Saturday, August 23, 2008

What is cellulite and how can women deal with the ugly look of accumulated cellulite? by Keith Baxter

Cellulite or cottage cheese thighs as it sometimes referred to as, is extremely hard to get rid of and can make one crazy by trying to do so. I was wondering the other just what is cellulite anyway? It would be easier to get rid of if I had the knowledge of exactly what it was and what caused it. This is a problem that has plagued me for years and at this point I feel that there is nothing left to try. I can't shake the feeling that out there is something else, and I have to keep trying.

About the Author

Keith Baxter runs For more information on home based jobs for mothers, please visit her site.

Online Wiccan Supply Store Review by Joseph

In such a niche industry as selling spirituality and religious products, there is one online store I have found that raises above the rest on the net.

It is hard for individuals within the witchcraft, pagan, and wiccan communities to find actual brick and mortar stores by them where they can buy supplies and items for their craft. I have spent countless hours searching the net for reliable sources to purchase items for my craft, and I finally found one.

Moon's Light Magic is a huge online supply store for anyone who practices the craft. Whether you are Pagan, Wiccan, or just spiritual in general, Moon's Light Magic online store will surely have something that will provide you the proper tools and items for your rituals and spells.

With over 2,000 different products to choose from, there certainly is no shortage of products here. Moon's Light Magic carries incense, candles, oils, spell kits, pendulums, cauldrons, statuary, herbs, and just about anything you can imagine for us that practice the Craft.

They have over 130 different tarot cards, hundreds of herbs that may be otherwise IMPOSSIBLE to find at any local store, and dozens upon dozens of ritual spell candles for those of us looking for some quick and easy spells and rituals. If you would like to have much more complex rituals, they certainly have the goods to provide this for you as well.

Shopping on their site is a breeze, and much like other e-commerece sites you just click and add items to your shopping cart. Each product has a detailed description and high quality picture which allows you to see if each product is what it is you are looking for.

Finding items on their site is just as easy, everything is fitted into proper categories and sub categories so you don't have to spend a lengthy amount of time trying to find what it is you are looking for. They also have a search option which will allow you to type in exactly what is you may be looking for and if they have that product or something similar, search results will pop up on the page.

Moon's Light Magic is an authorized secured website. Meaning that when you check out whatever sensitive information you punch in(such as credit card numbers) are completely safe from hackers. This is something that I really liked, as I can be quite hesitant when it comes down to purchasing online for this reason alone.

For shipping options Moon's Light Magic offers either UPS or USPS. I found UPS to be rather expensive, however the USPS shipping prices are more then reasonable.

For payment they accept all major credit cards and paypal, so it really it is up to you as to what you are comfortable with to pay through. The fastest way to get your order to you is by paying through credit card as it says on their website that they receive payment almost immdiately and then the order is processed and shipped.

I have ordered several times through Moon's Light Magic and found that my order is usually shipped within 2-4 days. They keep you posted through e-mail as to the status of your order. When it is being processed you will receive an e-mail saying so, and when your order had been shipped you will receive another e-mail confirmation that says your order has been shipped.

My packages always arrive professionally sealed with everything carefully protected in bubble wrap, pop corn, and other shipping material to prevent breakage of the more fragile items. You also receive a free gift with every order you place, how cool is that? It seems free gifts range from candles to incense, to other little baubles such as sea shells, pens, bookmarks, and more.

So whether you are looking to purchase some items for your rituals, spells, and craft, or looking for some odd and really cool items just to own, Moon's Light Magic certainly delivers.

Moon's Light Magic Wiccan Supply Store

About the Author

Joseph is a reviewer of online stores, online sites, and many other different products. He gives his unbiased opinion to help steer people to the best products and online sites around. you can visit his review site here: Wiccan Store Reviews

God - How to Find Work You Love by Kathi Calahan

Growing evidence makes it clear that now is the time to get a firm grasp on your career directions.

And I can help you do this.

KFYR - TV news reports

The Bureau of Labor Statistics shows 8.5 million Americans were out of work in May 2008. New legislation now extends unemployment benefits from 12-26 weeks to and additional 13 weeks. "You could scour the job listing for weeks and still not find the job that's right for you."

It is apparent that a need to re-evaluate our career planning is in order, and it's a good idea to do this before we need it. Most of the time we go about it backwards. Normally we look to see what jobs are available and hope our skills can meet and beat the competition of job seekers. What I'm asking you to do is reverse the order.

Do some soul searching and find out what you have to offer and then go out and find the career that matches your personality.


Ask yourself these seven very important questions

Do I have marketable skills which match my interests? What life values are important to me and do they match my employer's values? Is my travel time excessive to and from work? Do I like the people I work with? Do I work better in groups or alone? If I like my job, can I improve my skills to make me more valuable to my employer? Do I have a career plan? If you are not yet sure where to start finding a job you will love and you want to make a plan before you need it, ask a career adviser for help. And remember these universally spiritual truths:

You have God-given skills, unique to you.

Your skills are designed to move you into a satisfying career.

There is a purpose to your life and your career is but one way of expressing your purpose.

God is on your side and will help you succeed in finding work that you love.

Make a career plan today and start by asking yourself the above questions while remembering your spiritual truths. Then go ask for help.

About the Author

For updates on how to find your best career/personality match, go to Certified Behavioral Therapist and Spiritual Career Counselor, Kathi Calahan is “The Idea Queen & Go-To Person” for solutions to your everyday problems. Using the principles of spirituality, she will help you find the work best suited to your personality and Soul’s desire. © 2008

How to Make a Spiritually-Based Career Plan by Kathi Calahan

"I want to expand or change my career." I hear this statement every day from people who would make the changes if they only knew what to do.

Some tell me they do not trust the industry they are working in to stay afloat. Others say that the personality conflicts at work are so stressful that they dread getting up to go to work each day.

Not to worry. I'm going to show you how to make an excellent career plan for yourself which will also include your spiritual values. With this plan, I guarantee, you will find yourself excited to get up in the morning and go to work.


As American author, Pearl Buck said, "I don't wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got to get down to work."

If you keep telling yourself that you just don't have time to make a huge life change, such as a career adjustment, you'll find that procrastination will creep up on your goals until a week goes by, a month, a year and then the next thing you know, your dream will have withered from neglect.

Either your career is a priority, or it's not. It becomes a real priority when you put some action behind the dream.

Carol has a full time work schedule, plus a marriage to sustain and grow. Her dream is to write a novel. She went to school and graduated with a degree in journalism, has worked in the writing career field, but has yet to write her novel. She tells me her bigger picture and direction, to write books, seems to fade in and out.

With Carol and others as examples, let's see what we can do to get her goal (and yours) out of the "want-to" stage and into reality.


The day you were born you brought with you gifts from God. These included your values, skills and interests, which would later be utilized in a dream career

Carol brought a love of teaching through publishing into her life. She is now working on eliminating procrastination in order to fulfill her Life's Work.

Kevin found that his core value was service. He now works to help his community through his position of Public Works Inspector, making sure the roads and right of ways are safe for his town.

Katie teaches others the value of forgiving. As an instructor and coach for Radical Forgiveness, she believes that our health is directly connected to our ability to forgive.

Ask yourself, which values are most important to you. With this knowledge you can begin looking for work that will be the most fulfilling for your Soul. An excellent resource for a list of values can be found at the website The Foundation For A Better Life. You may have seen their many values commercials on TV.


You were born with God-given skills that will help you find the career of your dreams. How else would any of us be able to explain a piano prodigy or inventor, for example?

Make a list of the skills you have enjoyed in all your previous jobs. Rate your skills into a top three list. A fabulous skills profiler can be found online at CareerOneStop. By completing the Skills Profiler evaluation you will be directed toward a career that best fit your favorite skills.

Carol's best skill has always been writing. It would be natural for her to write books and you can see that this would be part of her Life's Work. She enjoys it, she likes sharing her knowledge and the only stumbling block in her way at the moment is procrastination.


As a young child, Albert Einstein had an insatiable interest in math and science. Unwilling to think inside the box and heatedly disliking rigid methods of instruction, school authorities began to think he might be dim-witted. It was his independence of mind that later catapulted him into one of the greatest minds of the 20th century, if not all time.

Some, like Buddha, Allah or Jesus are spiritually enlightened, while others, like Einstein, are Life's Work enlightened. He recognized his God-given interests and then made use of them, while making a contribution to others. You can do this too.

Think back to your earliest interests. Was it a school topic such as Carol found in writing and English? Was it a social interest such as talking to others? You can bet that was one of Oprah Winfrey's favorite interests. Was it an interest in beauty and nature like the great photographer Ansel Adams?

Identify your top three interests.


Now that you know your favorite skills, interests and values it's time to match them to a career field you find interesting. Spiritually speaking, you were born with everything to make this choice easy. Why work in a field you're not enjoying? Get rid of the stress by making a new career plan for yourself.

For the entrepreneurial sort, look into the book by Tom Chappell called, The Soul of a Business, where you can incorporate your own spirituality with the career of your choice. Also make use of the free resources at SCORE. For the avant-garde watch the video, A Whole New Mind, where you'll find that the career industry is now gearing up for right-brain thinking while the logical left-brain jobs are being outsourced.


In the European publication, University of Ulster, it was proven through research study with the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service that spirituality (not religion) in the workplace significantly increased optimum performance. It is now believed that this is achievable through interconnected and deeper understandings of personal and group purpose.

"The people working in NIAS demonstrated the potential to be focused on their jobs in the context of the greater needs of society, rather than their ego derived desires. This is about a oneness and wholeness between an individual and an organization where all are interconnected in achieving common goals." said Anita Kelso.

Now that you know the importance of including your personal spirituality in your career plan, and you know where your spiritual gifts came from, begin today to put these gifts to work for you. You will have, not only a career, but also a great career.

About the Author

For updates on how to find your best career/personality match, go to Certified Behavioral Therapist and Spiritual Career Counselor, Kathi Calahan is “The Idea Queen & Go-To Person” for solutions to your everyday problems. Using the principles of spirituality, she will help you find the work best suited to your personality and Soul’s desire. © 2008

Discovering Your Life's Work - What it is and How You Can Find It by Kathi Calahan

Your Life's Work is the mission of your Soul in making a difference in life.

We all know people who are angels of mercy, like Mother Theresa. She has discovered and implemented her Life's Work internationally. Or how about the president of the United States or other leadership positions anywhere in the world? These leaders have found their Life's Work within their own nation. Then there's always the hospice volunteers, who have determined that their Life's Work is to be shared within the community. What about the parent or parents who raise their children to be decent human beings and contributing members of society? These are all people who have discovered their Life's Work and are sharing their God-given talents.

You have a Life's Work, or Purpose and I'm going to show you right now how to find it. Keep in mind, these abilities all came into this lifetime with you. Your only job is to uncover them and use them.

Ask yourself these three questions

What has always captured and held my interest? Nature? Family? Psychology? Intuition? Science? Writing? Expand this list and choose your top three interests. One of these three will be the MOST important to you. Write them all down, because although you will choose one favorite, the other two will eventually get attention sometime in your life. What person have I always admired most? What was their primary value? For example - Abraham Lincoln and honesty are synonymous. Bill and Melinda Gates - philanthropy (although the pathway to getting there was via the Microsoft computer industry). Madame Marie Curie - Learning was her way out of the Polish ghettos and she ultimately used her skills to help others through medicine. What are my best and favorite three skills? For example - One might say that Donald Trump's best skill is building a fortune through real estate. The Dali Lama's best skill would be peace. Or how about Oprah Winfrey? Her best skill is communication. Now you might be quite skilled at cooking, but if it's not your favorite thing to do, don't add it to your list. It's got to be something that brings you great joy. Again, choose your very favorite skill and tuck the other two away for future use. Now that you have become aware of your God-given talents which make up your personality you can set about finding a meaningful Life's Work and begin fulfilling your destiny in life. The secret to uncovering your Life's Work is to know your gifts and match them to a compatible career. Usually we do it the other way around - look for a job and hope we can fit the requirements.

Jami & John are two of the finest parents in the world and I don't say that lightly. Their mission in life is to raise three children into adulthood who will be decent, hard-working and lawful, helpful citizens of the world. They've worked very hard making sure that each of the kids was held accountable for their actions. Trying, as all kids do, to push boundaries, these three children today know the difference between right and wrong and have made goals for themselves at a young age.

Because of parental supervision, the children, ages 13, 16 & 17 do not drink, drug or smoke. They have a bright future ahead and know that any addictions would prevent them from accomplishing their Life Works.

Thirteen-year-old Trevor is already headed into the design and construction industry and has known this was his work since he could barely walk. Sixteen-year-old Kelsey is interested in medicine and while she does not have a specific career in mind, she knows it will be in this industry. Seventeen-year-old Nick has just graduated high school and is headed for college to learn the pharmaceutical industry.

What this role model family can show us is that with a dream and help, we can achieve anything. These children are lucky, they have had the help of both parents all their lives. They've asked their parents lots of questions and together have explored online and through discussion their career possibilities. Mom and dad have helped them look at their skills, talents and values in order to find the work that will be most fulfilling.

But for those of us who do not have this kind of built-in support, it is important we find a mentor or a coach who can show us the way. With help, anything is possible and if this family can do it, so can yours!

About the Author

For updates on how to find your best career/personality match, go to Certified Behavioral Therapist and Spiritual Career Counselor, Kathi Calahan is “The Idea Queen & Go-To Person” for solutions to your everyday problems. Using the principles of spirituality, she will help you find the work best suited to your personality and Soul’s desire. © 2008

Careers & God, How to Discover Who You Are by Kathi Calahan

You work because you have bills to pay.

Or do you?

The fortunate ones work because they love what they do, not because of the bills. Even if they won the lottery, they'd still get up every morning doing what they love.

How about you?

In Discovering Your Life's Work, you will not only find out who you are, but spiritually find far more to your career choice than meets the eye. Unless we were thinking of joining the church as a priest, preacher, or nun, who'd have thought spirituality and our careers would go together? They do and I'll show you how, right now.

Your soul is that part of your being which came from God. The day you were born you already had all the talents, interests and skills you were ever going to need to make a beautiful life for yourself. As we grow older, many of us forget these God-given gifts and the purpose of our birth. But the way we discover who we are is to remember our gifts.

Sometimes our talents are readily noticeable at a very young age, such as with child prodigies. According to author, Rick Chillot, "It's said the Pablo Picasso had an interest in drawing even before he could speak. Perhaps that's why, once he finally could talk, he immediately started demanding that his father (an artist himself) give him his paintbrushes."Today we know that your career is nothing more than one perfect opportunity to make use of your gifts, thereby discovering who you are and why you are here. The whole process involves recognizing your connection to God and finding work that you dearly love. Your career is the perfect outlet for making use of your talents, interests and skills.

It is said that precocious Pablo Picasso refused to start school in Spain unless he was allowed to draw whenever he wanted. Fortunately, his parents and teachers saw the potential and gave him what he wanted. Do you feel that passionate about the work that you do? Is your career like breathing to you?

In a recent New York Daily News article, writer Bill Manville describes spirituality as more than religion, giving way to the idea that God is more involved with our lives than we originally thought. He says, "My belief is the life of the spirit covers a vast rainbow of ideas, religion being only one...but to me, spirituality includes just about every value invisible to your accountant." So, to find the perfect career, you only need the following:

A belief in some kind of God or Spiritual Creator A recognition that you have unique spiritual gifts which include talents, interests and skills A willingness to look deeply within yourself and ask the right questions What are the right questions? Easy.

Why am I here? What is my purpose? What is my favorite skill? What is my favorite talent? What am I most interested in? How can I make use of my favorite skill, talent and interest and make a living, while contributing to society?

Easy, right? Well, maybe not easy, but definitely interesting. You have a purpose and there is a reason why you're here. When will you start?

About the Author

For updates on how to find your best career/personality match go to

Certified Behavioral Therapist and Spiritual Career Counselor, Kathi Calahan is "The Idea Queen" and "Go-To Person" for solutions to your everyday problems. Using the principles of spirituality, she will help you find the work best suited to your personality and Soul's desire. © 2008

Your Soul Already Knows, Finding the Perfect Career For You by Kathi Calahan

The day you were born your Soul brought with it all the skills, talents, interests and hobbies you would need to fulfill your Life's Work and find the perfect career for your personality. But sometimes we forget our purpose and end up working at jobs we don't like.

But you don't have to!

Let's cut right to the chase. If you're working at a job just for the money and it's not enough , you're in the wrong job. There is no reason to work in a career that doesn't pay the bills or make use of your best God-given talents. There's so much to know in finding the perfect career, and I'm going to show you now one of the most important things you should begin your search with.

There is a perfect career for you and your Soul remembers what it is and can help you find it. How? One way is to look at your personality. And your personality is made up of all those skills, talents, interests & hobbies tucked away in the knowledge base of your soul. Some people are quiet, hard workers, others are go-getters. Which are you? By answering the following questions honestly, you will have a great starting point from which to move forward.

Are you an extrovert?

Do you prefer starting a project and leaving the follow-through to others?

Do you mind delivering bad news if it is for the good of the company?

Are you more of an idea person than a colony worker bee?

Are you a visionary who can picture their work goals succeeding months down the road?

If you answered yes to 3 or more of these personality insight questions, then you are much better suited to a career where you are either self employed or working for a company in a management position. It's a start. This knowledge you now have about yourself is vital if you are going to find the career of your dreams. Make a decision right now as to whether you want the responsibility of developing your own business or working in management for an outside company.

If you answered no to most of the above questions, you will find yourself much happier working for someone else. Too many lovely people think they want management positions, or their own business, but their personalities are much better suited to working for someone else. For even more information on finding your true personality and place in the work force, let me show you how.

About the Author

For updates on how to find your best career/personality match go to

Certified Behavioral Therapist and Spiritual Career Counselor, Kathi Calahan is "The Idea Queen" and "Go-To Person" for solutions to your everyday problems. Using the principles of spirituality, she will help you find the work best suited to your personality and Soul's desire. © 2008

Pensacola Lighthouse - A Real Haunted Lighthouse by David Moore

The Pensacola Lighthouse is a real haunted lighthouse. The lightship Aurora Borealis was the first Pensacola Light. A lightship is a permanently moored ship that has a light beacon mounted on it. Due to the persistent occurance of choppy seas, the lightship had to be anchored inside the bay entrance, behind Santa Rosa Island. Due to the location where the lightship had to be anchored, it was very inefficient and provided little benefit as a lightship and in 1824 was replaced by a permanent lighthouse. This new lighthouse and the keeper's dwellingwere constructed for $5,725 and completed in barely two months.
This real haunted lighthouse seems to still be inhabited by its first lightkeeper, Jeremiah Ingraham. Jeremiah moved south from New England in December of 1824 to assume the lightkeeper duties at the Pensacola Light.When he saw how easy it was to grow his grapes, rice, strawberries and other crops, he grew very fond of the tropical Florida climate. After living the solo bachelor life for a couple of years, Jeremiah decided it was time he got married.
The lightkeeper got married in 1826, and three children soon followed.They hired a young Negro boy as an assistant lightkeeper, and soon took on caring for an ailing relative. Even with everyone who was able to do so pitching in to hunt and harvest the crops, there just never seemed to be enough food. This struggle to provide adequate food for everyone caused much stress and became the root cause of frequent heated and violent arguments between Jeremiah and his wife. Jeremiah's wife pressured him constantly, saying he wasn't doing enough, although he seemed to work endlessly.
The constant tension and strife festered for the entire time the couple ran the ligthhouse - about 30 years. The children were all grown and on their own after 30 years, which left Jeremiah and his wife alone in the house.
One night, the reason unknown to this day, Jeremiah's wife woke up in the middle of the night, went downstairs, and retrieved the sharpest knife she could find. Then she went back upstairsand stabbed her husband in the back. While watching him die, she formulated her alibi to make sure she would get away with it. She got rid of the incriminating evidence and reported her husband's death as a hunting accident. Her plan was successful, and she soon took over tending the lighthouse.
Her duties as lightkeeper we made nearly impossible by one malfunction after another. Countless mechanical problems, setbacks and malfunctions seemed to taunt the guilty wife every day. Was it the spirit of her murdered husband tormenting her?
Stories say the murderous wife saw random things fly through the air, heard eerie laughter in empty rooms, saw shadows in the windows of the locked tower at night, frequently smelled the odor of pipe tobacco, and felt freezing cold blasts of air regardless of how hot the fireplace was burning. The Pensacola Lighthouse definitely seems to have the makings of a real haunted house.
Although the old station was completely rebuilt, witnesses say the bloodstain of Jeremiah's murder shows through the floorboards of the upstairs bedroom of the current keeper's house. It doesn't matter how hard it is scrubbed or what cleanser is used, the stain always comes back. A former lightkeeper's son said that when he used to pull the chains to keep the lens turning, he would hear breathing behind him. Visitors have their name eerily whispered into their ear by an unseen presence. Doors open and close by themselves, and footsteps are heard heading to the front door, the door would open and close, the footsteps then head out the door towards the gate, where the gate would open and close, then the footsteps would stop.
Coast Guard crews can't keep the doors locked. They regularly lock them, double-check them, and come back to find them unlocked again. Many of them have experience the essence of the pipe smoke; one even reported actually seeing the smoke. Nearly everyone reports feeling another presence among them when they're in the tower. Still others are startled by the sudden slamming of the hatch to the lantern room, when they know no one is there. Just about everyone who is asked will say this is a real haunted lighthouse.
One of the most convincing reports that this is a real haunted lighthouse happened in the late 1980s. The couple was asked to check the lighthouse to see why the light was out. When they got there, they heard a man pacing and cursing. The husband went upstairs to try to fix the light, while the wife remained downstairs listening to the unseen man ranting, raving, and swearing.At the exact moment the light came back on, the cursing and pacing abruptly stopped. Is it possible that Jeremiah was angry because the light was out and he couldn't fix it?..
This encounter probably provides the best evidence that this just may be a real haunted lighthouse.
The Pensacola Light was fully automated in 1965. In 1971, the Gulf Islands National Seashore was created to help preserve the tower, and Forts Pickens and Barrancas which sit on neighboring land. The lighthouse tower and associated buildings were placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1974.
Until 2007, the Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 17 provided tours of the lighthouse, but they were discontinued due to safety concerns.. The facility remains an active aid to navigation, and in many opinions a real haunted lighthouse.
You can read about more real haunted lighthouses at

About the Author

David Moore writes regularly about spirituality related topics. I hope you enjoy this article.

Kabbalah: The Key to Understanding The Past by Bnei Baruch

Regret, we've all experienced this painful emotion. Phrases like," I wish," "if I had only known," and "if I could do it over" are often verbalized in regard to our lives. We as humans tend to live in the past and often look back to the point that it numbs us to our present situations.
Many would say you should "put the past behind you," and "let bygones be bygones." But as humans we often find this advice impossible to heed. Often our insecurities and doubts make it difficult to focus on what is happening right in front of us.
We continue to feel responsible for situations in our lives and regard our past as something that belongs to us. We attempt to rewrite our histories by looking for something in the future that will take away the hurts and disappointments of yesterday.
What exactly can we influence in our life? There is an ancient prayer that says, "Lord! Grant me the strength to change the things I can change, the courage to accept the things I cannot change, and the wisdom to know the difference".
The teachings of Kabbalah can help us understand our past and grant us the wisdom to know the difference in what we can change and what we cannot. The book of Shamati ("I Heard") is a collection of lessons spoken by Baal HaSulam to his students. The first article begins:
"It is written that "there is none else beside Him," meaning that there is no other power in the world with the ability to do anything against Him. And what man sees, namely, that there are things in the world which deny the household of above, is because He wills it so."
This means that there is a single force, called "Nature" or "the Creator," that guides our development. In other words, everything that ever happened to us was supposed to happen exactly the way it did. This is true regardless of what happened and how it happened. Even if it has brought us to some undesirable, painful, unpleasant result today. Even if at this moment it is really burning, killing us from within, it does not matter. We must accept that everything that happened up until this moment took place because the Creator willed it so.
Kabbalah also teaches us that the Creator's only goal is to fill us with unbounded delight. So how can we reconcile these two seeming contradictions?
According to Kabbalah, mankind's ultimate purpose is to reach a perfect and eternal state where we are in harmony with all of creation. Man is the only aspect of nature that was given the ability to choose to do this. Everything else in the world was created to exist within this harmony as part of its inherent nature. Man, on the other hand, was created with an opposite nature, with an illusion of independence and control. In contrast to Nature's interconnectedness, man operates from egoism - what is best for me. Mankind's task is to transcend this nature in order to partake of the bounty that Nature has provided us.
Nature provides us with situations that will show us the difference between our nature and the altruistic nature we are meant to acquire. When we experience this difference, we perceive it as suffering. Whether we realize it or not, the suffering of humanity is constantly pushing us closer to achieving the harmony that Nature intended.
Kabbalah provides us with a methodology to become consciously involved in our life's process of development. It shows us that we cannot change the past, or even the present. In fact, there is only one thing that we can change: ourselves. By making this internal change, we change everything we see around us.
This does not mean that the painful events of the past are forgotten, or that we will avoid challenges in the future. Instead, these events now provide us with the incentive we need to convince us to work on changing our inherent nature. As we come into alignment with Nature, there will be less and less suffering on both an individual and a global scale. We begin to feel the Creator, and our lives begin to make sense.
Through this connection, we reach the point where we understand that all of our past situations were given to us by the Creator so that we could realize ourselves on a higher level. We can then put the past behind us. We begin to see that all the situations which caused us pain were to awaken the spiritual part of ourselves which is timeless.

About the Author

Bnei Baruch is the largest group of Kabbalists in Israel, sharing the wisdom of Kabbalah with the entire world. Study materials in over 25 languages are based on authentic Kabbalah texts that were passed down from generation to generation.

Online Business Incorporation Services by Keith Baxter

There are many online business incorporation sites that offer differing degrees of incorporation service. Many offer Articles of Incorporation forms and templates for a set fee.
However, these forms and templates are just part of the incorporation process. A complete online business incorporation service provider will also address the paymet of filing fees, franchise fees, business licences, foreign corporation matters and offer standard company bylaws.
They will also address what matters you need to deal with once incorporation is complete.
Incorporate Online Today with one of our recommended specialists.

About the Author

Keith Baxter runs For more information on home based jobs for mothers, please visit her site.

You are God, the Great I Am by Richard Blackstone

You are reading these words because you have invoked the law of attraction to guide you in your spiritual growth and this is the spirituality information you have brought forth. The secret to your life is in understanding the profound message you are about to read. You have beseeched the universe for clarity about who you really are and the universe has responded by telling you that you are God, the Great I Am. I guess that is the message. Every thought that goes through our heads is part of the process. The eternal process of life. Notice that this concept we know of called “death” is just another part of the eternal process called “life.” We could just as easily call this article “God As A Process” but the conditioning we have experienced throughout our lives has attached certain connotations to the label “God.” Just the word “God” implies this all-powerful force embodied in a manner that suggests that this force is separate from us. This is the type of thinking that has taken humanity to the edge of its own self-destruction. The idea that we are separate from God connotes the idea that we are separate from each other, which connotes the idea that we are a separate being from all other things seen and unseen. That is the illusion. That is the belief system that we have been telling ourselves for well over two thousand years of recorded history. That is the paradigm that allows fear to rule our lives and keeps alive this idea that it is acceptable to us, as individuals and societies, that we can actually kill our fellow human beings and justify it. This concept that we are separate from each other, separate from all things (seen and unseen) and separate from God all comes crashing down, like a house of cards, when we begin to understand the true nature of who we really are and our true relationship with “Life As A Process.” So, let us get down to the real nitty-gritty. Who you really are is God. Yes, there is no need to be coy or try to couch our understanding in esoteric hyperbola. You are God, godding. You are experiencing in the physical relative universe everything that you, as God, created from all you know of in the nonphysical, non-relative universe of the absolute. And of course you, as God, know everything. You, as God, know all there is to know but it is your deeply held desire to experience your knowledge. It is in the experiencing of all that you know of as concepts that you can feel the full range of emotions that is the spice of your existence. You, as God, are the quintessential definition of love. You are love in its purest form and this body and identity you have assumed to occupy physical space in is the perfect method to experience the love that you are by having the experience of being what love is not. You, as God, cannot not be love. It is impossible. Love is who you are. Not just love, but pure, unconditional love. Love defined in any other way is not love. Conditional love is an oxymoron. Conditional and love are mutually exclusive concepts. You cannot be love and be conditional about love at the same time. Love is love in its universal, omnipresent form and that is that. That is the love that you really are. You, as God, know this. You, as God, know that the only way to experience love, in all of its different perspectives, is to be in a state that allows you to forget that what you truly are is all-pervasive love and go to another state of being that allows you to experience the opposite of what love is in order to see and know and experience this all encompassing love from every perspective. You, as God, know that all the other aspects of yourself that you know of as other human beings, animals, plants, mountains, trees, oceans, bugs and other universes are all viewing love from their unique perspectives, and all of these perspectives are what makes up the totality of you and this creation of yours called the physical relative universe. You, as God, have desired this, and now you, as God, are experiencing your desire in this fabulous creation of yours that you call the process of life.

About the Author

Richard Blackstone is an author and international speaker on Life, Love and The True Nature of How Things Work. He won the prestigious "America's Next Top Author" award from for his book, "Nuts & Bolts Spirituality." Read his FREE report, "The 3 Simple Immutable Laws of the Universe"at

Resilient Scorpio- The most powerful sign of the Zodiac by Keira Carter

Old and wise beyond the average, scorpios often know all the answers, except sometimes they too often have difficulty finding what they need to develop their own happiness. Scorpio’s element is water, the ruling planet is Pluto,stone is Topaz and life pursuit is to survive against all opposition. Scorpio’s secret desire is to triumph.

Passion, desire and power go hand in hand for Scorpios. Their biggest challenge and test in life is choosing between the power of love and the love of power. Coming to grips with their extraordinary emotional depths and sensitivity isn’t easy for those around them. They are different from all other zodiac signs and this difference has them walking, working and loving to a different beat. Others can often live with a Scorpio partner for years, but not really know them. Much to do with a Scorpio remains ever secret. Their eyes often blaze with feelings that words never express, and beware on the days or nights they hide their feelings behind dark glasses, there is likely to be a storm of some kind brewing. When you deal with a Scorpio you have to always deal with them on a psychic intuitive level. They often wear a mask. Too often they say “no” when they really mean “yes”. They have contrary natures. Once they find true love they can be the most faithful dedicated of all partners, but fall out badly with a Scorpio and you are likely to find they will never forget or forgive.

Most Scorpios are winners. The main thing they have to worry about is their attitudes, which make up their mind powers and can either make or break them. When they are negative about something or someone, or critical of themselves, they can tend to get in their own way.

Signs of the Zodiac

-By Athena Starwoman

About the Author

The Writer Ei Mara used to write for Universal Psychic Guild the online psychics and astrology sites which offer private psychic readings, online psychics through chat, psychic advice and a lot more.

Law of Attraction: Do You Work Too Hard At It? by Joyce Shafer

Do we put too much effort into getting the Law of Attraction to work? Here’s something that transforms it from a struggle into a stream.

Let’s think about what we know.

Law of Attraction is the formula we use to instruct the quantum field about what to manifest into our lives, whether we do this with conscious or subconscious thought. The field follows the patterns imbued in it by Source (God, Universe, etc.) and mirrors our thoughts back to us as experiences. It follows the Law and is impartial as to what we instruct it to do.

We also know, or benefit from knowing, that Absolute Faith equals Absolute Results.

Since the field responds to the thoughts we have the strongest emotions or feelings about, the next consideration would have to be: what does absolute faith feel like?

It doesn’t feel like stress, strain, worry, doubt, or any attempt to enforce our will on it. Such emotions and thoughts as these nurture increased feelings of separation from Source, absence of mindfulness about how the Law works, and our true nature . . . and attract more of what we prefer not to experience. It’s not necessary (nor beneficial) to repeatedly focus on or will a thought form. We can get a clear feeling-sensing-living it image in our minds so the field knows what to create for us, but the powerful energy that makes it happen is to allow it . . . without “irritating” it as we might an insect bite.

I recall having the thought about fifteen years ago that the Source Consciousness is perfect. It can’t lack, be ill, or be confused. Underneath the layers of beliefs, programs, and stories we tell ourselves and others, the truth of what Source is, is also our truth . . . because we’re the same energy, just individual expressions of it. So, only our perceptions can cause us to experience these effects.

Knowing this realization, however, doesn’t mean we immediately integrate it into our thought patterns. More often we take a winding, sometimes frightening journey in the direction of the rainbow where we know the pot of gold waits for us. But, this type of journey is also based in perception, or cause and effect.

If you’ve believed you’re flawed or less in any way, you may perceive there are quite a few layers to let go of before you consistently feel or choose to feel the truth at your center. However, you can feel it sooner than later. You can peel away more than one layer at a time.

The fastest way to get to the core truth of who you are so your Law of Attraction formula works properly is to grasp that you’re an expression of Source and can never be separate from it except in your mind, as well as recognize that Source flows perfectly, with no imperfections, no lack, no fear. Consider the disproportionate attention fear in all its forms gets as an influence in our lives. This influence comes at us from all directions. You can choose to accept that fear is a source you wish to ingest (and regurgitate) or not. Most of the messages we receive from the world tell us we are disempowered, separate from Source and each other, separate from serenity, abundance, creativity, and from our true nature.

The Law works best for us when we are at one with truth about our unity with Source, when we are serene, trusting . . . in a state of absolute faith about who we are.

Alchemy Statement 13 from “Law of Attraction Alchemy: Change Lead Thoughts into Gold states: “I understand that nothing moves but mind, so attend to my thoughts.”

The greatest, most effective thought you can attend to is the truth of Source, which is your own truth as an individual expression of it.

What might you have to let go of for the stream instead of the struggle to be your reality?

About the Author

Get “Law of Attraction Alchemy” by Joyce Shafer now for $3, and her other e-books (I Don’t Want to be Your Guru, How to Have What You REALLY Want/$3 each) when you visit (email her or insert url into your browser if it doesn’t link from here) - Joyce Shafer ( is a Spiritual/Life Empowerment Coach and writer. Feel strength and serenity from your inner p

Tips And Facts About Psychics And Psychic Readers. by Malcolm

Some of the biggest misunderstandings people make around psychics is having an unrealistic expectation of the psychic readers abilities and accuracy when it comes to prediction. Even the best psychic reader is human and are not infallible, like the rest of us they are not perfect. So, why should we expect so much from the person doing the reading for us. There's no doubt that advertising on the TV and in magazines is probably the reason for the level of expectation we have when it comes to psychic readings. There are instances, when many of us would benefit from seeing a good psychic reader, especially when we are feeling confused and lost.

Some tips on what a good psychic reader can and cannot do.

1) Do not ask a psychic to choose the winning lottery numbers, because they can't.

2) A professional psychic medium should not promise to get your boy friend back by casting a spell, if they say they can, their only after your cash. We all have free will so no amount of talisman or spells will make a person return to you if they don't want to. 3) When a individual is scared to move forward it blocks any healing or prayers sent to them. These individuals need to let go of the old and move forward into the new.

4) There are some healers and psychics, who can bring about healing by channeling energy from the divine.

5) A proper psychic reader will not tell you stupid things like what did you have for lunch two days ago, or what did you have for supper today.

6) Good psychics are sensitive to an individuals energy and will use clairaudience, clairsentience or clairvoyance when reading for them. They will always be respectful of a individuals energy.

7) A proper psychic reading should be about self empowerment and personal development. A good psychic clairvoyant will be able to see your potential future, which will allow you to make practical decisions.

8) If you are finding life hard a psychic reading should give you some positive insight on how to change things for the better.

9) Psychics are only human and sadly don't always know the answers to your problems, when this situation arises they should be honest and tell you they can not say anything.

10) The reason for going to a psychic medium is to get answers to any questions you may have about problems and issues in your life.

11) A good psychic clairvoyant can only give you the various options on how to solve your problems, you are the one who has to make the ultimate decision.

12) A professional psychic reader will tell you if there are any issues in the future, this will allow you to make the correct decisions that will smooth out the problem.

If you are not satisfied with the psychic, tell them you wish to stop the consultation. There's no reason you should sit through a reading that is not working for you. Professional psychics will not be upset by this, because they know it's not always possible to make a connection with everyone and may even refer you to another psychic reader.

About the Author

Malcolm is an experienced psychic clairvoyant, psychic tarot reader, and astrologer with over nineteen years experience. For more fantastic tips and articles about psychics, psychic readings, and tarot readings go to

Self Forgiveness by Chris Esty

Live not in yesterday, Look back and you may sorrow. Live precisely for today, Look forward to tomorrow. - J. J. Hulsgen

People have a tendency to think about what they should have done when the time has already been far spent to change what can no longer be altered. Thus, they allow their attention to be drawn to the idea of 'failing' when such failures no longer exist. They no longer exist because they belong to the past, not to the past.

But why is it so hard for people to accept this? Why is it so difficult to forgive the past and move on?

Must we continue to fail all the time when we merely failed once? In other words, just because we failed that does not mean we are still failing. And even if we failed in the same way more than once that does not mean failure is unavoidable. Yet, we often live in failure by allowing the past to keep reminding us of mistakes that we have ceased to make long ago.

Forgiving yourself makes perfect sense then, because there is no point in thinking about what you should have done when there is nothing you can do at the moment to change what has already passed. Instead, it is better to just simply do what you know ought to be done today rather than to think about how things might have turned out if you did it yesterday...

You see, it's not for us to think about what might have happened 'if' we did what we think we were supposed to do, but to put what we know ought to be done into motion 'now', to make positive things happen in the present and to pave the way for a future without regrets. After all, isn't this what self forgiveness is all about?

If you let the failures of your past consume your thoughts and control your emotions you will continue to be its prisoner. Thus, you will never really experience the joy that the present would soon give you if you would open your eyes to the fact that you can act now and start over!

Of course, there might have been situations where you hurt certain people, and can no longer make things right with them as they are not within your reach anymore. However, that still doesn't give you good reason to live in regret, because living in regret is not something that anyone should do, because it will change nothing for the better, but only cause more pain.

There is a positive side to this however, because if you know you should have done something, but didn't do it, at least you can say you are not ignorant of what ought to be done now, right?

So forgive yourself and move on. Stop thinking about what you could have done and start thinking about what you can start doing today. Don't keep slipping into past regrets, but live in the present and gift the future with a legacy of promise and assurance for what can be done when people are willing to act in the 'Now'...

About the Author

For Bible Devotions,Bible Memorization, and deeper reflection in the Word of God, visit:

Kinds of Psychic Abilities by Yogi Raj

Clairsentience This is the ability to get impression that is more feeling in nature. Psychics associated with this ability are called empaths because they can sense the emotions of others.

Clairvoyance A person with this kind of ability can observe things not apparent to others, like receiving a vision of events or a visual sense about a person. This ability is often combined with others and is the most common.

Clairaudience This is the ability to hear things that are outside the normal hearing range. This can be persons who have passed on or a spirit guide. A famous Clairaudient is John Edwards.

Psychokinesis This is the ability to move objects without physical interference. This is a very uncommon ability and even the greats of this ability are questioned in terms of legitimacy. One of those people is Uri Geller, a world renowned spoon bender. To the disbelief of skeptics though, he's shown that he can turn metal objects, such as spoons and forks, from great distances and in several places. And even more strange, is that people who are near him or can hear him while he does his bending can have this ability momentarily.

Psychometry This is the method used by psychics by which they pick up energy patterns from a physical object. We have our own electromagnetic properties and can leave these impressions, like fingerprints, on objects. A psychic using this method will have slight enough sensitivity to pick up those energy fields. This is why psychics like to use objects that were a "favorite" of the person in question, like a hat, ring, or something that only they generally touched. When other individual touch objects, they too leave behind their energy impression which can weaken the reading. Another example of psychometry is people who use Tarot cards or other tools of prediction. They place their hands on the cards, and let the subconscious brain send energy signals back through the hand. This is not to be puzzled with electrokinesis which is the ability to make and expel electricity from our own body.

Remote Viewing This is the ability to see, hear or sense target places unfamiliar to the viewer. This was established by the military and they wished to distinguish it from the label of 'psychic' because it followed strict protocols and the target was often blind (meaning unknown). It can engage all of the psychic senses and is associated with the term bi-location which means the viewer can really feel a hyper reality, as if they were there on place with the target. Some advanced viewers have even said that they can interact with the target, such as swimming in a lake, having a talk with a person (dead or alive) and so on.

About the Author

Yogi Raj is an independent advisor. You can find more information on psychic advisors, psychic tips & listings of psychic reading experts at .

Your Were Born a Champion... by Ralph Henry

You were born a Champion... I would like to share with you how one moment in your life, be it an article, a person, an incident or just a thought or dream can change your life forever. Let me share with you the revelations that changed my life and once understood and applied will forever change your life also. The first thing I learned was (there are no accidents in life, everyone you meet you meet for a reason). Second, I realized (everything that happens be it good or indifferent, happens, and is part of our past). Life is comprised of events and experiences that make us who we are. This allows us to live and make choices from a wiser prospective.

To better convey this thought: "To find the light, one becomes the light, and now can light the way for others". Third, I learned and came to truly understand (Who I am is not necessarily How I am). This really allowed me to forgive myself and love the Divine Greatness in me. This might sound a little strange, let me explain. We generally are challenged by our self image or let me say how we look at our self. Let alone how we look at others. So in a nutshell we constantly judge ourselves and others by our outer appearances, possessions, achievements... you get the picture. This was absolutely life changing for me once I got this. When I understood and started to believe that I was born a Champion and others were too. I started attracting things that were consistent with my self image (Who I Am). We can "NEVER" outperform our own self image or self portrait.

Let me give you an example: imagine a friend that constantly loses his temper, acts up, makes a scene when you go out, etc. Well, you might not like it, but you expect it because that's how he or she is. Now let's say this person has a totally different image or perceived character: focused, successful, organized, healthy, kind, likable, can do anything and every other great quality. That is who they are and you wouldn't expect anything less from them. We do not get out of life what we really want we get what we expect (the law of expectation/attraction). Remember: How you are, is not Who you are. Fourth, and probably the most important is realizing the greatness in others. Remember we are all born Champions. Let me give you an example: have you ever had a misunderstanding with a co-worker, friend? After that incident you form an opinion about that person and say they are a *@#! or something to that effect.

Well from that moment on you will interact with that person different because of how you look at them. We tend to look at ourselves and others based on past events. Here is another thought for you. "Life is not an event it is a process". We sometimes get caught up in events from our past that we tend to not ro allow ourselves to live our present to its fullest. Always remember to speak good to yourself of yourself for that voice is the loudest. Love yourself, so you can love others and you will love your life. May this article touch your thoughts, your heart, and your life.

To Your Success and Happiness, Ralph Henry

About the Author

Ralph Henry, is a Motivational Speaker, Success Coach, and Entrepreneur. His passion and purpose is to teach people how live life on their terms. He does this by sharing his years of experience as a business trainer, martial arts instructor, spiritual leader, and businessman. To Your Success, Ralph Henry

The Soul's Perspective on the World's Crises: the Way to Resolution by Christine Hoeflich

Summary: We can increase our effectiveness in resolving our life challenges (as well as the world's crises) by changing the way we view them. By gaining clear access to the bigger perspective of your soul, you will gain the wisdom, the understanding and the power you need to resolve all your life challenges, regardless of their level of difficulty. You will gain access to your blueprint for success and the realm of miracles. By resolving your own life challenges, you will help resolve the crises on this planet.

The higher self's perspective on life challenges and crises is beginning to emerge in consciousness. For example, Robert Schwartz in his book Courageous Souls: Do we Plan our Life Challenges before Birth? (Dec. 2006) writes that the concept of one's soul actually planning difficult challenges prebirth "presents a new and radical way of looking at the world and our purpose in it."

In his book, Schwartz explores the lives of ten people who have experienced a variety of difficult challenges. Through a process of intense and lengthy exploration (including, at times, deep hypnosis and channeling), he and the ten participants came to understand that their souls had actually planned their challenges so that they would have the opportunity to experience profound spiritual and personal growth. In other words, our souls planned our challenges so that we would grow from them and thus come to know who we are in the face of those challenges. I learned this also about my own life challenges, including the best way to resolve them sucessfully--the process of which I detail in my own book.

If this idea is true for these ten people and for myself, I suspect it's true for all of humanity. And if we can accept that these ideas pertain to everyone, we can use them to benefit all of humanity. Like Schwartz, I do not wish to persuade you or to prove that this is so (it's not something that's provable in the scientific sense anyway, at least not yet), but to offer another perspective that can be profoundly helpful to many at this time. The worldwide crisis isn't just "out there" but affects many people on very personal levels. And just as the macrocosm affects the microcosm, the microcosm affects the macrocosm: our own personal crises do affect the rest of humanity.

In fact, I went further with these ideas and came to understand that because your higher self had planned everything in your life, including your biggest challenges, it has the capacity to complete those challenges successfully, and, by reconnecting with your higher self, you are developing that creative capacity most directly. The way to reconnect with your higher self is the subject of another article, but I stress that reconnecting with your higher self means developing a relationship with it so that you can hear its guidance (your intuition) and trust it enough to follow through on this guidance consistently. As you begin to do this, you will glimpse into your soul's original plan. You will understand why your higher self might have wanted to experience those challenges firsthand and actually feel grateful for them--especially when you find yourself resolving them in new, amazing ways (and helping your fellow man in the process).

If you accept the idea that your higher self had planned your life experiences so that you would come to know yourself as "one who rose to the challenge" and because of this your higher self has all the answers you need to complete those challenges successfully, wouldn't a lot of the fear and inertia that's present in your life be alleviated? Perhaps the "awakening process" that New Age teachers talk about has to do with awakening to your soul's purpose and power. If this is so, then true awakening begins with reconnecting with the higher self, not necessarily with "negating the ego." Undoing the ego and reconnecting with the higher self are two distinct processes. Really, they have nothing to do with one another.

When you reconnect with the higher self, several things occur:

1. You have increasing access to the realm of creativity, inspiration, and guidance in the moment (The soul is your access point to interconnectedness, to your original plan, to your blueprint for success)

2. Following through on the inspiration and guidance results in helpful synchronicities, greater cooperation from the universe, and new insights

3. The new insights result in an organic, gradual (and the least painful) way to change your mindset (regarding yourself, others, and the world)

4. When you change your mindset, you dissolve the ingrained thoughts and outdated beliefs that block your progress and eventual success

5. What results is a progressively stronger relationship and a greater confidence in your higher self, in yourself, and the process continues...

Reconnection with the higher self is an effective vehicle for transformation because the heart and soul can override false and outdated beliefs held by the mind. In fact, when your connection to your higher self is at least as important and as real to you as anything else in your life, you can consider yourself having reached "critical mass." When you reach critical mass, miracles begin to happen much more regularly in your life.

Thus, reconnection is the easiest way to resolve your challenges regardless of the nature of those challenges. And by resolving your own challenges, you will help resolve the crises on this planet.

About the Author

Christine Hoeflich is the author of What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening. Her scientific background and her journey in activating her intuition enable her to explain clearly and simply the underlying laws and principles of the process of life. For further info, please visit her web site.

After efficiently researching Google, I have to wonder if there is a good profit from using adsense templates to gain more traffic to one's site? by Keith Baxter

While my brother and sister-in-law were visiting the other night, they noticed the printouts and forms for adsense template strewn all over the desk in my office. The inquired what all the stuff was all about. He knew of people making money with adsense advertising on their web sites and wondered whether people using the adsense templates actually made money. I made it clear to them that from what I am involved with for some time now, brings steady income for me and my family, if not rich returns nor bad too.

About the Author

Keith Baxter runs For more information on home based jobs for mothers, please visit her site.

Mr Virgo In Love by Caron Bednorze

Mr Virgo is far more analytical than sentimental and intellectual than romantic. He has a passion for order and an infinite capacity for detail that can, at times, consume his life. His attitudes are rather sanctimonious and he cares what people think. He is, therefore, exceptionally concerned with right and wrong, good and bad and how he appears to the world. He likes a woman who will make him look good, but unlike other star signs, his ideal is not based only on physical appearance, but rather upon intellectual achievement and emotional strength.
Even though Mr Virgo would like to love, he may put his emotional needs on the back burner while he devotes himself to his work. He tends to be a workaholic and because his mind is highly disciplined, he has an uncanny way of turning off his feelings in order to get the job done. Although he has an enormous sense of duty, when confronted with a person in need, he will always do whatever he can to help.
Mr Virgo finds drunkenness and violent emotional displays vulgar, just as he shies away from scenes of open sentiment. Control gives him a sense of order in his life, which in turn gives him a sense of security. Mr Virgo needs to be able to put his feelings on hold and coldly take charge of a situation. Second to his control, a semblance of order is necessary to his sense of well-being. Without his tidy piles, well-organised files and bills that are paid on time, Mr Virgo would be even more anxiety-ridden than he normally is.
Even more than love, the most important thing to a Virgo man is his pride in his performance and what he fears most is feeling that he has failed. In all life situations he is concerned with his self-image. Although on the surface he seems strong because he is so disciplined, Mr Virgo is in reality very meek. He is a born worrier who lacks the courage to confront his offenders.
When it comes to women, he needs far less of a glamour girl and more of a woman he can enjoy talking to. Because he is so insecure, he seeks a woman secure enough with herself to make him feel comfortable. Mr Virgo can be loyal, quietly loving and very caring. He is the kind of man who will be by your side when you are sick and who will go out of his way when you need a favour. At the same time, he demands the deepest loyalty and the most harmless flirtation will make him turn abruptly cold.
Because he is so shy, Mr Virgo will be relieved if you take the first step, but please do it in a way that appeals to his perfectionistic nature. He tends to be serious and interested in self-improvement and practical knowledge. Therefore, competence, fitness and a well-informed philosophy on life should get his attention. He is conservative in taste, so look trim and tastefully chic and initiate an intelligent conversation about anything from cars to cookery. The more you know and love to learn, the more he'll be impressed.
If you are looking for a life of glamour, passion and excitement you probably won't find it here, but if you desire a quiet, stable, orderly existence, then Mr Virgo just may be the one for you. However, keep in mind that even if this is a marriage made in heaven, its roots are very much in the earth.

About the Author

Caron Bednorze is an independent writer based in York. SHe loves to write about York incalls and often helps local tourist enjoy their time as a York tourist guide.

How Does A Witch Come Out Of The Closet? by Caron Bednorze

How do you tell your boyfriend or husband that you're a witch? I've heard many stories of wonderful long-term relationships coming to an abrupt end when the unsuspecting partner learns that his apparently ideal mate is a Wiccan or even just interested in the Craft. The fact that there is actually nothing wrong with being a Witch or being interest in any aspect of the occult doesn't seem to matter in the heat of the moment and the trick seems to be in the manner in which the news is broken.
Start by waiting for an opportune moment, when your partner is relaxed and in a talkative mood (i.e. not during an important football match), then lead the conversation slowly into the subject of the occult. Rather than telling him what your interests are, ask your partner what knowledge he has of the occult. Perhaps you could explain that the occult is a very much misunderstood field and that horror movies and cheap novels are largely responsible for the multitude of misconceptions that abound. Ask him what he believes Witchcraft to be and he should then give you a good idea of what he knows about the subject. Depending on his response, try to explain what Witchcraft really is - how it developed, how it was distorted, its reemergence and the way it is practiced today. If he asks how come you know so much about it, just start off by saying that you find the subject very interesting and have read a great deal on it.
The next step is to get your boyfriend to read some of the better books himself. If you mean enough to him, he will be interested enough in your hobbies to read what you suggest. Thereafter you can elaborate on just how interested you are and finally - again at the opportune moment - confide that you are actually a Wiccan. It is more acceptable today to use the word Wiccan rather than Witch and it certainly does help overcome the inbred misconceptions to an extent.
If he clings to the misconceptions after reading and discussing a few books on the subject, ask him why he believes that way. It is actually relatively easy to break down any arguments and show him how illogical they are. However, if he still refuses to accept at least your right to your own beliefs, then you should seriously consider calling off the relationship. It is okay to disagree on minor points, but it is totally unacceptable to have any one person try to impose his beliefs on another or disallow the other the right to their own beliefs.
In my next article ...
Many a clever woman has enjoyed the fruits of long-lasting love by reciting this charm as she stirs rye and pimento into almost every dish. "Rye of earth, pimento of fire, these herbs surely fuel desire. Serve to he whose love I crave and his heart I will enslave!"

About the Author

Caron Bednorze is an independent writer based in York. SHe loves to write about York incalls and often helps local tourist enjoy their time as a York tourist guide.

improving intuition 5 Myths Around Improving Intuition That Aren't True! by Adam Price

Imagine if you had an internal navigation system, sort of like a GPS by improving intuition in yourself, and it never failed you when you listened to it.
If I was to tell you that such an internal system is available to you "right now," you would need to be aware of 5 myths that may get in the way of you using it to solve your problems and challenges in life.
1. It's not enouth to "Trust" yourself, it must be proven scientific provable!
By using, trusting and improving intuition in yourself, you can attract all the happiness, fun, joy, peace and harmony and anything else you desire and deserve into your life.
Every single one of us has a "gut feel" indicator which guides us. It's just that we don't listen to it often enough, because we search for solid evidence to prove our feelings.
You need to TRUST in your own inner intelligence, despite no visual proof. You just need to know that what you feel initially is the "Right" feeling, and you should go with that.
2. You need the approval of checking with others before you decide on something.
How often do you find yourself "holding off" on an otherwise right decision for you because you need the "approval" of your friends, family, boss or whoever before you decide?
More often than not, the outside influence and emotions of others will blur your ability to make accurate "gut level" decisions that will guide you to the right outcomes for you.
3. Trusting in your intuition can be wrong, so you shouldn't rely on that sort of stuff solely!
If you have the ability for improving intution, listening and trusting it, every now and then you're going to get a miss-reading and make an occasional wrong turn. When this happens, don't bury your intuition deeper in miss-belief by not listening to it next time.
Instead, you need to tap into your "real" self, and be still, quite and thoughtful, because in stillness is where your intuition will never fail you, you just need to be quite enough to hear it. You need to know that mistakes will occur while your in transition mode from busy minded to quite mindedness, just be sure to learn from them and know it won't happen again.
This is all part of learning about your true self and what it "sounds" and "feels" like to trust that part of you, and even though it feels uncomfortable at first, if you persist, you will eventually master these feelings and thoughts and be all the better for it.
4. Authority figures are always more right than you are, that's why you need to trust their experience before your own.
There needs to be someone in charge or higher up who knows the answer right? If you can just find that person, everything will be alright and they can lead you in the right direction.
Beware, this belief is a "Trap"! People of high authority and status are also human beings, and if their not creating a process of improving intuition for themselves, you're tapping into a very dangerous source of trust that could damage your life or business more than you know.
By accepting and learning to "let go" of attachement to those you think might have the answers, and feeling that you need their approval before you do things, you'll be allowing yourself to make more accurate and finely tuned decisions in all areas of your life.
5. How can it be possible to find answers from within you?
Most people believe that the answers for all their problems come from external solutions... more money, better job, smart partners or friends, but they seldom seem to look or feel within their own reservoir of inner wisdom and improving intution.
The fact that all of your answers lie within you first and foremost, may have previously fallen on deaf ears for you and your life. But if you take the time to sit in solitude and peace even for a few minutes a day, you're going to experience a realization of life you never imagined before.
Take the time to get to know yourself and your inner wisdom, it will never let you down and within it lies the secret to how it's possible to gain any answer you've ever sought after in your life regarding your business, relationships or any other life circumstance.

About the Author

Adam Price is an information provider and coach on the laws of the universe for life & business. Learn how tap into the powerful laws of the universe in your life by visiting:

Law of Karma by Nit

Its 10 am on a Sunday morning and a baby is born at a posh locality of South Delhi. The parents are overwhelmed with happiness and can’t stop rejoicing as the baby is born after 10 years of their marriage. They are rich and thus pledge that they will provide all comforts of the world to their only child.

At exactly the same time, somewhere in rural Bihar another baby is born. She’s the fifth sibling in the family. Parents are worried as they don’t know how they will feed another mouth when the family is already so poor.

If we look at these two examples, we can imagine about the kind of lives these two children should have been living. A lot of people will ascribe this as the result of the soul’s karma. But the question arises “What is karma and how does it work.” According to Hindu upanishads, Karma means the ‘deed’ or ‘act’ which can be broadly defined into more accepted universal terms of ‘cause’ and ‘effect’. Some parts of it are controlled, like birth, environment etc. but majority are of our own making.

Here the karmas of their last birth led these children into two totally different lives.

We are therefore born with a unique genetic makeup. Our memories and perceptions govern our outlook in any situation we face. Our actions reinforce our memories in a feedback loop-type mechanism and whenever a particular situation arises, we react accordingly. Through understanding of this law, we can adjust our actions to either change an ongoing situation, or gain new perspective on a past situation so that we can avoid repetition of the same mistake.

People generally feel gloomy as memories of some unpleasant events etch out.. This leads to sadness and they start feeling depressed.. The level of enthusiasm recedes and slowly leads them to desperation.. If we can understand the ‘law of karma’ well, these emotional swings can be overcome completely. What we need to do is develop a sense of differentiating between positive and negative thoughts. It’s a long process that needs both patience and practice.

We need to identify our own self and think positive. This does not mean that we start suppressing unhappy memories, as that will lead us to a more focused mind towards events that we want to forget. We can instead work on erasing them from our mind completely by willfully doing so.. This would make negative things irrelevant with time and we would be empowered with the force of optimism within us thus leading towards a happy life. For more knowledge based experience, visit me at

About the Author

I am working as a recruitment consultant & also do freelance wiritng. I believe in offbeat spirituality.

And yes - I am from India

Importance of Birth Chart by JN Pandey

The Sanskrit for Horoscope is "Kundali". The birth chart or natal chart in Sanskrit is then called "Janma Kundali". By definition a horoscope depicts the position of all the planets in heaven for given date, time and sun sign. This date and time is critical because planets are in constant motion and their positions are continuously changing. The horoscope indicates the position of each planet with respect to the 12 zodiac signs. Each Zodiac sign represents 30 degrees of movement for each planet and the 12 Zodiac signs represent 360 degrees movement of each planet. Each planet moves at different speeds and at varying speeds each day. We also do the Astrology sign compatibility so that you can know how compatible you are with your loved ones. Moon is the fastest moving planet, and it takes approximately two and half days to travel through each Zodiac sign.

Ascendant or Lagna: Saturn is the slowest planet among Vedic astrology planets. It takes approximately 21/2 to complete its movement through one zodiac sign. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are even slower than Saturn. Apart from the position of each planet, the other most important parameter of the chart is called Ascendant or "Lagna" in Sanskrit. This is referred to as a point in a particular zodiac sign represented by a longitude expressed in degree, minutes and second and it is computed based on the exact Latitude/Longitude of the place where the particular person is born.

Every place on the surface of the earth has a unique ascendant sign and ascendant degree among the 12 zodiac signs at any given date and time of birth. The Ascendant point signifies the exact eastern horizon at the exact date, time and place of birth of a person. This is the unique space and time signature of a person. The Ascendant sign in the chart is also known as the first house of the chart. Every other sign in the zodiac then becomes the other houses in the chart in the anticlockwise direction. If the Ascendant sign is Aries in a horoscope chart, then the next zodiac sign in the anticlockwise direction is Taurus. Taurus will be considered as 2nd house in the chart. Similarly each of the 12 zodiac signs will then represent 12 houses in the chart. So the natal horoscope chart signifies the individual planet positions in different zodiac signs and the ascendant and 12 houses in the chart based on the date, time and place of birth. This is the permanent chart of an individual, which does not change as the birth details do not change.

Dasha Chart: Every birth chart has a dasha chart, which starts from the date and time of birth and is unique for every individual. This uniqueness comes from the start of the Dasha system for the person. A person's Dasha system can start from any point within the sequence described above. Once the starting point is computed from the birth chart, then it must follow the sequence given above. This starting point is not chosen at random but it follows a definite mathematical logic and is computed from the exact longitude and zodiac sign where Moon is located in the natal horoscope chart.

To analyze smaller time durations in a person's life, the Dasha system (Planet Main Period) can be further sub-divided into Antar Dasha (sub-period) or it can be further divided into 3 rd level of Pratyantar Dasha (sub-sub periods). Theoretically we can create charts even to 5th level covering few hours of a person's life, which is called Sukshma Dasha.

However it is not reliable or practical to create a chart beyond 3rd level as mentioned above because our birth time is never totally accurate, and even if a person has clear birth time recorded at the time of birth, the associated error will be exotically reflected beyond 3rd level and no reliable analysis can be done. Besides there are different opinions among Vedic astrologers on which moment during birth constitutes the actual birth time. I am not going to such controversies in this article. The dasha system reflects that planets deliver their natal promises during their period, sub-period and sub-sub periods as per the person's chart.

The birth chart becomes the main tool in the hands of an astrologer to predict when and what events will take place in a person's life.

About the Author

Visit for Daily Horoscope and Astrology.

Psychic intuition by Tolga Savas

Instincts, we all have them even the animals in the animal kingdom, psychic intuition on the other hand or gut feeling some of us like to use is reserved for us humans. Imagine this for a moment that, you are out having a nature walk in the forest, and in the distance you hear roars that is loud and it stops you in your tracks, you instinctively know in that moment that is danger near by and thought process that is built in your DNA kicks in for you to either look at a place to climb or slowly without drawing the attention of the roars quietly but hurriedly walk away from that uncertain situation.

This instinct to preserve life is the result of evolution for our kind. As we have chosen to live in the big cities we are unfamiliar of the way the nature works, but if we were to travel to visit our Amazonian friends they would react different to the same situation or the Indian friend who are very familiar with living in the nature near lions. And if we further study different living systems of humans we will realize that American Indian tribes have even learned to live side by side with wild wolves. As wolves are territorial animals they usually stand their ground and protect their territories, but their instinct of natives of America are well respected I guess, as these natives were highly spiritual in nature also their psychic intuitions were high on the ladder of understanding of the nature that they lived in.

There are countless documentaries on animal kingdom from the tropics to icy places like the Antarctica, human kind has and is still studying animals and their instincts. But this subject (animal and instinct) is very wide to cover here, so we can say that our instincts are a defense mechanism, warnings and signals to our nervous system that triggers call to action, to safe guard our lively hood. It's our conscious and unconscious mind at work to protect our physical mental emotional psychic.

Psychic intuition on the other hand is somewhat different when it comes to instincts; it is about protecting, understanding ourselves to rather thrive in life. We can consciously come up with meanings about intuition through the flow of information of experiences of our lives and the subconscious knowledge that governs our lives on different levels. This scared and psychic intuition has always been with us to guide us to our true state which is to feel, strong joyous emotions, to complete us to a degree to say; I am - I exist.

You might have heard, a caring mother saying to the child, always follow your gut feeling your intuition, do what's right, mothers instinctively know to protect and guide their children, this is always the case as far as mothers are concerned. Because with or without knowing that, when a person follows its pure gut feeling its psychic intuition we will come to know that the actions followed by this humanly gift will always result in joyous results for all mankind. And unfortunately the dark sides of humans come from not following this psychic gift, it creates wars, it creates unhappiness all the bad things stem from not following this pure gift. Many of us caught in the stream of life forget to pay attention to our psychic intuition powers that reside within us. We tend to look for it when we are faced with dilemma; I believe it can be cultivated to come out in our day to lives.

Your gut feeling at work is your soul trying to communicate to you, chat to you silently and instinctively, when this happens you know to take notice to re valuate to figure out the meaning of this strong feeling, the meanings of these feelings can be better understood, through communicating inwards using all one knows about relaxing, getting to know your spirit, through meditation, thus allowing yourself to follow your psychic intuition

About the Author

Tolga Savas
Gifted psychic clairvoyant offering, real psychic advice, psychic readings, dream analysis, live psychic chat online, dream analysis, psychic chat online, Kumalak the Mirror of Destiny, See the Future that is Now

Spiritual Search Continues On Spirituality by Tolga Savas

Our spiritual quest to understand the universe we live in, has always been there, it has taken us into space it has taken us to see pictures of planet mars, we have made telescopes to see the further corners of magical and awesome vastness that we call our universe. And our advancements, be it mechanical or technological is not that important from the point of view of the universe we live in. Yet in a most sacred way we are the most important, by being aware of its existence, and because we are conscious of its existence and can contemplate it, with so little understanding. But still this little understanding is far greater than a star or even the Milky Way can do on its own.

The human reasoning that is within every logical being, always questions our origins and our purpose. When we look at the world we live in at the moment, we come to see that we place our purpose to a being that many call God. Our populations ninety five percent of it will agree on this and it makes sense for those who live their lives accordingly to their spiritual institutes' teachings. And when we further look at this from a point of view of the follower be it Buddhist, Islam, Hindu or Christian etc, then we see that all these institutes teach one thing very interesting, to live their journeys with feeling and teachings that is pure in its core, and this purity contains kindness gratitude compassion, all the good qualities that a considerate person should possess. On the same token these institutes produce some elements that really do not understand the teachings; rather they understand it blindly, thus straying from the real point of love and kindness for all.

When many of us humans have faith in a being such as God or Buddha or a supreme being and pray or meditate to it, this then takes away the search for us, gives us a belonging with certainty that we have found what our purpose is, and some people old or young are still searching even the devout follower of a sect, is still searching. Because the light we all search for is a growing one. It just gets brighter as we get closer to the truth within our hearts. And that truth many label different yet it is the same. If we were to look at a straight line from the same angle at the same time, then we would all see the same line being straight. Truth cannot be bent. Yet we all have different meaning for it. Which ever makes sense the most, is followed. Exuberance is a good stimulus towards action, but the inner light grows in silence and concentration. When we follow the nature and the nature of things, then the eternal question arises, why? And the answer brings no illumination unless the question has matured to a point where it gives rise to this answer. And then the answer becomes questions fruit.

If we are really intended to find out or concerned with the whole business of our existence then we must remember to learn for ourselves whether there is that being called God, the force beyond all our reason, beyond time and space, beyond what our eyes can see when we stare at the magical nights sky. And some of us really value and place much importance to this universal question of, belonging to it, and learning about it. And that gives depth to life itself and depth to experiencing the sacredness, wholeness, and oneness, completeness. And we are individual in our search, individual sparks, individual lights, and the guardians of our own unique sacredness in our feelings, in our hearts. It is only when we all come together in unity and kindness and compassion and embrace each other. We must not blame our misunderstandings on others.

Then we realize that our purpose is to live in unity, compassion for Love and Beauty and Trust.

About the Author

Tolga Savas

Psychic Clairvoyant offering spiritual guidance, psychic readings, psychic chat online, dream analysis, Kumalak, the Mirror of Destiny, See the Future that is Now

Revenge Sweet Revenge by Max Weiman

Even though the Bible is the biggest "bestseller" of all time, and continues to affect believers and non-believers more than any other book ever written, many people are wholly unfamiliar with the original language. This causes some confusion and misunderstanding especially if you get your religious philosophy from Time magazine. Some misunderstandings regarding the spiritual messages from the Torah can easily be cleared up without spending years studying the language. There are some key mistakes that are the cause of major glitches that should be corrected.

Here is one of the Top Ten Mistranslations- "Ayin tachas ayin" - An eye for an eye. (Ex.-21:24, Lev.-24:20, Deut.-19:21)

Ask your average layman if they are familiar with this phrase and what it means and you'll hear that - of course that is the famous Biblical verse advocating taking revenge on your enemies. Although other peoples all over the world have sanctioned revenge in various forms, even officially in the Code of Hammurabi and Babylonian Law, the Torah is quite clear that revenge is forbidden; it is a transgression stated in Leviticus 19:18 "Thou shalt not take revenge." People think the Torah advocates revenge when in reality it forbids it. This misunderstanding is so pervasive, being misquoted in books and magazines, even by spiritual and knowledgeable people like Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. that it is almost useless trying to convince people otherwise. But if you want to know the real Torah; the one that has guided spiritual people for 3300 years, you should know the truth. It is truly unfortunate that not only do people misunderstand the true message of the Torah, but they use this mistranslation to malign the Jewish people, who historically are shown to be extremely non-vengeful compared with other nations.

Two types of revenge

To be clear, there are two types of "revenge" that need to be separated. One is a private type of revenge where a person takes it upon himself to exact retribution when someone did him wrong. This, the Torah says, is clearly immoral. When we do that we are playing God. It's the Almighty's job to right wrongs, carry out punitive justice and correct the imbalances in the world. When we are slighted we naturally want to retaliate. We want to make things "even". But that feeling is disconnected from God and spirituality. We need to channel those feelings inward and ask why the event happened in the first place. Is there a lesson I need to learn? Am I leaving myself unprotected? Is there a message from the Almighty concerning my spiritual growth? We need to remind ourselves that God still runs the world. If someone stole $100. from me, the Almighty has many ways of returning me the money, and many ways of taking the profit away from the thief. God doesn't need my help in carrying out His justice. Kabbalistic "karma" has many ways to right a wrong. Which leads us to the second type of "revenge".

The second type is a formal revenge that a court of law carries out. The courts, being human, are incapable of carrying out true divine justice. But they do have a duty to provide society with a system of justice that is fair, promotes harmony in society, and presents criminals with punishments or consequences that help prevent crimes against other citizens so we can live in harmony. Every society tries to develop a justice system that is objective and wise. Non-Torah systems sometimes included the possibility for the criminal who maims to be himself maimed. This, even when carried out by an objective court, the Torah also says is not right, and provides an alternative through monetary compensation. We are instructed NOT to carry out either of these two types of revenge.

Courts of Law

So what does this phrase an eye for an eye mean in the Torah? It is a poetic phrase in the context of court cases and instructions for judges. If a person injures another to the point of causing that person to lose an eye, there is a monetary fine paid. An eye is priceless and can't be replaced, but the court is mandated to issue a fine nonetheless. Some say it also means that the aggressor should feel as if they deserves to have his/her eye taken out, but of course the courts are not going to do that. (On a side note, an interesting commentary by Rabbi Eliahu of Vilna explains that since the word "tachas" literally means "under", you can look at the Hebrew letters that spell "ayin" which are ayin, yud, nun, and pick out the letters underneath which are pey, chaf, samech, - the letters that spell "kesef", the Hebrew word for money.)

One eye is taken for an eye

If your neighbor leaves a severed pig's head on your porch, you will naturally feel like retaliating. As is often the case, human beings seem to be projecting their feelings onto the Torah and finding a phrase that supports their feelings. We would like to carry out revenge or have the court carry out revenge, so we justify it by attaching our feelings to this phrase. In fact, this phrase is so catchy and poetic that books, movies, and popular songs like "Bad Moon Rising" have used it many times. But our feelings are holy and come from a good place, even our negative feelings. We want revenge because we crave justice and expect the world to work in a fair and honest way. Justice is part of Godliness and something our soul clings to strongly. But when this feeling gets confused with personal hurt, we channel it into the wrong direction. Whenever we feel personal hurt, the spiritual challenge is to try to channel it back to God. Seek His advice how to channel those feelings in the right direction through prayer, introspection, and understanding. Of course if we are legally allowed to seek payment for damages we should do so through an objective third party legal system. But ultimately the Almighty runs the world.

In short, the Torah advocates an official system of justice with courts and judgments that preclude personal vengeance, while clearly stating that personal revenge is a transgression. There is no room for doubt in this matter. Please spread the word.

About the Author

Max Weiman teaches spiritality, mysticism, and kabbalah on the web. His new book A Simple Guide to Happiness: From a mystical perspective, is available on