Friday, June 13, 2008

Perspectives on Perspective: Experiential Liberation by Rick Hallett

* Perspectives on Perspective: Part 1" Coming up for air

Its all about perspective, Rick

My coaches words echo round my head. Little seeds planted in my sub-conscious mind that keep appearing in different situations and, not surprisingly, perspectives. But why is it that it doesnt always deliver the same effect? Why am I holding onto a particular outcome of such a fluidic suggestion? The answer, ironically, is again within perspective.

I sat there watching the TV, my coffee is yet to kick in and my morning sluggishness is much more intense than usual. Negativity pervades my mind as I watch the news. Comparison, comparison, comparison to everyone except myself. Magnifying the good in others and reducing the good in myself. Sound familiar? Spiritual seekers have a tendency to be such perfectionists and yet it is usually the thing holding us back the most. Perfection in humanistic terms, the terms drummed into us by the media on overt and subliminal levels daily is a disease rife on this planet, particularly in the modern age. On one hand, it gives us the impetus and drive to push forward into further possibility, but on the other it stifles and suffocates the human spirit. True perfection, the perfection viewed by an enlightened being, is that of absolute fluidity. Ever heard anyone say the real perfection is in the non-perfection?

As my ever regular coffee started to kick in and my biochemical patterns started to re-align to something more familiar, I started moving more towards non-thought. I started to question my own self-doubt. Why am I feeling this way? What is the root of the problem? Am I really not good at anything or is there something incredibly obvious that is eluding my current frame of mind? Without further frustration at my further inadequacy in not getting my perspective right (again, sound familiar? The oh-so familiar Nazi "I" that anyone in Higher Balance will have developed to some extent), I became critical of my criticality.

Its all about perspective, Rick

A mandela of knowledge softly exploded almost violently within my consciousness. Like a sponge of compressed knowledge that inflates on contact with water. Applied knowledge. The news presenter on TV, who had only moments before appeared a professional, well-rounded and confident individual was laid bare within my imagination. Suddenly I saw her in all potential aspects, good and bad. That she wasnt like this by nature, but had learned every last movement, down to the subtle communications in her facial muscles. She had become this by necessity. Survival within the mechanism. She may be successively portraying the desired image, but this image was but a snapshot within her life viewed from the snapshot lives of those watching her. But how many of those people are aware of this level of truth? I suspect hardly any. Fast food media.

It really does all come down to perspective. In our post-modern era, academics continually pout that perspective and truth is relative in their familiar mechanical way. And to large extent, they are right. At least, from that perspective :P

What is your perspective as you read these words? Are you even aware of it? If so, then you must ask yourself what that perspective is and if you are satisfied with the first answer that your conditioned mind gives you then you have but entirely missed the point my friend.

* Perspectives on Perspective: Part 2" Tasting the air

Life is nothing more than a conglomeration of living, dynamic perspectives that move within and without one another in a constant moving dance. The problem is that we never realise this is the case and see a still reality, it may be moving but only within our vision. A play on a set stage of generally unquestioned assumptions, and when we question, it is normally questioned in an unquestioned way. And as we move slowly from one perspective to another we forget that we ever viewed it from a perspective at all.

These are the "I"'s, identities within the mind. Separate, but appearing seamlessly connected by the presence of your ego.

These are the collective consciousness bubbles of society. Each identify and perspective looks out through its bubble that distorts the view outside it. Yet the bubble is absolutely transparent to those inside it unless they look very hard indeed.

But they do not only exist within your organic mind but at every level of the cosmic continuum. What is the perspective of a cell within your forefinger? For sure, it is as alien as you can possibly imagine and if you can imagine it at all then you are probably not imagining it. But if you can feel it with your sixth-sense (this can be trained through spiritual work, such as the Higher Balance Meditation, link available in this article) then you are probably coming somewhere close as your dimensional consciousness (a.k.a - spiritual mind, universal mind, higher consciousness etc) is not so limited by the constructs and perspectives of our own organic brain. It is energy with a perspective and form of consciousness of its own, but it does not resemble our own so throw anthropomorphism out of the window once you have a useful concept.

These perspectives of reality build and form the larger structures they are a part of, forming the perspective of your larger macro organs and the body that these too make up. Note, when I say perspective I do not only mean as in what can that individual embodiment perceive. I also mean how does that formation of energy fit within the larger system, what is its role, what are its functions and limitations and in what way do these contribute to the cosmic order of our universe.

How are these levels of micro systems affecting you even as you read this right now. Maybe you are hungry, tired, bored…or maybe even quietly interested :P

How does it fit within your larger social identity? Become conscious of how limited your self perception is within the larger body of the Gaia mind (or collective consciousness) and all its possibilities of consciousness. Dont despair though, your organic limitation is what makes the larger possibility, possible. Your finger is allowed the privilege of its existence through the limitation of the cells it consists of. If each cell was granted absolute freedom of movement and consciousness your finger would have never even come to be. And your brain and organic consciousness is allowed its freedom and control over the finger by its own dichotomy of exploration and limitation. Would you even be reading these words if you could fly and view the different cultures from a real-time birds eye view. The system works imperfectly from the bottom up to create perfection from the bottom down. But the perfection is nothing like the humanistic perfection of desires, needs and wants.

Are you aware of how this social identity is combines with the particular life cycle of your body right now? Perhaps you are young and naive like myself. Or perhaps you are old and wise, yet in your wisdom you have forgotten the naivety of youth and have become naive in your own way yet again. What use is wisdom if you use it like a teenager would? Just a thought.

And how would the collective consciousness, from cell to country, look from 1000 light years away? If we frame ourselves from that perspective, we can see our bodies as sub-cellular processes within the cytoplasmic air of our rooms and immediate environment. The walls of your room as cell walls providing you with the protection from the external environment so that your body can live out the function of its one-hundred year life-cycle on this planet. A blink of an eye from the galactic frame of perspective. Size is only relative. Time is only the movement of size. We exist within space that only seems the size it does from the conditioning of our mind to believe that this particular snapshot of the cosmos is the real one and all we should be concerned with. To an atom, you are already a universe in itself. Did someone say close minded?

The planet is an organism.

It brings to mind a phrase…the more we realise we don’t know the more we do know. We just have to apply that pattern of unknowing to the universe in front of us.

* Perspectives on Perspective: Part 3" Breathing and living within the new air

Liberation is awareness of this continuum of micro/macro identities, perspectives and understandings beyond your own. This requires mindfulness, but also knowledge gained through the experience of observing reality and the patterns within it. Ironically, you have to condition your mind in a new way in order to un-condition the old one. This is the work. The only difference is that this new conditioning allows the possibility for further self-critical conditioning.

You begin to create a momentum that pushes you upstream through the resistance of the functional collective consciousness. The more you understand these bubbles of consciousness, and the more familiar you become with your own patterns, the more you can walk "Inbetween" the bubbles and become conscious of their source. The collective consciousness of the planet is observable only from this place and this is where an someone of awakened consciousness walks. Rather than remaining stuck within the particular frame of consciousness that their current mood, situation and life-cycle dictates, they become fluidic to the movements of the micro/macro ocean of the cosmos.

On one level, you are the summation of the micro bodily turbulence that your particular biochemistry creates in reaction to its external environment. Become fluidic and let it move within you.

On another level, you are nothing but a speck of dust within a larger cosmic ocean. Let yourself move within it, and let it move you.

The more impartial you can become to you own life the more fluidic you can become. Your structure becomes the movement of the structure you are a part of as opposed to the structuralisation of the ego. The ego always breaks. It has no choice.

So let it.

You can intellectualise and philosophise until you and those that have to listen are blue in the face. But until you step down from the thrown of your ego you will never truly see anything the way it really is.

Between the structure of the atomic nucleus and the electron cloud surrounding it there is huge space. Between the cell and organ there is huge space. Between the structure of individual human bodies, there is space, and there is space between the larger societies of our planet. Between our planet and the solar system, there is again huge space. Constantly, the continuum of the cosmos is patterned in repetitions of structure that gives way to a more macro space.

The universe is fundamentally empty, yet there is structure within it.

Look for the space in everything, nothing is as it seems.

About the Author

Hey :)

I have been a student of the Higher Balance Institute for just over 1.5 years now, and my articles are an honest attempt at trying to spread some of the knowledge and techniques that this revolutionary team of people are offering. They offer advanced programs for spiritual growth and development of the sixth sense through complex knowledge, meditation and real personal paranormal experiences.

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