Friday, June 13, 2008

Be the Difference by Neal Sutton

BE THE DIFFERENCE! For the last two thousand years (and probably before that) religious intolerance has been one of the primary reasons why peoples across the planet have not been able to `get on' together. I forget who it was who said, "For good men to do evil it takes religion" but it certainly appears to be true. Is there a religion anywhere that does not preach love, compassion and understanding at its heart? I cannot think of one. So please explain to me someone, why it is that there is so much hatred across the world in the name of religion. Muslims hold placards aloft demanding that someone should die because of something they might have said. And it is not just today that the problem has been with us. The Roman Catholics were extremely intolerant of anyone who did not accept Catholicism as the orthodox religion; indeed, anyone daring to differ in any way were immediately branded as heretics and hunted, tortured to confess all manner of heresy and then burned at the stake, if they survived the interrogation! Who can forget the shocking pictures of protestant school children having to face a barrage of spitting, shouting and verbal abuse from Catholic adults because their route to school took them down a Catholic street? The children were as young as seven and eight and were crying hysterically for fear of what these `adults' may do. What kind of God would anyone be following that would condone such shockingly infantile and cowardly behaviour towards children? What kind of God is happy to see his representatives on earth torturing and burning his `children'? What kind of god wants any kind of negative activity from anyone? What kind of God wants any negative thoughts from anyone?

Just as love, compassion and happiness are positive emotions and the epitome of everything that spirit requires of us in order to grow, so too are hatred, greed and anger very negative emotions that can and do damage your spirit or karma.

It does not matter to me what religion you follow. I don't care whether you feel that you must pray every half hour, or whether you feel it is wrong to eat pork on a Friday. I don't care if you feel you have to cover your body in tattoos and run naked up the Blackpool tower if you feel it makes you closer to God, whoever you perceive him or her to be. All these things are the rules of your particular `religion' and they do not come direct from spirit. They are rules made by people sometime in the past. If your religion requires you to hate and murder, then you do your spirit untold harm. The only thing that spirit requires of you, that your spirituality may grow, your karma positively affected, is that you love more people, love the people you meet, be tolerant of the differences you perceive. Be compassionate to everyone. Help everyone who needs your help. Freely give it for it is a gift for you to pass on. In a world of hatred and intolerance you must be the difference. There will never be a massive change for the better unless we all become part of its creation. YOU can be a big part of it! BE the difference you wish to see in the world. You should do this above all else in your life.

"One hundred years from now it will not matter the sort of house I lived in, what my bank account was, or the car that I drove. But the world may be a better place because I was important in the life of a child or any one of God's creatures on Earth"

About the Author

Author of the spirituality Matters website and articles relating to spirituality

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