Friday, June 13, 2008

Reiki Symbols - Secret or Sacred? by Elmarie

The word Reiki means Universal Life Force Energy.

It is defined as being that power which acts and lives in all created matter.

The word consists of two parts. The first syllable "REI" pronounced "ray" describes the universal, limitless aspect of this energy, the wisdom and knowledge of "All that Is".The second syllable "KI" pronounced "kee" describes the vital life force energy which flows through all living beings and is in itself very much part of part one, "REI".

Throughout the history of mankind diverse healing methods have always existed which were based on the transference of universal, interpenetrating life force energy, the same energy which brings forth all life in the universe and nourishes it.

As humans beings we are all born with Reiki ability as it is a God given right. By that I mean that the "Universal Life Force" which comes directly from "Source" is present within all of us.

The Ancients knew this as they lived closer to Source and this knowledge was part of their everyday reality. As humans evolved this innate knowledge was forgotten and we started depending more and more on tangible manmade remedies and cures.

Power, fear and control became part of daily life and the selected few that still had access to this knowledge surrounded same in a shroud of secrecy and exclusivity resulting in the general perception that this God given gift was the property these select few therefore perpetuating the myth of separateness.

Today we know this to be untrue as at this momentous time in the history of Humanity and the Earth, so much knowledge and information that had roots deep in the past is surfacing giving everyone the opportunity of understanding our unique and important role as creators of our own realities and therefore the "All That Is, Is One".

The knowledge of Reiki would have remained lost forever had Dr. Mikao Usui not rediscovered the key which led to the recovery of a thousand-year old tradition of healing.

As I said previously, Reiki energy is within all of us, all of the time. IT IS AS IT SAYS; Universal Life Force Energy.

Because of this, anyone can transfer magnetic energy (Life Force Energy) to another and help speed the healing process.

A person who has received the attunements has simply had this natural ability very greatly enhanced. The person's physical and etheric bodies have been tuned to a higher vibratory level and certain energy centres, chakras, have been opened to "channel" higher amounts of Universal Life Force Energy.

This focused and concentrated life force energy will flow through his or her hands of its own accord and this ability will be retained for the rest of his or her life.

According to the Webster's Online Dictionary:

The word SECRET means:

1. Something that should remain hidden from others (especially information that is not to be passed on); "the combination to the safe was a secret"; "he tried to keep his drinking a secret".

2. Information known only to a special group; "the secret of Cajun cooking".

The word SACRED means:

1. Concerned with religion or religious purposes; "sacred texts"; "sacred rites"; "sacred music".

2. Worthy of respect or dedication; "saw motherhood as woman's sacred calling"

It is my understanding that the power of the sacred (not secret) Reiki symbols lie within the knowledge and understanding of how to activate them and use them after having been attuned to them by a certified Reiki Master Teacher. Therefore by itself, without the attunement, the symbol as such is just a symbol.

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." ~ H.P. LOVECRAFT, Supernatural Horror in Literature

Therefore by removing the unknown and lifting the veil of secrecy everyone will have the opportunity to rediscover their divinity and re-membering - WE ARE ONE!

About the Author

This article was lovingly penned by Elmarie Swartz, an accomplished Reiki Master and Crystal Healing practitioner who can be contacted via her website a place where you will find a lot more information on healing, other articles by Elmarie as well as a unique opportunity for you create your own web page one her site.

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