It is difficult isn't it, telling people that there is no heaven and no hell, that these places were an invention of the church, many, many years ago. The affect of all this is that many people live in fear of death. Even the devout are never really sure which way they are going and so the fear is there even for them. The words we use to define this perfectly natural time of our continuing existence only serves to remove all hope! Death, Die & Dead. It all sounds so very final! If something dies, it is the end. Churches even teach you that you stay dead until the `terrible day of judgement' and then we have the crazy idea of purgatory! How terrifying is that? Talk about subservience through fear. So let's have an end to all this stupidity now. Let me tell you what really happens when you pass back intro spirit from whence you came. Then you can go and lead your life and forget the attempts by the church to make you afraid, and you can be assured by the knowledge that love and light await you, no matter what. Many people who have NDEs or a Near Death Experience, report seeing a bright light and people, figures on the other side of it. This tunnel of light is a huge energy barrier that separates the physical experience from the spiritual realm. Once we do pass over and through this barrier the silver cord is severed and the spirit's link to the earthly body is lost. The body begins to deteriorate almost immediately as it is no longer occupied by the energy force that kept it `alive'. When you do pass over there are always one or two or even more on hand to greet you and help you with any confusion that you may be feeling at that time. You will recognise the greeters as you will have known them in previous existences and in between. With them you will feel at ease and an incredible sense of love and peace will envelop you. Obviously all bodily malfunctions through age or injury that held you back will cease to be and you will feel whole again. To assist with the passing over and the acceptance of it, to a large extent you will see what you always believed that you would. Therefore if a person believed that they were going to hell, that is what they would see, but the images would soon fade and they would be greeted by loved ones. If a person has failed in their life's mission and succumbed to the love of the world's wealth or did not achieve what they wanted to achieve in that lifetime, there is no judgement, no wrath. There will be major disappointment in your spirit for you will have failed to achieve what you chose to live that life to do. Your spirit or karma may have been damaged and you will spend a time healing, where you can review your failures and see the error in the love of the world's wealth rather than real love and compassion, before deciding to perhaps return again. There is no judgement. There is only help and love. In leading a life of greed, materialism or hatred, you only damage yourself and your spirit, you damage and hinder your own soul's progression towards perfection. And perfection is total and all embracing love and eventual oneness with the creator/god this massive positive energy force that surges through the universe. For remember: we are energy. Every soul can lead many lives. It seems a little naïve to me that people can believe that a spirit can be bon into a body once, but that it is not capable of doing it twice, three times or many times in order to achieve perfection. Surely it is a rather sadistic God who would say, “ Just one shot at it, then into the lake of fire with you!†Churches do not want you to believe in many lives and prior existences because it loosens their grip of fear and they no longer have control. The leaders of all the great ancient schools of wisdom knew of pre vious and successive existence, but it has been closed off to general knowledge by the rise in religion over the last 2000 years. A religion steeped in dogma and control that bears little resemblance to the real lives of Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalene and the many, many disciples, many of whom were women. But that is another truth and it is dealt with in the book Buried By The Church. Even the Hindu school of thought uses control though in a different manner because they say that: “This man has done something in a previous existence to make him suffer now. Therefore why should I help him? He has done something to deserve this.†In this way they are using the same tactics as Christianity. ---------------------------- There are many levels of existence. This earthly level of incarnation is hopefully allowing you to improve your spirit, soul or karma. It is all about your learning experiences, your spiritual development and improvement. Above our level is the guides and the higher evolved ones who re-incarnate to help, but that is another topic for another day! Suffice it to say that they are here now! Below us are the earth bound negative spirits, then the animal spirits, most of which are herd spirits similarly the birds (have you ever wondered by a flock of thousands of birds all change direction in a nano-second?) Animals that are shown great love during their time on earth have the opportunity to progress upon their return to spirit. A much-loved dog or other pet experiences such love that it is allowed to progress. Then there are the elementals or nature spirits. The guardians of nature, these are what you might call faeries, elves, and the like. These are only names given to nature spirits when they have been spotted on the rare occasions that they manifest themselves. There is a whole folklore surrounding these creatures now, most of it untrue! Talk to someone about faeries and elves and ask them if they believe and they will tell you “NO!†It is the folklore that they don't believe in. Take that same person to the forest on a warm sunny day and enjoy the quiet. They will confess that they feel a certain magic about the forest. It is these nature spirits, these elementals that will be busy in the time leading up to the earth shift and immediately following it.
About the Author
A Editor of and psychic investigator
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