Friday, June 13, 2008

Keep your women quiet by Neal Sutton

KEEP YOUR WOMEN SILENT IN CHURCH! This little statement is made in the bible by Paul. A little statement it may be but because it is in the bible and because many people still believe that that book is the undisputed word of God, every single word of it, women have been unfairly discriminated against and excluded for nearly 2000years. We know that Paul did not particularly like women due to the high regard in which Jesus held Mary Magdalene. We know that she was not, as the bible will tell you, a penitent whore. We know that she was a High Priestess and that furthermore, she was the wife of Jesus. We know that there were many female disciples although they were totally ignored by the composers of the bible. When Paul asked Jesus why he let Mary Magdalene speak about God and Spirit he said; "Whosoever speaks the word of God is divinely ordained to speak". That is as clear as it can be, isn't it? In conversation with a church elder recently, I asked why some churches objected so vehemently to female priests or vicars. I was told that the church did not object to visiting female vicars but that a female should never be allowed to be the vicar in charge. When I asked why not he said that Paul had said that the leader of your church must be a man of good character. The most important part of the statement, to me would be the `good character' piece. That was the essence of the statement after all. The male dominated Christian church has latched onto the `man' word and applied that as the letter of the law rather than the `good character. So where does this regarding females as some kind of inferior being, come from? Well it started with Paul, was adopted by Constantine and his emerging church of Rome and was incorporated into the works chosen to make up the bible. And for nearly 2000 years it has made the position of the spiritual female just that much harder. The situation was made entirely worse by Pope Gregory 1st in the relatively early days of the Roman Catholic Church, who declared that, as the Gospel of Luke had declared that Mary had `had seven demons cast out of her' that she must have `perfumed her flesh with forbidden acts.' Since that time the church has wrongly portrayed Mary Magdalene as a prostitute - may the Angels forgive them. As Lynn Picknett says in her excellent book, `Mary Magdalene - Christianity's Hidden Goddess': Only in 1969 did the Roman Catholic Church repeal Gregory's labelling of Mary Magdalene as a whore, thereby admitting their error. Though the image of Mary Magdalene as a penitent whore has remained in the public teachings of all Christian denominations. Like a small erratum buried in the back pages of a newspaper, the church's correction goes unnoticed while the initial defamatory article continues to influence readers. In `The Templar Revelation' by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince the authors, when talking of Mary Magdalene state that: It is clear from the way that she is mentioned that she was the most important of all Jesus' female disciples, almost all of whom have been almost totally ignored by the church. First century Jews may have had sociological and religious problems with the concept of important women, simply because of their culture, more recent critics have no excuse. During the never-ending arguments about women priests, extraordinary misrepresentations of Jesus' followers were cited as proof that women were not meant to be members of the clergy. Right from the start and the Garden of Eden the bible portrays the female as the villain. She is the corrupter of man!! Make no mistake, our patriarchal churches have quite deliberately demeaned and blamed the female. And does it not seem strange that we have an all-male Holy Trinity? God the father, God the son, God the Holy Ghost. A clear agenda is evident to all readers that women are unworthy. But this is clearly wrong. It is just another part of the dogma that is doomed to fail. Love is within all of us. Love is in all of nature. The Earth is your mother. She gives you all you need to exist and live, much as your biological mother does. The love of the mother knows no bounds and is unconditional. This love and at this level, is only found in the female. Through the female the male finds the experience of true divine love, and through making love, he connects with Great Spirit at the ultimate level for this earthly plane. So it is quite clear that the female on earth is love. The church preaches love but tries to exclude the female, declaring that she is unworthy to preach!! Folly indeed. Until it can learn to warm its cold and unfeeling heart towards the female it is far from spirit. Everyone is of equal importance to spirit, for each of you are sparks from the light, but the female you should revere. Females, through love, carry new life in their bodies and bring that new life into the world. Their cycle of life and egg producing itself coincides with the cycle of the Moon, itself long held as a symbol of femininity and love. Spiritual females should always allow Moonlight to fall upon them while they sleep. Females nurture the children, love them, teach them and show them right from wrong. At this time all of this comes from a female living in a world that is far from being deeply spiritual, a world that struggles to comprehend true spirituality. Can you imagine the heights of understanding and love that can be imparted by a female living a deeply spiritual life. Before the bible writers, where were the enlightened ones most prevalent in the preceding centuries? Why, Egypt of course! Pythagoras, Pluto and many other early scholars and thinkers studied with the priests at Heliopolis in Egypt. Over the preceding millennia those priests numbered many females among them. There was always a woman in the Temple Of Thoth holding the title, `Mistress of the House of Books' which included the Egyptian Book Of The Dead. And it is worthy of note that women in ancient Egypt were the freest in the world both legally and morally. It is a far cry from our so-called Christian churches whose bible teaches, `Keep your women silent in church' who fought the ordination of women, and still do! A church built to control the people through imparting fear of what may await them after death, and in suppressing the female, can only implode, for it does not teach the truth.

About the Author

Editor of the website and psychic investigator

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