Saturday, August 23, 2008

You are God, the Great I Am by Richard Blackstone

You are reading these words because you have invoked the law of attraction to guide you in your spiritual growth and this is the spirituality information you have brought forth. The secret to your life is in understanding the profound message you are about to read. You have beseeched the universe for clarity about who you really are and the universe has responded by telling you that you are God, the Great I Am. I guess that is the message. Every thought that goes through our heads is part of the process. The eternal process of life. Notice that this concept we know of called “death” is just another part of the eternal process called “life.” We could just as easily call this article “God As A Process” but the conditioning we have experienced throughout our lives has attached certain connotations to the label “God.” Just the word “God” implies this all-powerful force embodied in a manner that suggests that this force is separate from us. This is the type of thinking that has taken humanity to the edge of its own self-destruction. The idea that we are separate from God connotes the idea that we are separate from each other, which connotes the idea that we are a separate being from all other things seen and unseen. That is the illusion. That is the belief system that we have been telling ourselves for well over two thousand years of recorded history. That is the paradigm that allows fear to rule our lives and keeps alive this idea that it is acceptable to us, as individuals and societies, that we can actually kill our fellow human beings and justify it. This concept that we are separate from each other, separate from all things (seen and unseen) and separate from God all comes crashing down, like a house of cards, when we begin to understand the true nature of who we really are and our true relationship with “Life As A Process.” So, let us get down to the real nitty-gritty. Who you really are is God. Yes, there is no need to be coy or try to couch our understanding in esoteric hyperbola. You are God, godding. You are experiencing in the physical relative universe everything that you, as God, created from all you know of in the nonphysical, non-relative universe of the absolute. And of course you, as God, know everything. You, as God, know all there is to know but it is your deeply held desire to experience your knowledge. It is in the experiencing of all that you know of as concepts that you can feel the full range of emotions that is the spice of your existence. You, as God, are the quintessential definition of love. You are love in its purest form and this body and identity you have assumed to occupy physical space in is the perfect method to experience the love that you are by having the experience of being what love is not. You, as God, cannot not be love. It is impossible. Love is who you are. Not just love, but pure, unconditional love. Love defined in any other way is not love. Conditional love is an oxymoron. Conditional and love are mutually exclusive concepts. You cannot be love and be conditional about love at the same time. Love is love in its universal, omnipresent form and that is that. That is the love that you really are. You, as God, know this. You, as God, know that the only way to experience love, in all of its different perspectives, is to be in a state that allows you to forget that what you truly are is all-pervasive love and go to another state of being that allows you to experience the opposite of what love is in order to see and know and experience this all encompassing love from every perspective. You, as God, know that all the other aspects of yourself that you know of as other human beings, animals, plants, mountains, trees, oceans, bugs and other universes are all viewing love from their unique perspectives, and all of these perspectives are what makes up the totality of you and this creation of yours called the physical relative universe. You, as God, have desired this, and now you, as God, are experiencing your desire in this fabulous creation of yours that you call the process of life.

About the Author

Richard Blackstone is an author and international speaker on Life, Love and The True Nature of How Things Work. He won the prestigious "America's Next Top Author" award from for his book, "Nuts & Bolts Spirituality." Read his FREE report, "The 3 Simple Immutable Laws of the Universe"at

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