Saturday, August 23, 2008

God - How to Find Work You Love by Kathi Calahan

Growing evidence makes it clear that now is the time to get a firm grasp on your career directions.

And I can help you do this.

KFYR - TV news reports

The Bureau of Labor Statistics shows 8.5 million Americans were out of work in May 2008. New legislation now extends unemployment benefits from 12-26 weeks to and additional 13 weeks. "You could scour the job listing for weeks and still not find the job that's right for you."

It is apparent that a need to re-evaluate our career planning is in order, and it's a good idea to do this before we need it. Most of the time we go about it backwards. Normally we look to see what jobs are available and hope our skills can meet and beat the competition of job seekers. What I'm asking you to do is reverse the order.

Do some soul searching and find out what you have to offer and then go out and find the career that matches your personality.


Ask yourself these seven very important questions

Do I have marketable skills which match my interests? What life values are important to me and do they match my employer's values? Is my travel time excessive to and from work? Do I like the people I work with? Do I work better in groups or alone? If I like my job, can I improve my skills to make me more valuable to my employer? Do I have a career plan? If you are not yet sure where to start finding a job you will love and you want to make a plan before you need it, ask a career adviser for help. And remember these universally spiritual truths:

You have God-given skills, unique to you.

Your skills are designed to move you into a satisfying career.

There is a purpose to your life and your career is but one way of expressing your purpose.

God is on your side and will help you succeed in finding work that you love.

Make a career plan today and start by asking yourself the above questions while remembering your spiritual truths. Then go ask for help.

About the Author

For updates on how to find your best career/personality match, go to Certified Behavioral Therapist and Spiritual Career Counselor, Kathi Calahan is “The Idea Queen & Go-To Person” for solutions to your everyday problems. Using the principles of spirituality, she will help you find the work best suited to your personality and Soul’s desire. © 2008

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