The day you were born your Soul brought with it all the skills, talents, interests and hobbies you would need to fulfill your Life's Work and find the perfect career for your personality. But sometimes we forget our purpose and end up working at jobs we don't like.
But you don't have to!
Let's cut right to the chase. If you're working at a job just for the money and it's not enough , you're in the wrong job. There is no reason to work in a career that doesn't pay the bills or make use of your best God-given talents. There's so much to know in finding the perfect career, and I'm going to show you now one of the most important things you should begin your search with.
There is a perfect career for you and your Soul remembers what it is and can help you find it. How? One way is to look at your personality. And your personality is made up of all those skills, talents, interests & hobbies tucked away in the knowledge base of your soul. Some people are quiet, hard workers, others are go-getters. Which are you? By answering the following questions honestly, you will have a great starting point from which to move forward.
Are you an extrovert?
Do you prefer starting a project and leaving the follow-through to others?
Do you mind delivering bad news if it is for the good of the company?
Are you more of an idea person than a colony worker bee?
Are you a visionary who can picture their work goals succeeding months down the road?
If you answered yes to 3 or more of these personality insight questions, then you are much better suited to a career where you are either self employed or working for a company in a management position. It's a start. This knowledge you now have about yourself is vital if you are going to find the career of your dreams. Make a decision right now as to whether you want the responsibility of developing your own business or working in management for an outside company.
If you answered no to most of the above questions, you will find yourself much happier working for someone else. Too many lovely people think they want management positions, or their own business, but their personalities are much better suited to working for someone else. For even more information on finding your true personality and place in the work force, let me show you how.
About the Author
For updates on how to find your best career/personality match go to
Certified Behavioral Therapist and Spiritual Career Counselor, Kathi Calahan is "The Idea Queen" and "Go-To Person" for solutions to your everyday problems. Using the principles of spirituality, she will help you find the work best suited to your personality and Soul's desire. © 2008
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