Summary: We can increase our effectiveness in resolving our life challenges (as well as the world's crises) by changing the way we view them. By gaining clear access to the bigger perspective of your soul, you will gain the wisdom, the understanding and the power you need to resolve all your life challenges, regardless of their level of difficulty. You will gain access to your blueprint for success and the realm of miracles. By resolving your own life challenges, you will help resolve the crises on this planet.
The higher self's perspective on life challenges and crises is beginning to emerge in consciousness. For example, Robert Schwartz in his book Courageous Souls: Do we Plan our Life Challenges before Birth? (Dec. 2006) writes that the concept of one's soul actually planning difficult challenges prebirth "presents a new and radical way of looking at the world and our purpose in it."
In his book, Schwartz explores the lives of ten people who have experienced a variety of difficult challenges. Through a process of intense and lengthy exploration (including, at times, deep hypnosis and channeling), he and the ten participants came to understand that their souls had actually planned their challenges so that they would have the opportunity to experience profound spiritual and personal growth. In other words, our souls planned our challenges so that we would grow from them and thus come to know who we are in the face of those challenges. I learned this also about my own life challenges, including the best way to resolve them sucessfully--the process of which I detail in my own book.
If this idea is true for these ten people and for myself, I suspect it's true for all of humanity. And if we can accept that these ideas pertain to everyone, we can use them to benefit all of humanity. Like Schwartz, I do not wish to persuade you or to prove that this is so (it's not something that's provable in the scientific sense anyway, at least not yet), but to offer another perspective that can be profoundly helpful to many at this time. The worldwide crisis isn't just "out there" but affects many people on very personal levels. And just as the macrocosm affects the microcosm, the microcosm affects the macrocosm: our own personal crises do affect the rest of humanity.
In fact, I went further with these ideas and came to understand that because your higher self had planned everything in your life, including your biggest challenges, it has the capacity to complete those challenges successfully, and, by reconnecting with your higher self, you are developing that creative capacity most directly. The way to reconnect with your higher self is the subject of another article, but I stress that reconnecting with your higher self means developing a relationship with it so that you can hear its guidance (your intuition) and trust it enough to follow through on this guidance consistently. As you begin to do this, you will glimpse into your soul's original plan. You will understand why your higher self might have wanted to experience those challenges firsthand and actually feel grateful for them--especially when you find yourself resolving them in new, amazing ways (and helping your fellow man in the process).
If you accept the idea that your higher self had planned your life experiences so that you would come to know yourself as "one who rose to the challenge" and because of this your higher self has all the answers you need to complete those challenges successfully, wouldn't a lot of the fear and inertia that's present in your life be alleviated? Perhaps the "awakening process" that New Age teachers talk about has to do with awakening to your soul's purpose and power. If this is so, then true awakening begins with reconnecting with the higher self, not necessarily with "negating the ego." Undoing the ego and reconnecting with the higher self are two distinct processes. Really, they have nothing to do with one another.
When you reconnect with the higher self, several things occur:
1. You have increasing access to the realm of creativity, inspiration, and guidance in the moment (The soul is your access point to interconnectedness, to your original plan, to your blueprint for success)
2. Following through on the inspiration and guidance results in helpful synchronicities, greater cooperation from the universe, and new insights
3. The new insights result in an organic, gradual (and the least painful) way to change your mindset (regarding yourself, others, and the world)
4. When you change your mindset, you dissolve the ingrained thoughts and outdated beliefs that block your progress and eventual success
5. What results is a progressively stronger relationship and a greater confidence in your higher self, in yourself, and the process continues...
Reconnection with the higher self is an effective vehicle for transformation because the heart and soul can override false and outdated beliefs held by the mind. In fact, when your connection to your higher self is at least as important and as real to you as anything else in your life, you can consider yourself having reached "critical mass." When you reach critical mass, miracles begin to happen much more regularly in your life.
Thus, reconnection is the easiest way to resolve your challenges regardless of the nature of those challenges. And by resolving your own challenges, you will help resolve the crises on this planet.
About the Author
Christine Hoeflich is the author of What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening. Her scientific background and her journey in activating her intuition enable her to explain clearly and simply the underlying laws and principles of the process of life. For further info, please visit her web site.
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