable and what is in the best interest of others including the generations to come. To seek to make money and not account for the costs in terms of its long term affects on our society, our natural resources, and our environment is a short term gain (financial) at a long term cost, which is bad for business and our society. To promote products and services that benefit the well being of all, through your purchases and investments, adds value to the world, to spend and consume for pure self interest is short sighted and costly to society. The more conscious we are the happier we are both individually and collectively.
To improve the world we must first intend to. As we think prosperity, happiness and peace, we create it. The world around you is a reflection of your state of consciousness. When you care about the welfare of your employees, they provide greater productively and loyalty to your company. When you care about your customers, they support your business. This has been tested again and again and proven to be true. Think in terms of what you can do for others and watch your business grow... and your heart; profit as a prophet.
From the heart, Steven S. Sadleir
About the Author
Steven S. Sadleir is the Director of the Self Awareness Institute and is recognized as a Shaktipat Master in two lineages. He has developed powerful distance learning programs for people of all cultures and faiths, trained thousands of people from all over the world, and welcomes all of you who are ready for full Self-Realization.
Visit for FREE guided meditation mp3s and ebook!
You Are God, Goding by Richard Blackstone
Spirituality information tells us that we are all one. We are all one with the source of our existence, this process we call God. In essence, we are God in physical form. Do you think of your self as God? In the realm of the physical, relative universe we basically call ourselves Human Beings. Not human doings, human beings. Let's take a look at this three-part being we call a human. The three parts of our beingness are mind, body and spirit. There are many names that we can use to substitute for what we are going to describe as our beingness. Each of these triad labels depicts this three-in-one relationship with different words but they all reference the essence of the holy trinity that makes up who we really are. The ultimate characterization of the holy trinity is called Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is the way a theologian might describe the essence of God. This gender specific description might just as easily be called Mother, Daughter and Holy Spirit. Either gender can be used for the absolute definition of that which gives rise to (Mother, Father), that which is risen (Son, Daughter), and that which is (Holy Spirit). If you were dealing within the field of psychiatry you would be talking in terms of the conscious, subconscious and super conscious. Philosophical discussions would revolve around the id, the ego, and the super ego. The scientific community would be dealing with these concepts of energy, matter, and anti-matter. Poetic license brings forth images of mind, heart and soul. For our discussion within this literary genre of metaphysics we are going to use the more spiritually based label of mind, body and spirit because it so accurately describes the concepts that are relevant to our dialogue. Body, mind and spirit. The physical, the nonphysical and the metaphysical. One part of our beingness is physical, the body. The other two parts of our beingness are not physical. Our mind is nonphysical and our spirit is metaphysical. My dictionary describes metaphysical as 1. Of, or having the nature of, metaphysics 2. Very abstract or subtle 3. Super-natural. (I really like this one). Metaphysics is defined as 1. The branch of philosophy that seeks to explain the nature of being and reality 2. Speculative philosophy in general. "The branch of philosophy that seeks to explain the nature of being and reality." We are not seeking to understand and explain the nature of doing and reality. Doing is what happens after we make a choice concerning who we are being. The action of doing is what ultimately manifests our creations but that choice of actions is determined by who we are being when we make the decision to take action. The body, the physical part of our beingness, is the part that takes the actions and has the experience. The mind, the nonphysical part of our beingness, is the part that conceives the experience to begin with and sets in motion the creative process. We know that nonphysical means that something does not have a physical form or presence, but what does metaphysical mean? The spirit, the metaphysical part of our beingness, is the disembodied part of us that purely "is." The nonphysical aspect of ourselves, the mind, the universal mind of God, has the knowing which we seek to experience. The body, the physical aspect of ourselves, gets to act out our experience, that which we know of from the mind, and our spirit, the metaphysical aspect of ourselves, can then "be" that which we know and experience. So, contrary to what many people have thought all their lives, we are not "discovering life" as we move through each moment of now. We are, in fact, "creating our lives" and the world we live in, in each and every moment of the eternal moment of now. We are in the continual process of creating life experiences in order to fulfill our purpose for existence, which is to experience in the physical realm all that God knows as concepts in the realm of the absolute. Good job. Bravo. We are God, goding.
About the Author
Richard Blackstone is an author and international speaker on Life, Love and The True Nature of How Things Work. He won the prestigious "America's Next Top Author" award from for his book, "Nuts & Bolts Spirituality." Read his FREE report, "The 3 Simple Immutable Laws of the Universe"at
About the Author
Richard Blackstone is an author and international speaker on Life, Love and The True Nature of How Things Work. He won the prestigious "America's Next Top Author" award from for his book, "Nuts & Bolts Spirituality." Read his FREE report, "The 3 Simple Immutable Laws of the Universe"at
Why Friday the 13th is a Very Lucky Day, Indeed by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
When the 13th day on the month lands on a Friday, the culturally unfavorable attributes of each are multiplied by infinity. Friday, the day of original sin, the day Jesus died, the day of public hangings, in combination with 13, the number of steps on a gallows, the number of coils of rope in a hangman’s noose, the number of the Death card in the tarot deck, is indubitably designated as a day of portent and doom.
The pitiful suicide note of a window washer that was found with his body in a gas-filled room at his home and quoted in a 1960 issue of the Yorkshire Post, underscores its powerful, popular reputation, "It just needed to rain today �" Friday the 13th �" for me to make up my mind." Poor sod.
But up until the patriarchal revolution, both Fridays and 13s were held in the very highest esteem. Both the day and the number were associated with the Great Goddesses, and therefore, regarded as the sacred essence of luck and good fortune. Thirteen is certainly the most essentially female number �" the average number of menstrual cycles in a year. The approximate number, too of annual cycles of the moon. When Chinese women make offerings of moon cakes, there are sure to be 13 on the platter. Thirteen is the number of blood, fertility and lunar potency. 13 is the lucky number of the Great Goddess.
Held holy in Her honor, Friday was observed as the day of Her special celebrations. Jews around the world still begin the observance of the Sabbath at sunset on Friday evenings when they invite in the Sabbath Bride. Friday is the Sabbath in the Islamic world. Friday is also sacred to Oshun, the Yoruban orisha of opulent sensuality and overwhelming femininity, and Frig the Norse Goddess of love and sex, of fertility and creativity. Her name became the Anglo-Saxon noun for love, and in the sixteenth century, frig came to mean “to copulate.â€
Friday the 13th is ultimately the celebration of the lives and loves of Lady Luck. On this, Her doubly-dedicated day, let us consider what fortuitous coincidences constitute our fate. The lucky blend of just the right conditions, chemistries, elements and energies, which comprise our universe. The way it all works. The way we are. That we are at all. That, despite whatever major or minor matters we might think are unlucky, we have somehow managed to remain alive and aware. This Friday the 13th, let us stand in full consciousness of the miraculousness of existence and count our blessings. Knock on wood.
About the Author
Donna Henes is an internationally renowned urban shaman, ritual expert, award-winning author, popular speaker and workshop leader. She has published four books, a CD and an acclaimed journal. In addition to teaching and lecturing worldwide, Mama Donna, as she is affectionately called, maintains a ceremonial center, spirit shop, ritual practice and consultancy in exotic Brooklyn, NY where she works with individuals, groups, institutions, municipal
The pitiful suicide note of a window washer that was found with his body in a gas-filled room at his home and quoted in a 1960 issue of the Yorkshire Post, underscores its powerful, popular reputation, "It just needed to rain today �" Friday the 13th �" for me to make up my mind." Poor sod.
But up until the patriarchal revolution, both Fridays and 13s were held in the very highest esteem. Both the day and the number were associated with the Great Goddesses, and therefore, regarded as the sacred essence of luck and good fortune. Thirteen is certainly the most essentially female number �" the average number of menstrual cycles in a year. The approximate number, too of annual cycles of the moon. When Chinese women make offerings of moon cakes, there are sure to be 13 on the platter. Thirteen is the number of blood, fertility and lunar potency. 13 is the lucky number of the Great Goddess.
Held holy in Her honor, Friday was observed as the day of Her special celebrations. Jews around the world still begin the observance of the Sabbath at sunset on Friday evenings when they invite in the Sabbath Bride. Friday is the Sabbath in the Islamic world. Friday is also sacred to Oshun, the Yoruban orisha of opulent sensuality and overwhelming femininity, and Frig the Norse Goddess of love and sex, of fertility and creativity. Her name became the Anglo-Saxon noun for love, and in the sixteenth century, frig came to mean “to copulate.â€
Friday the 13th is ultimately the celebration of the lives and loves of Lady Luck. On this, Her doubly-dedicated day, let us consider what fortuitous coincidences constitute our fate. The lucky blend of just the right conditions, chemistries, elements and energies, which comprise our universe. The way it all works. The way we are. That we are at all. That, despite whatever major or minor matters we might think are unlucky, we have somehow managed to remain alive and aware. This Friday the 13th, let us stand in full consciousness of the miraculousness of existence and count our blessings. Knock on wood.
About the Author
Donna Henes is an internationally renowned urban shaman, ritual expert, award-winning author, popular speaker and workshop leader. She has published four books, a CD and an acclaimed journal. In addition to teaching and lecturing worldwide, Mama Donna, as she is affectionately called, maintains a ceremonial center, spirit shop, ritual practice and consultancy in exotic Brooklyn, NY where she works with individuals, groups, institutions, municipal
Non-Thought: Retrain Your Brain by Bruce King
The first time I attempted to have non-thought I noticed something interesting. My brain did not want me to have non-thought. It kept babbling away at me even as I explained to it that what I was trying to do would be beneficial for it. My brain was having none of it. No matter what I did my brain kept on insisting that I was better off daydreaming or thinking about something, anything, just not nothing. I wondered why that was. You would think that the brain would like to take a rest once in a while.
Try it yourself. Sit down in a quiet room and try to think of nothing for even a few minutes, pretty difficult, right? Now you see what I am up against in my attempts to attain a non-thought state.
Why does the organic brain do this? I believe it is because the idea that you could depend on some other way of thinking, that is to say thinking with your higher consciousness, is interpreted as a threat by your brain. Reaching your higher consciousness through non-thought means getting to a place that is separate from your organic brain, this threatens the brain and therefore the brain wants to resist your awakening to your higher consciousness. Being separated from your organic brain seems like death to your brain. Therefore your brain will prevent you from separating from it. But, don’t get mad at your brain, it has a very sensible reason for resisting non-thought and your awakening to your higher consciousness. It is survival. The survival instinct is what makes your brain resist your awakening. It is simply the fear of death.
The data that the brain is processing is mostly based on self-preservation. There is a security in the babble. For instance: If you repeat something in your head you are less likely to forget it. This may mean a better existence for you or less danger. If I remember to go to the grocery store I will have food to eat. If I remember things about my job it helps me make money, which leads to better clothing, and better shelter, which equals better survival.
So, how do we make friends with our brain? In other words, convince our brain that it not only is not going to die if we attain non-thought, but that it will actually be beneficial to our brain and body?
Bending reality teaches your brain that there is no threat from connecting to your higher consciousness. If you bend reality in a ‘small’ way and everything is okay, you don’t die, then you are retraining your brain. There are also other ways to retrain your brain.
About the Author
To learn more about non-thought and retraining your brain go to: and follow the links. Bruce King writes on metaphysical topics and teaches a workshop on how to bend reality.
Try it yourself. Sit down in a quiet room and try to think of nothing for even a few minutes, pretty difficult, right? Now you see what I am up against in my attempts to attain a non-thought state.
Why does the organic brain do this? I believe it is because the idea that you could depend on some other way of thinking, that is to say thinking with your higher consciousness, is interpreted as a threat by your brain. Reaching your higher consciousness through non-thought means getting to a place that is separate from your organic brain, this threatens the brain and therefore the brain wants to resist your awakening to your higher consciousness. Being separated from your organic brain seems like death to your brain. Therefore your brain will prevent you from separating from it. But, don’t get mad at your brain, it has a very sensible reason for resisting non-thought and your awakening to your higher consciousness. It is survival. The survival instinct is what makes your brain resist your awakening. It is simply the fear of death.
The data that the brain is processing is mostly based on self-preservation. There is a security in the babble. For instance: If you repeat something in your head you are less likely to forget it. This may mean a better existence for you or less danger. If I remember to go to the grocery store I will have food to eat. If I remember things about my job it helps me make money, which leads to better clothing, and better shelter, which equals better survival.
So, how do we make friends with our brain? In other words, convince our brain that it not only is not going to die if we attain non-thought, but that it will actually be beneficial to our brain and body?
Bending reality teaches your brain that there is no threat from connecting to your higher consciousness. If you bend reality in a ‘small’ way and everything is okay, you don’t die, then you are retraining your brain. There are also other ways to retrain your brain.
About the Author
To learn more about non-thought and retraining your brain go to: and follow the links. Bruce King writes on metaphysical topics and teaches a workshop on how to bend reality.
Escape the Matrix by Bruce King
"The matrix can only hold onto you, as long as you hold onto the matrix." - Eric Pepin
As I have said before, everything is energy. You, me, the universe, all made of energy. That means that everything is the same thing. An easy way to think of this is to use the analogy that everything in the universe is made of water. We are water beings in a universe entirely made of water. We are all the same thing...water. So how would that affect your reality if you were made of water in a water universe? You would literally be able to move through water 'walls' or fly through water 'air' because you would be made of the same thing as the wall or the air. This is what is going on in this 'reality', except instead of water we are all made of energy.
If we are all made of energy then why do walls appear solid and our bodies too heavy to float in the air. This is because we are experiencing 'reality' with something that is also within this 'reality', our organic brain. When we begin to experience this 'reality' with our higher consciousness then we are able perceive and move in it in it's true form, energy.
The way to access your higher consciousness is with non-thought. You need to get your brain out of the way. Surrender what you think everything is and you will see past the illusion of this reality. Not easy, but possible with practice.
Some ways to practice non-thought:
1) Meditation - The specific meditation I recommend has been explained in other articles, but can also be found through links from my web site.
2) Sensory loading - This is simply taking in as much sensory data as you possibly can. It is pretty hard to think about anything else if you are truly focused on the thousands of bits of sensory data that enter your brain moment to moment.
3) Walking in a meditative state - Go outside and walk in a rhythmic pattern (not too fast) and let yourself get lost in the rhythm. Watch out for traffic and other hazards though.
4) Zoning out - stare at an object and just vegetate. (i.e., don't think of anything) just look at the object and rest your brain for a while.
5) Listening to the tones - If you can hear a high pitched ringing, focus on it and try to move it around.
6) Feeling the objects around you with your mind - Look at an object and imagine what it feels like to the touch, smells like, taste like, etc.
The list could go on, but this gives you the idea.
The sooner you start practicing the sooner you will be able to escape the matrix of this 'reality'.
About the Author
To learn more about escaping the matrix go to: and follow the links. Bruce King writes on metaphysical topics and teaches a workshop on how to bend reality.
As I have said before, everything is energy. You, me, the universe, all made of energy. That means that everything is the same thing. An easy way to think of this is to use the analogy that everything in the universe is made of water. We are water beings in a universe entirely made of water. We are all the same thing...water. So how would that affect your reality if you were made of water in a water universe? You would literally be able to move through water 'walls' or fly through water 'air' because you would be made of the same thing as the wall or the air. This is what is going on in this 'reality', except instead of water we are all made of energy.
If we are all made of energy then why do walls appear solid and our bodies too heavy to float in the air. This is because we are experiencing 'reality' with something that is also within this 'reality', our organic brain. When we begin to experience this 'reality' with our higher consciousness then we are able perceive and move in it in it's true form, energy.
The way to access your higher consciousness is with non-thought. You need to get your brain out of the way. Surrender what you think everything is and you will see past the illusion of this reality. Not easy, but possible with practice.
Some ways to practice non-thought:
1) Meditation - The specific meditation I recommend has been explained in other articles, but can also be found through links from my web site.
2) Sensory loading - This is simply taking in as much sensory data as you possibly can. It is pretty hard to think about anything else if you are truly focused on the thousands of bits of sensory data that enter your brain moment to moment.
3) Walking in a meditative state - Go outside and walk in a rhythmic pattern (not too fast) and let yourself get lost in the rhythm. Watch out for traffic and other hazards though.
4) Zoning out - stare at an object and just vegetate. (i.e., don't think of anything) just look at the object and rest your brain for a while.
5) Listening to the tones - If you can hear a high pitched ringing, focus on it and try to move it around.
6) Feeling the objects around you with your mind - Look at an object and imagine what it feels like to the touch, smells like, taste like, etc.
The list could go on, but this gives you the idea.
The sooner you start practicing the sooner you will be able to escape the matrix of this 'reality'.
About the Author
To learn more about escaping the matrix go to: and follow the links. Bruce King writes on metaphysical topics and teaches a workshop on how to bend reality.
Warning: Prayer Does Work by Nicole Calhoun
I'm excited to share this with you, today. Why? Because when I see something working in my own life, I share it with others in hopes that they will enjoy the same success that I have. I mean, if something works for one person, shouldn't it work for another if they do the same things?
That has been my experience, thus far, so I take great joy in sharing what I have to share. We all go through our fair share of ups and downs in life. We go through times of confusion and times of despair. We've all experienced desperate times of doubts and frustration.
But the good news is being a child of God has unique advantages! We live in a fallen world, so there will always be times that our faith and belief will be tested. But it's in those times that our character is built and we're made stronger in our faith.
But, I want to share something with you that God has been teaching me in my personal life that has had some amazing results that have built my confidence in Him to heights I never dreamt imaginable!
And that is praying God's promises (His word from the Bible) back to Him makes things happen! I can't tell you how uplifting and how dramatic the changes in my life have been because of it.
I don't care what you're going through at this point in time. There is a promise in God's word that will help you work through it and most of the time, give you directions on how to get out of it! That's good news!
I want to share a few verses of scripture with you to show that I'm not making this up. God really desires that we ask Him for what we want, because if it's His will for us, He desires to give it to us just as badly as we want it!
There are three that I believe will do the trick.
First, there's Isaiah 55:10-11 that says, "As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. If God promises that His word will accomplish what He desires for it to do, you can bank on the fact that if you find a promise in His word and apply it to your life, that He will do it for you!
Secondly, there's beautiful James 1:5- 8 that reads: "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does."
God promises that if we ask, believing and not doubt, that he would give us what we ask for. So ask Him for your heart's desires, so that God can show you that He loves to give good gifts to His children!
And last, but certainly not least - 1 John 5:14-15 that states "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us--whatever we ask--we know that we have what we asked of him."
If you're like me, you're probably jumping up and down shouting "Hallelujah!" You see, it's not that we should think that just because we ask for a new car or a new home, or a million bucks that He's just going to give it to us.
He's not like that. He's not a genie in a bottle, at our beck-and-call. Just like any good father would give gifts to his children that he knew they were ready for and could handle, God is no different...that's why it says, "if we ask anything according to His will".
But just having that loving reassurance really makes me love Him all the more.
So I tell you to be confident in the things you ask God for. Peruse His word, find His great and precious promises and start to pray them over your life and those you care for (and even those you don't). Your life will never be the same!
About the Author
Nicole enjoys spending time with her son, Jordan and her husband, Muri. She loves to write, spend time with family, work her aggressive internet marketing home-based business, shop and meet new people. If you would like to spend more time with your loved ones, please contact Nicole.
That has been my experience, thus far, so I take great joy in sharing what I have to share. We all go through our fair share of ups and downs in life. We go through times of confusion and times of despair. We've all experienced desperate times of doubts and frustration.
But the good news is being a child of God has unique advantages! We live in a fallen world, so there will always be times that our faith and belief will be tested. But it's in those times that our character is built and we're made stronger in our faith.
But, I want to share something with you that God has been teaching me in my personal life that has had some amazing results that have built my confidence in Him to heights I never dreamt imaginable!
And that is praying God's promises (His word from the Bible) back to Him makes things happen! I can't tell you how uplifting and how dramatic the changes in my life have been because of it.
I don't care what you're going through at this point in time. There is a promise in God's word that will help you work through it and most of the time, give you directions on how to get out of it! That's good news!
I want to share a few verses of scripture with you to show that I'm not making this up. God really desires that we ask Him for what we want, because if it's His will for us, He desires to give it to us just as badly as we want it!
There are three that I believe will do the trick.
First, there's Isaiah 55:10-11 that says, "As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. If God promises that His word will accomplish what He desires for it to do, you can bank on the fact that if you find a promise in His word and apply it to your life, that He will do it for you!
Secondly, there's beautiful James 1:5- 8 that reads: "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does."
God promises that if we ask, believing and not doubt, that he would give us what we ask for. So ask Him for your heart's desires, so that God can show you that He loves to give good gifts to His children!
And last, but certainly not least - 1 John 5:14-15 that states "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us--whatever we ask--we know that we have what we asked of him."
If you're like me, you're probably jumping up and down shouting "Hallelujah!" You see, it's not that we should think that just because we ask for a new car or a new home, or a million bucks that He's just going to give it to us.
He's not like that. He's not a genie in a bottle, at our beck-and-call. Just like any good father would give gifts to his children that he knew they were ready for and could handle, God is no different...that's why it says, "if we ask anything according to His will".
But just having that loving reassurance really makes me love Him all the more.
So I tell you to be confident in the things you ask God for. Peruse His word, find His great and precious promises and start to pray them over your life and those you care for (and even those you don't). Your life will never be the same!
About the Author
Nicole enjoys spending time with her son, Jordan and her husband, Muri. She loves to write, spend time with family, work her aggressive internet marketing home-based business, shop and meet new people. If you would like to spend more time with your loved ones, please contact Nicole.
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